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4 Weeks of Hell: Waking up at 5am for Game Dev

Thomas Stewart2022-01-19
4K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

A game developer struggled to find time for personal projects, so they woke up at 5:00 am for four weeks to focus on game development. Initially productive but faced fatigue and stress by day three, learning the importance of planning and productivity. Despite challenges, the experience taught valuable lessons on discipline and perseverance. The developer realized the impact of stress on relationships and plans to integrate early wake-ups into a sustainable schedule. They encourage sharing experiences and advice on early waking for side projects, inviting viewer engagement for future videos.

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Committing to early morning game development for four weeks to prioritize personal projects.
Setting strict rules to focus solely on game development during the dedicated time.
Experiment aimed to provide reliable time for side projects amidst a busy schedule.
Emphasizing the importance of maintaining focus and avoiding distractions like social media for productivity.
Experience of waking up at 5 AM for game development.
Initially felt tired but became highly productive after starting work.
Days one and two were successful, but by day three, lack of sleep took a toll.
Struggled to focus at day job, experienced anxiety and stress, and found worries escalating.
Challenges of maintaining early wake-up schedule were more intense than expected.
Lessons learned from early morning game development sessions.
Fatigue and lack of work were challenges faced on the fourth day of waking up early.
Planning and productivity were key takeaways from the experience.
Prioritizing sleep and reallocating evening leisure time for morning productivity were crucial strategies.
The routine of early morning game dev sessions lasting up to 18 hours a week highlighted the ongoing discipline required.
Impact of stress on relationships due to early waking up and life stressors.
Will not continue waking up at 5 am daily, but plans to integrate it into a more sustainable schedule.
Encourages sharing experiences and advice on early waking for side projects.
Acknowledges being a guinea pig for viewers and invites engagement for future videos.