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Explaining All 8 Cognitive Functions

dear kristin2021-07-21
59K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video delves into cognitive functions, comparing introverted and extroverted manifestations. It explores Sensing, Intuition, Feeling, and Thinking functions, detailing differences in gathering information, creating patterns, and prioritizing beliefs. The importance of tradition, harmony, rationalized systems, and internal rules is emphasized. The segment concludes with a brief overview of the eight Jungian cognitive functions and personality types.

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Explanation of cognitive functions and their manifestations in introverted and extroverted individuals.
Perceiving functions, Sensing, and Intuition are discussed, with a focus on Extroverted Sensing (Se) and Introverted Sensing (Si).
Contrasts between extroverted and introverted functions in terms of external feedback and internal patterns are highlighted.
Extroverted Sensing values exploration and gathering in the tangible world, while Introverted Sensing emphasizes past experiences and internalized systems for order.
The significance of tradition, rules, and prioritizing health in Introverted Sensing is emphasized.
Functions of Ne, Ni, Fe, Fi, and Te in personality types.
Ne focuses on gathering ideas and exploring abstract possibilities.
Ni focuses on creating conceptual patterns to understand the bigger picture.
Fe prioritizes harmony and peace within the tribe.
Fi values personal beliefs and passions.
Te focuses on rationalized systems and actualizing them for progress and efficiency.
Summary of 'Te' and 'Ti' Cognitive Functions
'Te' users prioritize logical reasoning over emotions and have a blunt way of speaking.
'Ti' users focus on creating internal rules based on rationalization and analysis, valuing truth above all else.
'Ti' dominant types are introverted in nature.
The video briefly covers the eight Jungian cognitive functions and the concept of personality types.