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The mistake every new game developer makes (Developing 2)

853K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

"Developing a game? Here's where you start" by Mark Brown discusses the crucial question of where to begin when developing a game, using his past experiences and mistakes as examples. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on game design as the foundation, rather than getting caught up in other elements like story and graphics too early, which can lead to a flawed and unsalvageable project. Game Makers Toolkit's Mark Brown focuses on creating a game prototype in Unity, which involves implementing a magnetic mechanic using simple art and basic coding. As he refines the prototype, new and more interesting ideas emerge, demonstrating the value of the prototyping process in game design. The video discusses the process of creating a game prototype using Unity, focusing on the development of a magnet-based gameplay mechanic that allows for platforming and puzzle elements. The creator emphasizes the importance of staying disciplined and not getting distracted by extraneous details during the prototyping phase. The video concludes with the creator expressing excitement for the potential of the game prototype and pondering the next steps in the development process.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The video introduces the idea for a 2D side-scrolling platform game with a unique magnetic twist.
The game is inspired by the magnetic glove power-up in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.
The character in the platformer can repel away from some platforms and attract to others by changing polarity.
The goal is to create a fast-paced 2D platformer similar to Celeste or Super Meat Boy, focusing on mastering magnetism for speed and precision.
The creator discusses their past mistakes when starting game development.
In the past, the creator has struggled to finish games due to starting in the wrong manner.
They show a folder of notes and sketches for a game called 'Carter's Curse' that was never completed.
The creator jumped into developing the game without considering gameplay depth and strategy, resulting in a shallow and repetitive experience.
The mistake was prioritizing art and animation over gameplay, which is the foundation of a good game.
The importance of prioritizing game design as the foundation for a successful game is emphasized.
Game design is the foundation upon which all other parts of the game sit.
Spending too much time on art and animation without solid gameplay can lead to a flawed project.
Prioritizing story and graphics ahead of gameplay has been a recurring mistake for the creator.
Two wrong assumptions made: assuming the game will be fun because it feels cool in the creator's head, and believing that the game's fun factor can only be realized after it's built.
Game designers use prototypes to test if game ideas are fun and worth pursuing.
Prototypes are small, scrappy test beds for game ideas.
They are used to test if game mechanics are fun and interesting.
Prototypes are built quickly with basic features to see if the idea works as a strong foundation for the game.
The video game prototype focuses on a character with magnetic abilities.
The prototype in Unity allows the character to move left and right, jump, and attract towards a magnet.
Initially, the code for attracting towards the magnet had some problems, but the use of a point effector in Unity made it easier to implement.
The second prototype introduces the concept of the character being able to pick up and hold the magnet, allowing for new gameplay possibilities.
New ideas and gameplay mechanics emerge during the prototyping process.
Replacing the character with a magnet led to the idea of the character being able to pick up and hold the magnet.
Having the magnet as a separate object from the character allows for more control and opens up new gameplay possibilities.
The prototype led to the discovery of sprite shapes in Unity, which allows for fast and easy level design.
Prototyping is not just about testing ideas but also generating new and better ideas.
Games like Crypt of the NecroDancer evolved to include new and more interesting mechanics during the prototyping phase.
Prototypes in Unity led to the discovery of sprite shapes for quick level design and the use of a character control script for better movement.
The magnet mechanic in the game allows for various uses such as creating platforms, connecting to a piston for propulsion, and switching polarities for different effects.
The magnet can be thrown at a wall to create a platform.
It can be connected to a piston and then disconnected to send it flying.
Switching the magnet's polarity allows the player to jump between two conveyor belts or to shoot themselves up in the air.
The prototype for the game has been created in Unity and it feels fun and original, combining platforming and puzzle-based gameplay.
The game idea is considered to have potential due to its originality and the ease of generating different levels.
Prototyping phase helps to test if a game idea is good and can lead to new ideas emerging.
Discipline is required to focus on gameplay and not get distracted by extraneous elements.
Building a prototype helped the developer test and validate the game idea, leading to a strong foundation for further development.
Previous games were built with blind hope, but now the developer feels more confident with a solid foundation.
The prototype was scrapped and refocused on important aspects before achieving a fun and promising result.
The idea for the game came from 'The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons'.
The developer drew inspiration from 'The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons' for the game idea.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What is the idea for the game being developed?

The idea for the game is a 2D side-scrolling platform game with a unique twist where the character is magnetic, featuring the ability to repel away from some platforms and attract to others.

2. What important question is discussed when starting game development?

The important question of where to begin when developing a game is discussed, emphasizing the potential disastrous outcome if the wrong direction is taken at the start.

3. What is highlighted as the vital first step in game development?

The vital first step in game development is emphasized as a crucial decision, as taking the wrong direction at the start can lead to disastrous results for the project.

4. What lesson is shared from a previous game development experience?

The lesson of starting game development with the right foundation, particularly focusing on game design as the crucial element that can make or break a project, is shared from a previous game development experience.

5. Why is the importance of focusing on game design emphasized at the beginning of game development?

The importance of focusing on game design at the beginning of game development is emphasized due to its crucial role as the foundation that can ultimately make or break a project.

6. What is the importance of building a game prototype?

Building a game prototype is important to test if a game idea is fun or not, and to determine if it's worth pursuing. It allows game designers to see if the game idea works and if it can serve as a strong foundation for the rest of the game.

7. How can game prototypes contribute to the generation of new and better ideas?

Game prototypes can contribute to the generation of new and better ideas by allowing designers to discover and explore potential improvements or enhancements to the original idea. As demonstrated in the video, prototypes are a way to test and prove the validity of an idea, as well as a way to generate new and even better ideas.

8. What are the key benefits of using Unity for game development, as shown in the video?

The video demonstrates the use of Unity for game development, showcasing its capabilities in building a game prototype. It highlights the convenience of using Unity's built-in components and features, such as the point effector and sprite shapes, to quickly create and iterate on the prototype.

9. How did the process of creating a game prototype lead to the discovery of new gameplay possibilities?

The process of creating a game prototype led to the discovery of new gameplay possibilities by allowing the designer to explore different ideas and mechanics. In the video, the original game idea evolved into a more interesting concept during the prototyping process, showcasing how prototypes can help uncover new and innovative gameplay elements.

10. What is the role of game prototypes in helping game designers make informed decisions about the direction of their games?

Game prototypes play a crucial role in helping game designers make informed decisions about the direction of their games by offering a tangible and testable version of the game idea. They provide valuable insights and data that allow designers to evaluate the fun factor and potential of the game, ultimately guiding the decision-making process for the game's development.