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A Psychologist's Thoughts On Love and Marriage-Orion Taraban, Psy.D. (Part 1)

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734K views|7 months ago
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The video delves into the complexities of dating and relationships, emphasizing the differences in approach between men and women. It discusses the dynamics of sexual attraction and the importance of strategy and value in building successful partnerships. The segment also highlights the significance of respect, communication, and understanding in maintaining healthy relationships. Additionally, it touches on the role of personal boundaries, self-respect, and emotional engagement in interpersonal interactions. Overall, the video provides insights into navigating the modern dating landscape and enhancing relationship dynamics for long-term success.

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The complexities of men and women's desires and societal expectations in relationships.
Men can become obsessed with women who manipulate them, leading to unhealthy relationships.
Women's desires are influenced by societal expectations and power dynamics between the sexes.
Both men and women engage in status games, making it difficult to navigate relationships successfully.
Modern women face criticism for behavior that may attract desired relationships but goes against traditional norms, requiring a delicate balance between personal desires and societal expectations.
Dynamics of dating and relationships are explored, focusing on differing approaches between men and women.
Study reveals women's reluctance towards casual sex compared to men's willingness.
Women have an advantage in dating and can successfully initiate relationships.
Importance of understanding the role of sex in building emotional connections is emphasized.
Sex is compared to a Trojan horse that opens gates to deeper relationships.
Building and maintaining relationships through offering sexual opportunities and being the most desirable version of oneself.
Women can initiate and maintain relationships by showing a willingness to engage sexually.
Men gauge a woman's interest based on her willingness to break her usual rules for him.
By making a man feel like the most desirable man she has ever met, a woman can strengthen the relationship dynamic.
This tactic can play to a man's ego and make him feel like a king in the relationship.
Evolution of Dynamics in Relationships Between Men and Women.
Societal changes, such as women's financial independence and access to support, have altered relationship dynamics.
Commitment used to come before sex due to pregnancy risks, but now women are more open to sexual relationships before exclusivity.
Men are now legally required to provide child support regardless of relationship commitment.
Shift towards non-committed relationships by some women has created pressure for others to follow suit.
The impact of withholding sex until marriage or having high standards in the dating landscape.
Men may become infatuated with women who provide exceptional sexual experiences, leading to obsessive behavior.
Mastering bedroom techniques can captivate a man's interest and ensure a strong hold on a partner.
Offering unique and intense sexual encounters can prevent being easily discarded in relationships.
It is important not to engage in this behavior with every individual to maintain power in relationships.
Advice for Women in Choosing Partners
Women should be selective in choosing partners as men value chastity in a wife but often take a casual route before commitment.
Men may become possessive as relationships progress, leading to shifts in behavior.
Most men prioritize physical attraction and sexual fulfillment in relationships, while women seek commitment and a better lifestyle.
Both genders need to strategize and offer value in the relationship for it to progress, emphasizing communication and mutual understanding.
Deepening intimacy in a relationship through integration and usefulness.
Women often target successful men based on their lifestyles, which men use as bait.
Gendered complaints stem from feeling used for sex or resources.
Men lack awareness of being sexually objectified and view it as a compliment.
Being useful and targeted for lifestyle are crucial dynamics in relationships.
Maintaining Harmony and Focus in a Relationship.
Supporting and assisting a man in areas where he struggles can lead to commitment and intimacy.
Disrespecting men is the one thing that can ruin a relationship despite efforts to please.
Understanding and meeting a man's needs can ensure a fulfilling partnership.
Importance of Respect in Long-Term Relationships
Disrespect towards a man can result in loss of respect and attraction over time.
Disrespect can be shown through verbal abuse, criticism, physical abuse, mocking, or demanding explanations.
Women can express disagreement without disrespecting by avoiding interrogation and shaming.
Men should focus on providing a better lifestyle to attract the woman they desire, similar to how women treat job opportunities.
Challenges faced by young men in relationships due to lack of status, wealth, and maturity.
Importance of developing a compelling lifestyle to attract women.
Disparity in sexual marketplace value between men and women, with women peaking at 18 and men gradually increasing until around age 40.
Advice for men to learn patience and understand the dynamics of normalized sexual marketplace values to improve attractiveness to women.
Women often feel they may never be able to demand the relationship they want from a man due to perceived inequality in the sexual marketplace.
Men gain attractiveness to women by accumulating experience, wealth, status, and prestige over time.
Men are advised to wait, play their cards right, and invest time in personal development to eventually gain an advantage in the marketplace.
In order to become attractive to women, men are encouraged to metaphorically build a boat, learn to sail, and plot a course, which may take a minimum of 10 years.
Importance of resources and knowledge in building success.
Successful individuals are defined by others wanting things from them, highlighting the importance of being useful to others.
Developing solutions to problems that benefit many people is essential for success, whether through plumbing or entrepreneurship.
Having a clear life mission is crucial for direction and purpose in achieving goals.
Importance of having a mission in life to avoid making women the center of one's life.
Women desire men with ambition, drive, and purpose, not those who prioritize them above all else.
Men should resist appeasing women's unreasonable demands to maintain respect and avoid creating a power dynamic where manipulation is rewarded.
Giving in to emotional manipulation leads to loss of respect and appreciation in a relationship.
Men need to focus on developing an interesting lifestyle, expertise, skills, and a mission to attract women.
Women tend to focus on their appearance to attract men.
Men should utilize strategies such as being cocky, playful, funny, and transitioning to being sexual to attract women.
Low activation game involves confidence and not giving too much energy.
Social validation, such as having a VIP table in a club, can help attract attention passively and attract women without much effort.
The importance of emotional stimulation in seduction.
Confidence is a key factor in attracting women, more than money or status.
True seduction involves emotional interaction and engagement with women, not just superficial attributes.
Luxury lifestyles do not guarantee success in attracting women without seduction skills.
Seduction is about guiding emotional responses, not just showcasing external qualities.
The segment discusses the concept of women attracted to 'bad boys' and men wanting a 'good girl'.
Women may be drawn to individuals who are perceived as not caring about their feelings.
This dynamic can lead to greater success in relationships.
Importance of personal boundaries and self-respect in interpersonal interactions is emphasized.
Persistence in dysfunctional strategies due to partial success.
Women are attracted to assertive individuals over nice guys.
Some individuals develop social callous and freedom from not being liked.
Dysfunctional behaviors persist over time due to partial success.
Assertiveness and willingness to fight for beliefs are attractive qualities.
Rules are viewed as suggestions for maintaining social cohesion, with exceptions that can be changed by people.
Blindly following rules is not virtuous; rules should align with personal or social objectives.
Breaking rules can result in problems, but these challenges can be used for personal development and social progress, exemplified by Dr. King's arrest.
Masters can utilize challenges to their advantage, as any situation can be beneficial when one understands reality, their skills, and their purpose.
This mindset removes fear and enables individuals to use any circumstance to advance their mission.