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Vectors Livestream – SF Design Week 2017

Google Design2017-06-16
Google Design#Vectors#AIGA SF#AIGA#SF Design Week
5K views|7 years ago
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The video segments cover a wide range of topics, including the importance of diversity and inclusion in design, personal stories of overcoming struggles, and the impact of bias in decision-making. Speakers emphasize the need for representation, embracing vulnerability and uniqueness, and challenging stereotypes in various industries. The video highlights the significance of diversity in team collaboration, product development, and societal change. Overall, the segments aim to inspire individuals to share their perspectives, embrace their identities, and advocate for inclusivity and equity in all aspects of life.

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Empowering attendees to share valuable perspectives at the event.
Organizers provide free admission to ensure student involvement.
Emphasis on representation for the next generation of designers.
Inspiring attendees to see themselves in speakers and strive for their unique voice.
Importance of identity in shaping design and work.
Speaker expresses gratitude for speaking opportunity and emphasizes personal experiences' impact on creativity.
Transition from creative confidence to exploring fear and design, highlighting personal and emotional aspects.
Speaker humorously mentions getting 'naked' metaphorically to share vulnerable moments.
Speaker introduces themselves as a designer, acknowledges Latino heritage, creating a connection through cultural identity.
Mexico vs US football rivalry during the 2002 FIFA World Cup.
Despite not being a football fan, the entire nation was glued to the TV for the crucial game.
The US scored early causing anxiety among Mexican fans.
Tensions rose within the Mexican team leading to disorganization and ultimately their elimination from the tournament.
The impact of fear of failure and self-doubt on creativity and design.
Balancing analytical and emotional elements is crucial for designers, similar to artists.
Designers often distance themselves from emotional aspects of their work to avoid being associated with artists.
Embracing vulnerability and emotions is key to achieving success in creativity and design.
Embrace your unique background and experiences to stand out in your field.
Do not let self-doubt and fear of others' opinions hold you back from valuing your work.
Accept that you are a real designer and stop questioning your abilities.
Focus on doing the work and riding the bike, rather than worrying about being the best or fastest.
By embracing your vulnerabilities and unique qualities, you can harness your superpowers.
Embrace uncertainty and fear as part of the creative process.
Acknowledge and invite feelings of fear and self-doubt rather than suppressing them.
Be comfortable with discomfort and uncertainty to improve as a designer.
Take small steps, open up, and be vulnerable for personal and professional growth.
Embracing self-discovery and growth through mentorship and authenticity.
Importance of kindness, vulnerability, and empathy in personal development.
Seeking support and treating oneself with self-compassion.
Creation of 'My Trans Health' Resource for Trans Individuals.
The girl faced challenges with revealing her gender identity and developed unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking and drug use.
Seeking guidance online, she decided to create a resource for trans individuals to access quality healthcare.
'My Trans Health' aims to provide culturally competent healthcare for trans and gender non-conforming people.
The initiative was launched through a Kickstarter campaign and YouTube video, emphasizing the importance of inclusive healthcare for all individuals.
Challenges in obtaining resources for the project and launching it during the same week as Caitlyn Jenner's public transition.
Highlighting the struggles faced by the trans community, such as high rates of abuse and suicide attempts.
Feeling exploited by the media for personal stories despite positive press received.
Emphasizing the importance of cultural conversations around trans healthcare beyond high-profile individuals like Caitlyn Jenner.
Personal struggles and experiences of the speaker in the trans community.
Frustration with trivial issues and need for more substantial support and resources.
Volunteering for a suicide hotline and helping a distressed 14-year-old trans girl.
Emphasis on creating a calm and supportive environment for trans individuals.
Financial struggles and engaging in cam work to make ends meet while working on a project.
Importance of user research for product development.
Insights gained from trans girls in the community led to success.
Expansion to multiple locations and providers due to focus on creating a fast and efficient website.
Challenges with government regulations caused setbacks and self-reflection.
Determination and excitement about the future of the project despite obstacles faced.
The lasting impact of cultural conversations on transitioning children.
