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Tech Talk: Techno Producer Arthur Robert Discusses Elektron Machines, Drum Tuning, And More

electronic beats tv#Arthur robert#Tech talk#Music production#Elektron#Synthesizer#Ableton
25K views|6 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The speaker discusses his music production preferences, emphasizing the use of modular synthesizers and Elektron machines. He details his setup with MIDI synchronization, recording in Ableton, and the importance of tuning drums and adjusting velocities for cohesive sound production. The focus is on making informed choices based on sound rather than relying on excessive EQing and compression.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Preference for limited options in music production.
Emphasis on making music that sounds good from the machine itself.
Use of FM synths for specific sounds and old Poly Synths for chords and pads.
Setup with Elektron machines connected via Overbridge and RME Fireface UCX audio cards.
Importance of syncing everything perfectly in Ableton for recording jam sessions.
Importance of tuning drums and adjusting velocities in music production.
Live jamming and adjusting envelopes and pitch velocities are key elements in arranging tracks.
Prioritize tuning, velocities, and envelopes over excessive EQing and compression.
Focus on making informed choices based on sound for effective music production.
EQing and group compression should be used sparingly after mastering tuning and velocities.