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Who Were the Rough Riders? | Explorer

Explorer#What Would#Teddy Do?#history video#cuba#American history#U.S. history#Teddy Roosevelt#Theodore Roosevelt#military intervention#Remember the Maine#Havana#war fever#Rough Riders#Spanish-American War#Spanish American War#The Rough Riders
143K views|7 years ago
💫 Short Summary

In the late 19th century, Theodore Roosevelt found a cause to redeem his family's honor in Cuba, where there was an insurgency against the Spanish colonial empire. The explosion of the US warship Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, similar to 9/11 in its impact, led to war fever in the US and gave Theodore Roosevelt the cause for war he desperately sought. He quit being assistant secretary of the Navy and got a commission as lieutenant colonel in the first United States volunteer cavalry regiment, the Rough Riders.

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📊 Transcript
In 1897, TR finds a cause to redeem his family's honor in Cuba, where there is an insurgency against the Spanish colonial empire.
TR believes it is America's duty to liberate its oppressed neighbors.
TR argues for military intervention in Cuba.
The explosion of the US warship Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, similar to 9/11 in its impact, leads to war fever in the US and gives TR the cause for war he desperately sought.
TR quits being assistant secretary of the Navy and gets a commission as lieutenant colonel in the first United States volunteer cavalry regiment.
TR assembles a combination of Ivy League graduates and cowboys, known as the Rough Riders.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What was the cause that helped Theodore Roosevelt redeem his family's honor?

In 1897, Theodore Roosevelt found a cause to redeem his family's honor in Cuba, where there was a long-simmering insurgency against the Spanish colonial empire.

2. How did the explosion of the US warship Maine in Havana Harbor contribute to the war fever in the United States?

The explosion of the US warship Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, similar to 9/11 in its impact, led to war fever in the US and gave Theodore Roosevelt the cause for war he desperately sought.

3. What did Theodore Roosevelt believe was America's duty in the situation in Cuba?

Theodore Roosevelt believed that it was America's duty to liberate its oppressed neighbors in Cuba.

4. What did Theodore Roosevelt do after the explosion of the US warship Maine in Havana Harbor?

Theodore Roosevelt quit being assistant secretary of the Navy and used his political influence to get a commission as lieutenant colonel in the first United States volunteer cavalry regiment.

5. Who were the Rough Riders and how were they assembled?

The Rough Riders were a combination of Ivy League graduates and cowboys assembled by Theodore Roosevelt, with the belief that only he could have done so.