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What women NEED to know about ovulation

Mariah Vitoria2024-03-25
469 views|5 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses the speaker's experiences with ovulation, PMS management, and cycle tracking. It also explores the impact of fasting and keto diets on women's menstrual cycles. The speaker reflects on dating experiences, attraction during ovulation, and the importance of genuine interest in relationships beyond hormonal influences. Additionally, the video addresses the effects of birth control on attraction levels and relationships, emphasizing the need for understanding and personal choice in creating fulfilling lives.

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Introduction to new podcast-style videos focusing on understanding the female cycle, specifically ovulation.
Speaker shares personal experiences and insights on how ovulation can impact attraction and behavior.
Discussion on experimentation with seed cycling and liquid iron consumption to manage PMS symptoms and cycle irregularities.
Reflection on the challenges and benefits of these practices, emphasizing the importance of self-care during different phases of the menstrual cycle.
Tips for Improving Iron Absorption and Reducing PMS Symptoms.
Liquid iron and increased calcium intake were effective in reducing PMS symptoms and improving iron absorption.
Using the Flow app for cycle tracking can help identify peak ovulation days.
Restless leg syndrome can be improved by increasing iron intake.
Understanding the four phases of the cycle, especially ovulation, is important for fertility tracking and manifestation.
Importance of fasting and keto for women based on menstrual cycles.
Specific recommendations for fasting durations during different phases of the cycle.
Increased productivity and social desires during ovulation.
Story about expressing needs and being recognized in public for YouTube channel in Puerto Rico.
Speaker's experience of deep conversations with someone taking an unexpected turn.
Red flags such as being put on a pedestal and questionable ethics started appearing in the relationship.
Speaker reflected on attracting 'energy suckers' and past dating experiences.
Instances of splitting the bill in relationships made the speaker question their choices.
Overall reflection on the types of people attracted into the speaker's life.
Importance of genuine interest in relationships beyond hormonal influences.
Ovulation affects attraction and can lead to changing feelings towards someone over time.
Being aware of ovulation's impact on attraction to avoid making poor decisions in relationships.
Emphasis on the need for clarity and awareness in relationships, rather than being solely driven by biological factors.
Continuously show interest in a partner beyond ovulation to prevent problematic situations.
Communication of lack of interest and rejection of rekindling friendships.
The speaker showed disinterest through non-responsiveness, prompting the other person to seek an explanation.
Despite the offer of friendship, the other person declined and later attempted to reconnect, only to be firmly rejected.
The speaker highlighted their firm decision-making process and the permanence of their choices, indicating they do not revisit ended friendships.
Frustration with users in life and difficulty in trusting others, leading to the conclusion that once a friendship is ended, it remains permanently severed.
The impact of birth control on attraction levels and relationships is discussed in the segment.
Being on birth control can alter who individuals are attracted to, affecting relationship dynamics.
Studies suggest that birth control changes how men and women perceive attractiveness, leading to shifts in attraction.
Understanding these effects on relationships and personal choices is emphasized.
Viewers are encouraged to create lives they love and explore topics that add value.