Introduction of a five-part 'how to show up' segment advocating for community support.
Importance of being a micro designer by offering resources, time, and money to assist others.
Significance of contacting elected officials to voice concerns and utilize voting power for effecting change.
Advocacy for supporting trans individuals in leadership roles.
Emphasis on historical significance of trans women of color in resistance movements.
Calls for financial support for marginalized communities, including Latina, brown, and black trans women.
Importance of diverse representation in tech and leadership meetings to amplify marginalized voices.
Recognition of Figma as a sponsor for an independent design event, highlighting accessibility and democratization of design tools.
Embracing chaos and style in design.
Alex Valdivia grew up in communist Cuba with strict rules, challenging the notion of designers not having a style.
He highlights the blurred lines between different creative roles and expresses his identity as a designer, musician, illustrator, and artist.
Despite societal constraints, Alex's journey reflects the importance of embracing individuality and creativity in design.
Speaker reflects on the impact of societal expectations and values on their identity and sense of belonging.
The speaker's family moved to Costa Rica when they were ten, exposing them to a different capitalistic society.
Becoming an immigrant in Costa Rica led the speaker to navigate a chaotic world, shaping their creativity and perspective.
The experience in Costa Rica taught the speaker to see problems from multiple angles, fostering a deeper understanding and peace with the world.
Despite conflicting values with Costa Rica, the speaker's upbringing instilled core values that challenged societal norms.
Reflections on leaving Cuba and adapting to a new society.
Feeling like a foreigner in their own country, losing possessions and status.
Developing an identity influenced by journey, pursuing music, literature, and art.
Struggling with conflicting desires for a hefty paycheck and artistic fulfillment.
Impact on family, with the speaker's father also facing chaos in finding his path.
Embracing Chaos and Finding Passion in Graphic Design.
The speaker discusses transitioning from being a doctor in communist Cuba to navigating privatized medicine in the U.S.
He shares his journey of self-discovery through various career paths, ultimately finding passion in graphic design.
Inspired by designers like David Carson and James Victoria, he sees design as a blend of aesthetics, altruism, and problem-solving.
The speaker encourages individuals to embrace their own chaos and find their unique path.
Embrace Uniqueness and Personal Stories as Superpowers.
Step outside predefined boxes and own your style.
Take pride in choices, upbringing, and lessons learned as they shape identity and creativity.
Value authenticity and self-acceptance in a world demanding constant excellence.
Embrace chaos and be unapologetically true to oneself.
Panelists share professional backgrounds and experiences in product design, venture firms, and graphic design to grad school.
Unique food experiences mentioned include mayo and fries, kale, and a mystery Mother's Day breakfast.
One panelist runs a design education business and chairs the AIGA diversity and inclusion task force.
Insights shared on design, consumer behavior, and career transitions by the diverse panel.
Importance of Challenging Archetypes and Stereotypes in Industries.
Story shared about a man pretending to be an interior designer to highlight the negative impact of stereotypes, particularly related to race.
Emphasis on the need for diversity in industries like Hollywood and tech.
Acknowledgment of the lack of diversity in the tech industry and advocacy for addressing this issue across various sectors.
Importance of diversity in problem-solving and decision-making.
Lack of diversity in teams can lead to repetitive mistakes due to homogenous decision-making.
Fear often prevents people from embracing diverse perspectives and sticking to the familiar.
Representation is crucial in breaking down barriers and encouraging non-traditional paths.
Diversity at all levels of decision-making is essential for fostering innovation and inclusivity in the industry.
The lack of diversity in design disciplines dates back to the beginning of John F. Kennedy's presidency, leading to segregation and racial inequalities.
JFK initiated conversations with leaders to address issues of diversity and representation in the design industry.
Visibility and representation are crucial in addressing feelings of insecurity and lack of confidence among designers.
Conferences play a key role in sharing experiences and fostering a sense of community and support within the design industry.
President JFK's groundbreaking request for civil rights legislation.
JFK faced challenges and criticism but ultimately pushed for desegregation, leading to the passing of the bill after his assassination.
