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The Web's Most Searched Cooking Questions - Answered

Andy Cooks2024-03-02
Cooking#food#dinner#lunch#meal ideas#dinner ideas#recipe#home cooking#food porn
89K views|4 months ago
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The video covers various cooking techniques for rice, quinoa, asparagus, pork belly, pot beef, beets, broccolini, roast pork loin, and salmon. Emphasizing simplicity and proper seasoning, the speaker provides tips for achieving optimal results in each dish. From basic preparation methods to detailed cooking instructions, the video aims to improve viewers' culinary skills and inspire them to try new recipes.

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Common Cooking Struggles and Tips
The importance of rinsing rice and using a rice cooker or pot for optimal results.
Quinoa preparation involves a 2:1 water ratio and simmering technique for perfect texture.
Asparagus prep includes removing rubber bands and trimming the bottom for best taste.
The speaker's evolving preference for asparagus despite not liking it in the past.
Grilling tips for asparagus and pork belly.
Importance of seasonality and simplicity in preparation is emphasized.
Basic method for pork belly includes oil, salt, seasoning, roasting, and grilling for optimal crackling.
Careful monitoring during grilling process is necessary to avoid burning.
Final result is juicy with a respectable amount of crackle.
Preparation of Pot Beef with Water.
The process involves removing impurities and adding aromatics such as carrots, celery, onions, garlic, bay leaves, and peppercorns.
The beef is simmered for 30 minutes per 500g and then allowed to rest in the liquid for 25 minutes to retain its temperature.
After resting, the beef is sliced against the grain and served.
The segment also includes the preparation of beetroot by wrapping them in aluminum foil, drizzling with oil, seasoning with salt, and roasting in the oven at 180°C for roughly an hour.
Cooking techniques for beets, rice, broccolini, and asparagus.
Beets are cooked in foil for about an hour and a half, then peeled and sliced.
Rice is cooked in a pot with a lid for 20 minutes.
Broccolini is trimmed and boiled for 3 to 4 minutes.
Asparagus can be grilled after a brief blanching.
Preparation of Broccolini and Roast Pork Loin.
Broccolini is seasoned with olive oil, lemon zest, and juice before grilling or roasting.
Roast pork loin is seasoned with salt, cooked at high heat for crispy skin, and then at lower temperatures until reaching 70°C internally.
Cooking process involves monitoring time and adjusting temperatures for perfect roast.
Resting the meat before carving is crucial for optimal results.
The process of pan-frying salmon with crispy skin is demonstrated in the video segment.
Seasoning the salmon generously with flaky sea salt and olive oil before cooking is emphasized for flavor.
Proper heat control and technique are important for achieving a crispy skin and perfectly cooked flesh.
It is crucial to ensure that the skin is in contact with the pan and to flip the salmon carefully to seal the edges before cooking on its belly.
Attention to detail and precise cooking methods are key to achieving the desired outcome.
Tips for cooking crispy skin salmon.
Cook the salmon for 3 minutes on its belly before flipping.
Aim for a medium internal cook to keep the salmon tender.
Add an extra 5 minutes and lower the temperature for a fully cooked salmon.
The process takes around 10 minutes and results in a dish rich in Omega-3s.