00:04palms are sweaty knees weak arms are
00:07heavy there's vomit on his sweater
00:08already mom spaghetti I'm not sure why I
00:12said that but I said it or a sh price
00:14once said innards Leonard skinnard why
00:17did I say that not to [ __ ] up the E and
00:20flow of set track Dr pack here we're
00:23back with another video and today we're
00:25going to talk about a few things that
00:27many of you may be overthinking while
00:30you're in the gym starting exercise
00:33technique is not something you should be
00:35losing your mind over again if you are a
00:38bodybuilder especially a professional
00:39bodybuilder an absolute muscle geek who
00:42loves looking at exercise technique and
00:46you have much more fun by adjusting
00:50every sort of exercise and watching
00:51videos and attending courses all for it
00:54nothing wrong with that absolutely
00:55nothing wrong with that but for you
00:57other person who doesn't care about that
00:59stuff just make sure that your gym
01:02etiquette is on point that you're not
01:05YOLO freaking it with your Technique yes
01:07this a scientific term where you're
01:09using a ton of external momentum and
01:11every time you go to the gym you do
01:13something insanely different I've talked
01:15about standardization on another video
01:17but yeah the idea that you need to have
01:20this sort of a ball textbook technique
01:24every time and slight deviations are
01:26going to lead to you not making gains is
01:28simply BS just keep things relatively
01:31strict obviously watch a few videos on
01:33how to perform exercises those will
01:35cover you make any adjustments that you
01:37need to make based on you know your own
01:41characteristics and that's pretty much
01:43it now obviously you can always optimize
01:45and make slight adjustments for things
01:47to feel better but don't overthink it
01:50like the most basic technique guidelines
01:52are going to tick most if not all of
01:55your boxes as far as making really solid
01:58grow second thing that you may be
02:00overthinking is how long you should rest
02:02between each set now obviously the very
02:05simple guideline of hey rest until
02:07you're ready to get to the next set
02:09doesn't seem to uh satisfy everybody
02:11because some people are like how will I
02:13know if I'm arrested enough I am going
02:15to argue that even if on paper we were
02:18to put some magical device inside
02:21you with your consent and it was to say
02:24that you're not 100% ready when you're
02:26going for your set and you're 95% ready
02:29as as long as you're able to you know be
02:33within the rep range that you've set for
02:34yourself get close to failure and
02:36performance is not dropping massively
02:38from set to set you're definitely
02:40covered you don't need to think about uh
02:42whether you rested for an extra 20
02:44seconds or 30 seconds keep in mind that
02:47in the literature and we are currently
02:49performing a meta analysis on rest
02:51periods to see what's really the deal
02:54even with very short rest periods
02:56although one could argue that you could
02:58be looking at less hypertrophy as long
03:00as you are performing a few extra sets
03:03to make up for you know volume that you
03:05may have lost by resting less it's
03:07likely that you're more than fine and
03:09again in our context you're definitely
03:11fine like there's no doubt about it
03:14obviously if again you're the one crazy
03:16person who goes to the gym and uh rests
03:19for 3 seconds between each set and ends
03:21up doing a set of 10 a set of one a set
03:23of half and a set of zero reps obviously
03:27yeah I'm not talking about that one
03:28person but even if if you were to rest
03:30only for like 30 to 60 seconds for every
03:32exercise you may if you're looking at
03:35absolutely maximizing gains you may need
03:36to perform a few more sets to make up
03:39for a volume lost but at the end of the
03:41day you will make amazing gains and
03:43you're fine rest for as long as you need
03:45don't take the piss which is a UK
03:47expression for do not be an absolute
03:49a-hole with how you treat your rest and
03:51rest for 25 minutes then you not do that
03:54on the other side of the extreme where
03:56you rest for 5 seconds but even if you
03:58do it's not really a big
04:01deal third on the list we have following
04:04your program to a team now if you're
04:07working with a coach obviously respect
04:09your coach and do whatever you've agreed
04:12to do but at the same time if you're not
04:14working with a coach and you're just
04:16following a program the idea that if you
04:18do an extra exercise or you slightly
04:21change the exercise on the program to
04:22something else or instead of three sets
04:24you do two sets or you do four sets or
04:27on one day you add some sets or you do
04:29the bit bit of extra Cal work at the end
04:31really not a big deal again do not miss
04:35the forest for the tiny trees that are
04:38on the floor they're not real trees
04:40somebody has left some garbage over
04:42there and you can't really see what it
04:43is and you're like is that a tree and
04:45then you start arguing with your
04:46significant other and he or she is like
04:48no that's not a tree this is some
04:50garbage and you're there for 3 hours and
04:51then you end up ruining your
04:53relationship because of that minute
04:55argument don't be that person the idea
04:58that if you go off your program keep in
05:00mind that your program was not created
05:02by you know scientists that studied you
05:05over years and found the optimal program
05:07that must be followed to an absolute te
05:09obviously if you have some structure and
05:11you want to follow a certain program