Lyndon B. Johnson continued JFK's legacy with the help of leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Whitney Young.
The bill focused on race but also included religion and sex, highlighting the compromises made for its success.
Institutionalized racism and lack of diversity in the design profession post-Civil Rights Act.
Disproportionate incarceration rates among black and Latino men compared to white men highlighted.
Mention of Michelle Alexander's book 'The New Jim Crow' and its relevance to the discussion.
Exploration of discriminatory practices and minimal diversity initiatives in the design field due to institutionalized racism.
Call to action for individuals at all levels to address these issues and work towards change.
Importance of Diversity in the Workplace.
Lack of diversity can stem from issues related to access and exposure, opportunity, and value at different stages of one's journey.
Building a company culture that represents the voices of employees and product users is vital.
Empowering individuals to share their experiences and feel comfortable is crucial for fostering diversity.
Using posters as a communication tool can promote democracy and give individuals a voice, despite potential risks.
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Company Culture through Empowering Voices.
Emphasis on hiring and retaining a diverse team in the workplace.
Educating young children about opportunities in technology and design is essential.
Workshops with children have shown creativity and innovative thinking, highlighting the importance of early exposure to different career paths.
Addressing the pipeline problem in finding diverse talent and providing equal access to resources for all kids is crucial.
Importance of diversity in teams for comfort and to prevent toxicity.
Diverse team members should be given a voice and opportunities to grow.
Designers can enhance user journeys with diverse examples and perspectives.
Bevel, a grooming product company for black men and women, exemplifies the benefits of embracing diversity in building a narrative around it.
Importance of diversity in product development.
Lack of exposure in education contributes to diversity issues.
Significance of listening to employees' skills and passions.
Recognizing and supporting employees' talents beyond initial roles.
Providing confidence, access, and skills for career changes within companies like Google or Facebook.
Importance of Hiring Globally for Diversity and Inclusivity in Leadership Positions.
Emphasizes the need for companies to prioritize inclusivity by hiring individuals from diverse backgrounds and listening to grassroots voices.
Calls for open discussion on unconscious biases and highlights the value of diverse perspectives in product development.
Warns against focusing too much on internal perspectives and emphasizes the benefits of having a global team to create products that cater to a wide audience.
Importance of Representation and Inclusivity in Product Design.
Consider a wide spectrum of perspectives in product design to better serve a diverse range of users.
User journeys are highlighted as a powerful tool to visualize how different demographics may experience a product differently based on their background.
Prioritize understanding the needs and perspectives of all users to create more inclusive and impactful designs.
Importance of Team Collaboration and Diverse Perspectives in Design.
User feedback from real-world interactions is essential for product development, offering valuable insights into user needs and behaviors.
Dismissing feedback from certain user groups can result in overlooking important design considerations, such as accessibility for individuals with disabilities or older adults.
Startups often face challenges in recruiting diverse user groups for feedback, highlighting the need to understand and cater to the needs of various user demographics.
Importance of diversity and purposeful inclusion in teams.
Actively hiring diverse individuals is crucial for embracing diversity in the current minority-majority demographics.
Sponsorships, like Adobe's support, play a key role in supporting events.
Emotional reactions in design and the power of designers to drive positive change are highlighted, with a quote from Gandhi.
Audience is urged to actively contribute to creating the desired world.
Using design and technology to address unconscious bias.
Interactive exercise on bias perception.
Explanation of availability bias and its implications.
Warning against relying on stereotypes and quick judgments.
Personal examples illustrating the inaccuracy of assumptions based on limited information.
The impact of bias on decision-making across various identities.
Blind auditions in the music industry have increased women's representation in orchestras.
Biases in hiring practices based on names can lead to discriminatory perceptions.
Technology can help reduce bias and promote equality in decision-making processes.
Startups addressing bias in recruitment and hiring processes.
Blender hides information like name and alma mater to reduce unconscious bias in decision-making.
Airbnb faced bias in host acceptance, leading to the creation of D-bias yourself plugin for Google Chrome.
