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Netbackup for OpenStack

resiliency horizon#openstack#netbackup#youtubesupport
923 views|3 years ago
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NetBackup for OpenStack supports the OpenStack architecture, offering cost savings, flexibility, and security. It integrates with the Horizon dashboard for backup management, policy setting, and data protection. The video covers storage capacity, monitoring logs, policy attributes, email settings, job scheduler, and new features for a secure OpenStack environment.

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NetBackup for OpenStack supports the OpenStack architecture and its various projects like Nova, Glance, Neutron, Swift, and Cinder.
OpenStack provides cost savings, flexibility, and security through features like Keystone.
NetBackup integrates with the Horizon dashboard to manage backups, set policies, monitor usage, and ensure data protection.
It offers insights into node management, OS data, storage, audits, and policy settings.
Users can scale to thousands of nodes and track updates for a secure OpenStack environment.
Highlights of NetBackup for OpenStack.
Storage capacity utilization, monitoring logs for failures, policy attributes for backups and snapshots, and email settings are discussed.
The importance of job scheduler management and the new features and flexibility in NetBackup for OpenStack are highlighted.