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the reincarnation trap myth vert w/voice

244 views|7 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video debunks the theory of avoiding the light at death as a trap, emphasizing the importance of embracing the light for reincarnation and understanding one's origin as light beings. Being unprepared for the transition may lead to being trapped in limbo, causing deprivation and tragic experiences. Embracing the light is crucial to avoid being trapped and to connect with one's birthright.

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Importance of Embracing the Light in Death
Denying the existence of the divine light disconnects individuals from their origin as light beings.
Returning to the light is essential for reincarnation, establishing connections, and preparing for life.
Not being prepared for the transition may lead to being trapped in limbo, causing extreme deprivation and tragic experiences.
Embracing the light is crucial for individuals to avoid being trapped and to understand their birthright and origin.