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Quand la Chine veut dominer le monde

documentaire#reportage#chine#conquête#économie#politique#diplomatie#influence#soft power#culturel#chinois
949K views|2 years ago
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The video explores China's cultural and economic influence globally, focusing on its successful film industry, diplomatic relations with France, and controversial actions by companies like Huawei. It delves into China's efforts to expand its reach in various sectors, including technology, education, and entertainment, while facing criticism for human rights abuses and interference in foreign affairs. The video highlights the complexities of China's strategic initiatives and the implications of its growing power on the international stage, raising concerns about potential exploitation and manipulation in various sectors.

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Success of Warrior Wolves 2 in Revenue
Warrior Wolves 2 has generated over 700 million euros in revenue, surpassing popular Western movies like Mission Impossible and Forrest Gump.
Patriotic Storyline
The film's patriotic storyline portrays a Chinese hero aiding Africans against Western mercenaries, symbolizing China's newfound strength and resilience.
China's Cultural Offensive
The movie has become a cultural phenomenon, representing China's assertive diplomatic stance and commitment to international justice.
Growing Influence of China
Despite China's aggressive tactics, some countries remain wary of its growing influence.
Discussion between French elites and Chinese representatives in Paris.
Beijing aims to influence French personalities and businesses through strategic partnerships.
Former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin plays a crucial role in strengthening France-China relations.
Raffarin emphasizes the significance of maintaining diplomatic relationships while respecting differences in values and history.
He manages to engage with China while upholding his own principles and values.
Former French politicians working for Huawei to defend Chinese interests, with Jean-Marie Le Guen joining the board of directors.
Huawei uses PR and lobby firms to influence French politicians, targeting top government figures like Bruno Le Maire and President Macron.
The company recruits former government officials as lobbyists to navigate political obstacles and gain access to key decision-makers.
Despite challenges in the 5G market, Huawei remains hopeful in France and continues efforts to establish strong connections within the French government.
Allegations of Huawei's ties to the Chinese state have led to legal actions against those who speak out.
The company has faced scrutiny for its involvement in the surveillance of the Uyghur minority in China, with accusations of providing technology for population control.
MEP Raphaël Glucksmann is a vocal critic of Huawei's role in this repression.
Huawei's actions have sparked international outrage and calls for accountability.
Antoine Griezmann ends partnership with Huawei after allegations of mass repression.
Griezmann sacrifices up to 5 million euros per year and urges Huawei to take concrete actions against accusations.
Raphaël Glucksmann chairs committee on Chinese interference in Europe, emphasizing Chinese influence through fake news and political leaders' purchase.
French politicians criticized for serving Chinese interests, raising concerns of European intelligence services.
French counterintelligence closely monitors Chinese activities, identifying risks to national economic interests.
China's interest in oceanographic research in Brittany raises concerns about knowledge and technology transfers.
Collaborations involve training Chinese and French students in deep-sea microbiology and marine biogenetics.
Potential risks of technology theft and intellectual property issues are highlighted, emphasizing the need for careful management of knowledge sharing.
Questions are raised about inadvertently aiding China's power expansion through data access.
Caution is advised in cooperative ventures with China to prevent potential exploitation of expertise and technology.
Overview of Confucius Institutes and their purpose.
Activities offered include Tai chi, Mahjong, and calligraphy to promote traditional Chinese culture.
Institutes funded and supervised by Chinese Ministry of National Education, with French and Chinese directors.
Chinese teachers recruited from China must follow strict guidelines, avoiding sensitive topics like Tibet and Taiwan.
Propaganda magazine 'China Today' used to praise China and Communist Party globally.
Activists in Rouen denounce Chinese human rights abuses and interference in schools through Confucius Institutes.
Concerns raised about espionage and infiltration leading to demands for closure of the institutes.
Similar closures seen in Sweden and Brussels due to Chinese interference.
Spy case in Belgium involving a Chinese director from a Confucius Institute suspected of concealing other activities and recruiting agents for Chinese propaganda.
Director banned from Schengen area and institute closed, while Beijing continues to use other tools to impose its worldview globally.
Chinese censorship of Genghis Khan exhibition.
Chinese government dictated removal of references to Genghis Khan, Mongolia, and Yuan dynasty from the exhibit.
Proposed new narrative focused on mutual learning.
Reflects China's control over international portrayal and influence in Hollywood.
Chinese Communist Party influence on film production evident, with studios avoiding sensitive topics like Taiwan, Tibet, and human rights.
China's influence over Hollywood and the film industry.
Hollywood is self-censoring to cater to the Chinese market, as seen in changes made to Paramount's Top Gun remake.
Disney's collaboration with China in filming in Xinjiang despite human rights abuses showcases China's growing power in the film industry.
China is using cinema as a tool to promote its image globally and challenge US dominance.
China strategically places its officials in key positions in international organizations to further its agenda and influence global policies.
WHO's delay in declaring a global health emergency in response to atypical pneumonia cases in Wuhan in 2019 raised concerns about prioritizing commercial interests over public health.
Despite criticism for lack of transparency, the WHO commended China's public health efforts in handling the situation.
China's influence on the WHO was demonstrated through its re-election to the UN human rights board, sparking worries about human rights violations and attempts to redefine human rights.
China's strategic goal involves collaborating to reshape the global order with a focus on China as a central player.
China aims to become the first world power by 2049 as part of the Chinese dream, according to Xi Jinping.
The People's Republic of China will celebrate its 100th anniversary at that time, showcasing their progress and ambition on the global stage.