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Auditioning my FAVORITE drives with my new PR12 | Secret Weapons

Mark Johnston2024-02-15
Fender#Bass VI#Bass#Infinite Jets#Hologram Electronics#Warped Vinyl#Chase Bliss#Chase Bliss Audio#Old Blood Noise#Neunaber#Expanse#Diamond#Ambient#Instrumental#Post Rock#Postrock#Pedalboard#Temple Audio#Temple Board#Jaguar#thermae#Fender Jaguar#Sinasoid#Empress#Walrus Audio#Phoenix#Echosystem#Reverb#Overdrive#Boost#Tonal Recall#Delay#Analog Delay#Brothers#Analog#Vintage#Tape Delay#Montreal Assembly#Count to 5#Steve Vai#Morgan#PR12
5K views|6 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video showcases the speaker's exploration of various overdrive options with a new amplifier, recording setup, and plate reverb in the studio. The segment includes audience applause, random guitar noodling, and a light-hearted atmosphere, with intermittent sounds and music throughout. The speaker encourages viewer feedback and subscriptions, creating an engaging and enjoyable experience.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Overview of the Morgan PR12 amplifier and its impact on the speaker's gear choices and recording process.
The speaker reevaluates his favorite overdrives after acquiring the Morgan PR12 amplifier.
Various drives, boosts, and distortions will be showcased in the video, excluding fuzz effects.
Time codes will be provided for specific sounds, along with the recording setup using a Universal Audio AUX and specific microphone setups with the Morgan PR12 amplifier.
The video will feature minimal editing and focus on exploring different overdrive options.
Use of plate reverb in the ax workflow and transitioning through various drives with a break.
Random semi-overdriven guitar noodling and mention of viewer feedback.
Creator expresses enjoyment in the workflow change and encourages subscriptions.
Segment concludes with music and applause, creating a light-hearted and enjoyable atmosphere for viewers.
Audience engagement and background music in the segment.
Letters and sounds interspersed throughout the video.
No significant conversations or speeches during this part of the video.
Energetic live music performance.
Audience engagement shown through applause.
Consistent music throughout creating a lively atmosphere.
Variety in sounds and pauses keeps the audience entertained.
Positive and energetic vibe of the segment.