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Da Vinci's Inquest • S01 E08 [Gabriel]

Chris GI Herr2019-01-31
Da Vinci's Inquest#Da Vincis Inquest#Da Vinci#Da Vinci's#Inquest#DaVinci's Inquest#DaVincis Inquest#DaVinci#DaVinci's#Da Vinci's Inquest Season 1#Da Vinci's Inquest S01 E08
4K views|5 years ago
💫 Short Summary

A murder investigation begins with a body found near a pier showing signs of head wounds and extensive bruising. Autopsy reveals evidence of prolonged abuse and torture, with multiple assailants suspected. The investigation uncovers a complex scenario involving wire rope, potential ties to missing persons, and a violent struggle. Conversations revolve around potential teenage assailants, protection of informants, and ethical concerns about using kids as informants. The investigation leads to an arrest based on matching prints and hair, with strategies discussed for questioning and building a case. Tension and pressure mount as individuals deny involvement in the murder but admit to moving the body, highlighting the importance of truth and legal representation. The conversation delves into motives, conflicting versions of events, and the complexities of criminal investigations, emphasizing the need for full testimonies and handling of informants with care.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Investigation of Body Found Near Pier
Body shows signs of head wounds, possibly causing death.
Two different types of wounds suggest multiple weapons were used.
Stolen vehicle matching the description was reported nearby.
Investigation involves missing persons and runaways.
Autopsy reveals extensive bruising all over the body, indicating prolonged abuse before death.
Two different types of shoes were used in the beating, suggesting two assailants.
Ligature marks on the wrists suggest the victim was tied up.
The fatal blow appears to be a powerful stomp to the head.
Investigators suspect the victim was tortured before death, with the motive for the brutal attack remaining unclear.
Investigation into a violent crime scene with blood evidence and a missing body.
Forensic analysis indicates multiple potential assailants and signs of a violent struggle.
Presence of wire rope suggests the victim may have been tied up during the incident.
Scene shows signs of a brutal beating, with blood spatters suggesting a struggle and potential stomping.
Investigators are working to piece together events leading to the victim's demise, including multiple blows and possible involvement of multiple attackers.
Murder investigation details and speculation.
Discovery of a body and involvement of two individuals in moving it.
Disagreement over sharing information with the police.
Pathologist's theory on teenage assailants based on wounds.
Discussion on potential teenage assailants, their weight, and providing shelter for a witness.
Discussion on the handling of a killed confidential informant.
The conversation explores the potential betrayal and the importance of the listener in identifying the informant.
Details regarding the protection of the informant and consequences for the listener are highlighted.
The level of protection provided to the informant is a key point of the conversation.
Ethical concerns surrounding the use of kids as informants by the police.
Consequences of being an informant and the impact on individuals involved.
Personal experiences and struggles with addiction following the loss of a brother.
Reflection on heroism and the influence of role models.
Emphasis on relationships, trust, and communication within a community.
Nathan Gilles is informed of his arrest for the murder of Robert Waiver based on matching prints and hair at the crime scene.
Detectives plan to gather DNA evidence to confirm the match.
Lack of matching shoes tied to the crime scene is a challenge.
Strategies are discussed for questioning Gilles and building a case against him.
Conversation about murder case.
One person denies killing victim but admits to moving the body.
Pressure to reveal the truth about victim's death.
Mention of legal representation and importance of telling the truth.
Highlights the tension and pressure in a criminal investigation.
Discussion on a body dump and murder scenario.
Details on moving the body, hiding evidence, and discussing motives for the crime.
The speaker admits to being involved in beating someone to death but denies planning to kill them.
Conversation covers criminal negligence, conflicting versions of events, and the significance of gathering all facts before making deals or decisions.
Inquiry opened on deal with juvenile informant.
Witness testimonies being gathered regarding the deal.
Speaker requests full report on handling juvenile informants by Monday or Tuesday morning.
Potential full public inquest mentioned on the matter.