05:13that you've seen online and you've seen
05:14people say hey this program program
05:16worked really well for me it's in your
05:18best interest to try and replicate that
05:19as closely as possible but at the end of
05:21the day if you're taking basic boxes
05:23like intensity of effort volume and
05:26obviously consistency adding or
05:27subtracting things is not going to make
05:30even if you were to completely change
05:31the program again as long as you're
05:33taking those boxes you're fine but then
05:35you would obviously not be following
05:37that program and again if you're
05:40somebody who doesn't know much about
05:42programming you know you may not want to
05:44go down that road because you may feel
05:46like your program is not solid enough
05:47because it's a different program but
05:49overall do not lose your mind or
05:52overthink whether it's okay to make some
05:54subtle changes to a program that you're
05:57following you may also be overthinking
06:00progression now it's important to if
06:03you're trying to get absolutely jacked
06:05out of your mind and obviously strong to
06:07make sure that things are progressing if
06:10you're still doing the same weight on
06:11the lat cool down as you were doing a
06:13few years ago it's likely that you're
06:15very far away from failure and you're
06:16not pushing yourself hard because you've
06:18now adapted to that weight and you know
06:20things are not looking that great as far
06:23as gains go but there's no need to
06:26overthink progression just do your best
06:28if you're somebody who again is
06:30interested in hypertrophy and is
06:32interested in getting jacked do your
06:34best every time you go to the gym unless
06:36obviously you have a coach or a program
06:38that has some pre-build progression in
06:41but even in those cases just do your
06:42best every time to either add a bit of
06:45weight or add an extra rep here and
06:48there on whatever lift you're performing
06:50there's no need to overly lose your mind
06:53about whether you need some specific
06:54periodization scheme or you need to be
06:57adding reps on one week and then wait on
06:59the other week or if if it's better to
07:01wait two weeks before you add uh the
07:04extra rep and if it's better to add that
07:07extra rep on the first set or the second
07:09set just make sure that over time
07:11overall you can take a step back look at
07:15how you were performing 3 months ago
07:17compare that to now and be like okay
07:19I've pretty much added weight and or
07:21reps on most if not all
07:25things last thing that you are probably
07:28overthinking and that's exercise
07:31selection it is not that deep honestly
07:36if again to to give you a silly example
07:39if you were to go to any gym and select
07:41two to three exercises per body parts
07:43based on the machines that the gym has
07:46assuming you don't go to the worst gym
07:47in the world that has a squat rack and
07:49three dumbbells but if you were to go to
07:51any commercial gym in the UK or the
07:53United States any known chain pick three
07:56exercises two to three machines for each
07:58body part those for the the rest of your
08:00life you'd probably make amazing gains
08:04if you're somebody who is in their you
08:06know first second third fourth fifth
08:08year of your training losing your mind
08:11over whether the barell bench press and
08:13the Dumbo fly are your best options if
08:16those exercises feel good and you're
08:18progressing well on them totally fine
08:21again nothing wrong with playing around
08:24with exercises and learning new
08:26exercises totally fine I'm not saying
08:28just Barber lifts and and dumbbells and
08:30the basics are King but do not lose your
08:33mind over it don't overthink exercise
08:35selection it's not that deep and as far
08:38as direct literature goes it's not that
08:40we have a whole lot for me or for
08:43anybody to tell you hey these 20
08:45exercises are going to lead to
08:48substantially more muscle growth than
08:50other exercises we do have some evidence
08:52on things like seated versus standing
08:54Cal phrases where standing Cal phrases
08:57are superior to the seated Cal phrase
09:00and if you're trying to Target the long
09:02head of the tricep doing some overhead
09:04tricep work is a good idea and that's
09:06why I said picking two to three
09:07exercises per body part even if you were
09:10to randomly pick them it's likely that
09:12You' pick those boxes anyways but if you
09:15watch any basic YouTube video on
09:18exercise selection from a relatively
09:20reputable Source or at least a video
09:21that has a lot of views it's very
09:23unlikely that you're going to leave
09:24games on the table because you selected
09:26the wrong exercises sure there's the one
09:29person out there who's still doing just
09:31seated Cal raises and they are possibly
09:34missing out on Cal Gaines but if your
09:36calvs are not growing whatsoever you've
09:38also probably looked into alternative
09:40exercises and have probably tried the
09:42one other exercise extreme examples
09:44aside nothing to lose your mind
09:48over and that brings me to the end of
09:51the video it is yet another ADHD
09:54Extravaganza here with your favorite
09:56doctor not a physician real doctor Dr
10:00pack with his own personal sign don't
10:02forget to like subscribe hit the
10:04notification icon hit the door on your
10:07way out uh after you leave your office
10:09or your room where you are watching this
10:11video and you are now absolutely fuming
10:15with the BS that people have been
10:16fitting you about all the things that I
10:18told you to not overthink and I'll see
10:20you in the third camera pretending I