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Come Follow Me (February 19-25) 2 Nephi 6-10 THE AWFUL MONSTER

Come Follow Me#Line Upon Line#The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints#come follow me individuals and families#latter day saints#church of jesus christ come follow me#church of jesus christ#book of mormon central#lds#lds family#come follow me book of mormon
42K views|6 months ago
💫 Short Summary

Prophet Jacob emphasizes Jesus' role in saving us from sin and death, highlighting the need to follow Christ for salvation. Following covenants with God is compared to a marriage, creating a special relationship and receiving rights and privileges. The video promotes Living Scripture Streaming as a resource for LDS families to draw closer to Jesus Christ through various content. Ultimately, reliance on God's power is necessary for redemption and deliverance.

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📊 Transcript
Prophet Jacob's strong imagery in 2 Nephi explains sin, death, and Jesus' role in salvation.
Jacob acts as a guide through prisons of sin and death, emphasizing the importance of following Christ for salvation.
Only God's power, through Jesus' atonement, can conquer death and sin, leading to resurrection and cleansing.
Trying to bribe death and Hell is futile, showing the seriousness of these obstacles.
Redemption and deliverance of God's Covenant people require reliance on His infinite power.
Importance of following covenants with God to create a special relationship and receive rights and privileges.
God helps to get back on track, showing love and compassion even when undeserved.
Emphasis on following God's path and committing to Him.
Highlighting the idea of choosing freedom through faith and grace.
Importance of choosing to follow Jesus and God's mercy in delivering his people.
Living Scripture Streaming is promoted as a resource for LDS families, offering a variety of content including cartoons, Hallmark movies, documentaries, and historical videos.
Viewers are encouraged to draw closer to Jesus Christ through study and continuous learning.