D-bias yourself plugin removes personal information, allowing hosts to focus on relevant content like messages and ratings.
The initiative emphasizes taking responsibility for bias and shows external teams challenging biased systems.
Impact of bias in job descriptions and machine learning solutions.
TextEO tool acts as a spell check for gender bias in job postings.
Another tool analyzes data to pinpoint bias within organizations, such as differences in promotion rates between genders.
Goal is to provide visibility into bias and help companies understand how it manifests in areas like pay, promotions, and employee turnover.
Focus on helping organizations take responsibility for identifying and addressing bias.
Discussion on gender biases in voice recognition technology and the importance of addressing biases in product development.
Showcasing underrepresented individuals in the tech industry through the Techies Project to disrupt harmful narratives.
Emphasis on understanding systemic challenges faced by communities, with redlining in Chicago in 1940 cited as an example of racial bias.
Redlining practices by banks in America disproportionately affected people of color by denying investments based on racial demographics.
Data visualizations show correlations between race, vacant properties, and unemployment rates in different neighborhoods, highlighting the impact of these policies.
Historical roots of present-day issues of unemployment and poverty in inner cities are attributed to systemic practices from decades ago.
Design is proposed as a potential solution to address these invisible forces and promote empathy among different groups.
UNICEF-produced film follows 12-year-old Syrian refugee Sidra through a day in her life at a refugee camp.
The video evokes empathy from viewers by highlighting Sidra's experience escaping war as a Syrian refugee.
Global leaders and diplomats join Sidra in the video, emphasizing the importance of policymakers understanding the perspectives of those affected by their decisions.
The speaker urges everyone to take small actions to mitigate bias and promote equity, emphasizing the impact of bias on marginalized communities like black and brown individuals in the criminal justice system and healthcare disparities.
Economic disparities between white households and black/Latinx households are discussed, focusing on the impact of bias on diversity and inclusion efforts.
Addressing unconscious bias in the workplace is crucial to combat economic inequality.
Dialogue is emphasized as a key tool for initiating change in organizations and friendships.
The speaker is a producer on the design team at Stripe, a company that focuses on building tools and infrastructure for online businesses.
Challenges in scaling up team capacity and increasing diversity in skillsets.
Importance of maintaining visibility into work and incorporating different perspectives for well-rounded work.
Engaged in a design team Roadshow to learn from other teams' approaches.
Conducted a skillset survey to identify the need for a wider range of skill sets.
Creation of nine different job roles, including new disciplines like copywriting and research.
Emphasis on building a diverse team through sourcing parties and structured evaluation.
Framework with set questions and rubric used to evaluate candidates and reduce unconscious biases.
Use of a physical wall for designers to share work, encourage collaboration, and provide feedback.
Utilization of digital tools like a digital wall and Slack for remote visibility.
Design pod with work table and TV used as a tool for impromptu meetings and reviews.
Team implements weekly design reviews and smaller critiques to ensure diverse perspectives are considered.
Mini workshops led by team members help in learning unique skill sets.
Tools combat scaling issues and promote intentional design decisions.
Team dedicated to improving collaboration and enhancing overall design quality through learning from each other.
Interact Project aims to provide design opportunities to underserved communities and kids of color, as well as create pathways for people of color to enter the design industry.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of diversity in design, highlighting how visual culture shapes perceptions and self-image.
Including diverse voices in design can lead to more accurate and impactful representation.
The project's goal extends beyond teaching design skills to fostering innovative thinking in the next generation.
The speaker expresses gratitude for the support and recognition of the project's mission.
Speaker expresses gratitude to event supporters and emphasizes importance of continuing conversations and taking action.
Various organizations are thanked for their contributions and support in providing opportunities for young people.
Encouragement is given to reach out to others to benefit from discussions and make a difference through conscious effort and action.
The audience is thanked for being part of the event, and the impact of education is reflected upon.
Speaker expresses gratitude to audience.
Audience thanked for hard work and support.
Thanks extended to everyone present.
Video concludes with message to see audience next time.