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How a pro colorist handles crushed blacks

Cullen Kelly2024-03-08
26K views|4 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video emphasizes the importance of understanding client feedback in color grading, optimizing exposure in photography, adjusting low-end tones, shaping tonality and contrast, and aligning with the client's creative vision for successful color grading. It highlights the significance of effective communication, shared understanding of images, and collaboration to deliver desired results efficiently and create visually appealing final images. The video also promotes a colorist career accelerator course focused on client management skills and effective collaboration to prioritize client needs in color grading projects.

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Importance of client feedback in color grading.
Asking the right questions to align on visual interpretation is crucial.
Viewing the same screen together ensures a shared understanding of the image.
Prevents discrepancies between different displays and facilitates better communication with clients.
Confirming that both parties see the same thing helps avoid misinterpretations and deliver desired results efficiently.
Importance of Optimizing Exposure in Photography.
Subjects must be well exposed for optimal results.
Evaluating exposure levels based on client feedback and adjusting accordingly is crucial.
Shaping tonality and contrast in the image is the next step, examining histograms and scopes for guidance.
Techniques for adjusting low-end tones are highlighted, such as using custom curves or adjusting lift settings.
Tips for improving image quality through exposure adjustments.
Open up the low end and avoid crushed blacks to enhance texture and dimension.
Use custom curves and separate nodes for tonality adjustments.
Make small nudges to make a big difference in image perception without drastic changes.
Provide client feedback on minor adjustments to impact the final result positively.
Importance of Shaping Image Ends for Color Grading.
Different approaches for shaping the low and high ends of an image are discussed for impactful color grading.
Recurring feedback is crucial for indicating necessary adjustments to achieve the right look.
Refining the look can be done by revisiting contrast and incorporating client feedback.
Ensuring that the creative intent aligns with the project's overall look is essential for successful color grading.
Importance of understanding client needs and preferences in color grading.
Emphasizes the need to manage client expectations and provide a great collaborative experience.
Mention of an upcoming colorist career accelerator course on client management skills.
Encouragement to prioritize the client's perspective and needs in color grading projects.