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Damn It Feels Good to be Banker -- A Wall Street Musical

2M views|16 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video showcases a humorous and condescending message to bankers and consultants, highlighting their perceived lack of knowledge and skills. The speaker mocks the bankers' skills and emphasizes the intense work ethic and luxurious lifestyle on Wall Street. The blog post will dive into the tactics and mindset needed to succeed in the competitive world of finance.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The speaker addresses bankers and consultants, mentioning working on a pitch book and the acquisition of a company from Men's Wearhouse.
The speaker refers to bankers and consultants as 'd-bag' and mentions having a cage to squash them.
They suggest that bankers should take some courses and learn about the 'Jedi Mind' and 'five forces'.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of working hard and playing hard, and mocks bankers for doing grunt work and using only Excel.
They highlight the value of both quantitative and qualitative research, suggesting that bankers 'slave away' while they make a significant impact.
The speaker mentions putting the bankers in a '2x2 matrix' and accuses them of stealing their dog.
They make references to various personalities and brands, and imply that the bankers' skills are not as valuable as they think.
The speaker compares their job on Wall Street to mining for bronze at a tanning salon, and suggests that their job is more challenging and their lifestyle is better than the bankers'.
The speaker claims to have created value while the bankers take six months to come up with a bad idea.
They mention getting paid during a recession and having a bigger house and better lifestyle than the bankers.
The speaker mocks the bankers' skills, saying they are sorry if someone looks at them sideways at a club.
They question the bankers' ability to buy bottles with their 'sorrow points' and suggest that without discernible skills, they may be consultants.
The speaker describes their work ethic, including working 100 hours a week and doing drugs, and compares it to the bankers' work-life balance.
They emphasize that a lack of work-life balance is expected on Wall Street and suggests the bankers don't belong there.
The speaker alludes to the recipient needing two weeks to understand and offers them a mouse to go back to making $60K a year.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What is the speaker's message to bankers and consultants in the video?

The speaker in the video 'Wall Street Prep School' delivers a message to bankers and consultants, highlighting their perceived lack of knowledge and skills in a humorous and condescending manner.

2. How does the speaker mock the bankers' skills in the video?

The speaker mocks the bankers' skills by suggesting they are not as valuable as the bankers think and by comparing their own Wall Street job to mining for bronze at a tanning salon.

3. What does the video 'Wall Street Prep School' convey about work ethic and lifestyle?

The video 'Wall Street Prep School' conveys a message about work ethic and lifestyle, emphasizing the intense work ethic and luxurious lifestyle of those in Wall Street compared to consultants.