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Analog Man’s BEST Pedals!

JHS Pedals2020-09-25
JHS#JHS Pedals#The JHS Show#Guitar Pedals#Guitar Effects#Guitar Gear#Guitar Pedal Demo#Music History#overdrive pedal#chorus pedal#distortion pedal#boss pedals#compressor pedal#univibe#delay pedal#octave fuzz#reverb pedal#reverb#eq pedal#boost pedal#behringer#analogman#analogman pedals#boutique pedals#boutique guitars
211K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Analog Man, founded by Mike Pierre, specializes in handmade pedals like the King of Tone and Prince of Tone, inspired by vintage designs. They also offer recreations of classic pedals like the Astro Tone Fuzz and Juicer. Mike's attention to detail and knowledge of transistors sets Analog Man apart in the boutique pedal market. The company's commitment to preserving effects history and circuits is emphasized, with recommendations for their Guide to Vintage Effects. Additionally, the segment discusses the influence of the band Toadies and offers a sealed copy of their album as a giveaway for Patreon members.

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📊 Transcript
Analog Man, founded by Mike Pierre, is a pedal company known for handmade pedals such as the King of Tone and Prince of Tone.
Mike Pierre started Analog Man in the mid-80s after moving to Japan and discovering vintage guitars and effects.
The King of Tone dual overdrive is highly sought after and has a long waiting list.
The Prince of Tone, with limited production, was inspired by a suggestion from two individuals on the Gear Page forum.
Overview of Analog Man Pedals.
The Astro Tone Fuzz pedal, based on a 1966 design, is considered the first distortion circuit ever made and is highly underrated.
Analog Man replicated the pedal and it is praised for its unique sound.
The Juicer, based on the Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer, was the first quality clone with true bypass.
Analog Man is known for producing high-quality pedals inspired by vintage designs, with a strong emphasis on sound and functionality.
Mike's high-quality pedal recreations with rare transistors.
The Sun Face pedal uses NTK Red Dot transistors for a unique sound.
The Bino Boost is a faithful recreation of the 60s Dallas Range Master pedal.
Both pedals demonstrate Mike's attention to detail and passion for vintage circuits.
Ideal for players looking for classic tones in their music.
Discussion on boutique pedals and the definition of boutique in the current market.
Analog Man is considered boutique due to small production runs and attention to detail.
The rarity of true boutique products in the pedal market is emphasized.
The band Toadies' album 'Rubber Neck' is mentioned as influential, with praise for the riffs on the record.
The speaker expresses admiration for the album and its personal impact.
1995 marked a shift in music trends, with Toadies' alternative rock standing out against Gangster's Paradise.
The album, including hits like Possum Kingdom and Tyler, is considered significant.
The speaker offers a sealed copy as a giveaway for Patreon members.
Analog Man's importance in preserving effects history and circuits is highlighted.
Analog Man's Guide to Vintage Effects is recommended for its valuable insights and interviews.