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Goodshuffle Pro Back to Basics Account Owner Coaching 32921

Goodshuffle Pro2021-04-02
90 views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The section covers the setup process for a Goodshuffle Pro account, including adding required information, customizing policies, integrating with other systems, and managing user permissions and billing. It also demonstrates the process of adding business locations, setting up mailing addresses, and customizing tax rates.Colin discusses setting up automated daily emails for rental quotes, ensuring payment before sending, and excluding internal team IP addresses from viewing. He also provides a quick overview of setting up account settings in Goodshuffle Pro and mentions the focus on inventory creation and customization in the upcoming session. Colin welcomes feedback and suggests that interested individuals can ask questions or provide feedback in the chat.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The focus is on setting up an account and making the most of the features.
The session starts with a poll on how people start their day, with coffee being the clear winner.
The video will cover quickly setting up an account with the required information.
The process of verifying the account with the payment processor Stripe is shown.
Adding the company logo and bank account for receiving payments is demonstrated.
Adding multiple business locations and customizing the mailing address for payments.
How to add new physical and mailing addresses for different business locations.
Customizing the mailing address to prevent clients from visiting the personal or headquarters address.
Managing settings for showing or hiding the headquarters address on quotes and invoices.
Setting up comprehensive and customizable cancellation policies for clients.
Cancellations are divided into three categories: green light (no extra charges), yellow light (extra charges), and red light (100% of the contract due).
Clients' approval on cancellation terms is obtained when they sign and pay.
The speaker emphasizes the use and importance of the receipt of goods and services document.
Taxes types are set up, including sales tax and rental tax, to simplify future tax reporting.
The video discusses the Google Calendar, website wishlist, and QuickBooks Online integrations, as well as adding users and managing subscriptions.
The Google Calendar integration allows users to see upcoming events and activities.
The website wishlist integration enables clients to view and select inventory directly from the website.
Information about the QuickBooks Online integration and the ability to add different users and manage subscriptions.
The speaker mentions the option to receive more information and demos for the integrations mentioned.
The video covers a wide range of features, including adding company details, policies and taxes, payment and cancellation policies, and the receipt of goods and services.
Adding company details such as logo, bank information, and business locations
Setting up policies and taxes, including terms and conditions
Defining payment policies and linking them to specific clients or companies
Establishing cancellation policies and their impact on client contracts
Implementing the receipt of goods and services document and its importance
Setting up tax types and rates for sales and rental taxes
How to send daily emails and ensure payment for rentals.
Set up automated daily email sending.
Ensure payment for rentals before sending.
Exclude IP addresses from internal team for viewing quotes and invoices.
A quick overview of setting up account settings in Goodshuffle Pro.
Ability to adjust and customize a lot of settings.
Guidance available at help.goodshuffle.com for any assistance needed.
Information on hiding headquarters address can be found in the help article library.
Focus on inventory creation and customization in the upcoming session.
Colin will stick around to answer questions.
Feedback on the session is appreciated for future sessions.
Monthly sessions on different topics are a regular feature.
Looking forward to the next session on inventory creation and customization.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What are the important steps for setting up a Goodshuffle Pro account as an account owner?

As an account owner, the important steps for setting up a Goodshuffle Pro account include verifying the account with Stripe, adding the company logo and bank information, setting up multiple business locations, customizing the mailing address for payments, managing policies and taxes, and integrating with Google Calendar and QuickBooks Online.

2. How can I quickly set up my account with the required pieces of information in Goodshuffle Pro?

To quickly set up your account with the required pieces of information in Goodshuffle Pro, follow these steps: Verify your account with Stripe by entering the necessary verification information, add your company logo and bank account, set up different business locations, and customize the mailing address for payments.

3. What features are available for customizing a Goodshuffle Pro account and how can they be managed?

Goodshuffle Pro offers features for customizing an account, such as adding company details, setting up policies and taxes, defining payment and cancellation policies, managing the receipt of goods and services, and integrating with other systems. These features can be managed within the platform to tailor the account to the specific needs of the user's business.

4. What are the key components to consider when setting up a business account in Goodshuffle Pro?

The key components to consider when setting up a business account in Goodshuffle Pro include adding company details, customizing policies and taxes, defining payment and cancellation policies, managing the receipt of goods and services, and integrating with other systems. These components are essential for creating a comprehensive and tailored business account.