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Bible Study on the Acts of the Apostles Epi 9: Why did the Early Christians suffer?

Divine UK2022-07-23
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7K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Early Christians Peter and John boldly preached the gospel despite threats and opposition from the Sanhedrin and other leaders. They refused to stop teaching in Jesus' name, leading to their eventual release due to public support. The early Christians grew in number and faced imprisonment, but their unity in prayer and communal sharing of resources strengthened their faith and mission. The message emphasizes the importance of speaking about life after death, sharing resources, and living in communal harmony based on the early Christian example of selflessness and faith in God's provision.

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📊 Transcript
Peter and John demonstrate boldness and fearlessness in front of the Sanhedrin and other leaders.
They preach the gospel without compromise, causing shock and amazement among the leaders.
The healed man beside them serves as evidence of God's intervention, preventing accusations or imprisonment.
The leaders are unable to find grounds to oppose Peter and John, ordering them to leave the council for lack of wrongdoing.
The growth of Christianity through persecution is highlighted, showcasing the strength and flourishing of faith in challenging times.
Reluctance to fully commit to faith and follow Jesus.
Many biblical leaders and people were hesitant to accept Jesus due to fear of losing power and comfort.
Individuals today recognize the truth about God but choose not to acknowledge it publicly to avoid stepping out of their comfort zones.
This struggle leads many to keep a distance from God and cling to worldly pleasures.
The common theme is the reluctance to give up comfort and fully commit to faith.
Inner turmoil and fear of accountability lead non-believers to resist acknowledging a higher power.
Elders silence those who speak in the name of Jesus to maintain comfort zones.
Authorities try to stop Peter and John from teaching in Jesus' name to prevent rebellion.
Peter and John show newfound boldness and conviction by refusing to comply with the orders.
The defiance of two uneducated fishermen in spreading the gospel despite threats and intimidation.
The fishermen cited inner compulsion and obedience to Jesus' command as reasons for continuing their mission.
After threats of violence, they were released due to fear of public backlash, with people praising God for a notable miracle.
The man healed was over 40 years old, and despite opposition, the early Christians grew in number.
The early Christians initially numbered 5,000 and eventually reached 3,000 for a festival.
Early Christians faced adversity but continued to spread the gospel.
Peter gained courage and boldness through negative experiences.
Despite threats and imprisonment, Christians increased in number.
Christians preached to various authorities fearlessly, including the captain of the temple and chief priests.
Their resilience and commitment to spreading the gospel was evident in their actions.
Importance of Unity in Prayer
Early Christians prayed together with unity and one accord to avoid confusion and discord.
Unified prayer demonstrates the importance of worshiping God together.
Disunity in prayer hinders the work of the Holy Spirit.
Harmony in prayer groups is emphasized, with everyone focusing on the same goal for collective prayer to be powerful.
Early Christians' prayer practices and beliefs.
Early Christians repeated psalms and expressed their thoughts to Jesus in prayer.
They prayed for courage and boldness to preach God's word despite opposition.
Emphasis on not being deterred by rules or regulations hindering the spread of the gospel.
Advocates for continuing the tradition of spreading the truth, even at the risk of one's life.
Early Christians experienced powerful manifestations of God's presence, including wind, fire, and tongues.
They frequently needed consolation and support, leading to rekindling of the Holy Spirit through retreats, confessions, and refilling.
Communal ownership of possessions was practiced, inspiring the concept of communism.
Karl Marx and others drew inspiration from the Bible for communist ideals.
However, the early church faced challenges with socialism.
Contrasting early church communal sharing with communism.
Early church shared belongings voluntarily, believing in the imminent return of Jesus.
Many early Christians were foreigners without resources, leading to communal sharing.
Members sold property to support the community and ensure everyone's needs were met.
Emphasizes the voluntary nature of sharing in the early church versus centralized control in communism.
Early Christians in Jerusalem share belongings and live communally.
Converts voluntarily give up property to apostles for distribution among the newly baptized.
The communal sharing of resources demonstrates unity and faith, with no private ownership claimed.
Apostles preach about resurrection of Jesus, leading to increased grace and power.
Emphasis on life after death results in greater blessings for the apostles.
Importance of spiritual testimony and sharing resources in the context of life after death.
Emphasis on communal living and selflessness based on biblical examples.
Barnabas is highlighted as an example of faith and generosity by selling his possessions for the greater good.
Living with a mindset of abundance and generosity towards others is emphasized in the early Christian community.