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Building Community Driven Product Expert Roundtable with Mark Tan

Zoom recording
0 views|6 months ago
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The video discusses building communities by aligning goals, transitioning from hierarchical to emergent models, and engaging members effectively. It emphasizes the importance of strategic thinking, steady content, and intrinsic motivations. Examples include Gameful and On Deck, showcasing grassroots approaches. Utilizing tools like Discourse and Heartbeat improves engagement, while targeting specific audiences and partnering strategically enhances community growth. Addressing challenges in education and managing multiple platforms are highlighted. Incorporating community feedback early in product development and focusing on fundamental needs drive sustained engagement. Rituals like 'go team' foster unity and appreciation for successful community building.

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Evolution of Communities and Strategic Thinking in Building Communities.
Importance of aligning community goals with business goals for successful development.
Emphasis on guiding participants from zero to 100 people in co-designing communities.
Future trend indicating that 95% of products will be designed with people, while tools and processes continue to evolve.
Challenges faced in building communities in the education industry due to diverse audiences.
Transition from hierarchical to emergent community.
Emphasis on creating steady pulse and consistent content to drive conversation.
Importance of psychology of human behavior and need to belong to something greater.
Strategy involves getting people excited, offering product feedback, and leveraging motivations.
Goal is to build empowered community based on product goals.
Building a strong community involves starting small and expanding gradually, focusing on trust and engagement.
Reach out to family and friends for feedback, discuss ideas with peers, and seek referrals to grow the community.
Shift focus to scalability and engaging passionate users as the community grows.
Create a content calendar to keep members informed and connected to the mission.
Collaborate with various groups such as parents, students, and institutions to foster a diverse and supportive community.
Building a community involves creating a content calendar, selecting moderators, measuring retention and NPS, and fostering connections among members.
Different types of communities require different approaches, such as B2B, innovation within companies, or direct-to-consumer.
Inspiring leaders are crucial in building successful communities by embodying core human characteristics like generosity.
Examples of inspiring leaders include Malala, who has galvanized the world through her passion for education and giving back.
Importance of building communities based on personal experiences.
Challenges of coordinating large groups of people and aligning business and community goals.
Evolution of On Deck from casual dinners to a network connecting individuals.
Focus on fostering discussions, job boards, and directories in community building.
Showcasing a grassroots approach to community building.
The benefits of using Discourse for community discussions and moderation.
Discourse offers good moderation features and allows users to search for content easily.
It provides a platform for discussions without requiring personal information disclosure.
Community managers should consider the effort needed to migrate platforms as the community grows.
Balancing low friction and avoiding frequent tool changes is crucial for sustainable community management.
Challenges of managing multiple community platforms and tools for effective communication and collaboration.
Importance of user familiarity in utilizing platforms like Slack and Heartbeat for community engagement.
Targeting specific segments, such as fifth to seventh grade language arts teachers on Pinterest, to build early adopter relationships.
Strategic considerations for partnering with non-competing companies to develop a niche community.
Emphasis on targeted alignment and coordination for successful community development.
Key highlights on building educational communities.
Consider the mission and goals when determining size and structure needed.
Challenges include teachers' limited time and finding motivations for participation.
Extrinsic motivators like certificates or pay can be effective, along with internal curiosity.
Designing a community should focus on excitement and engagement rather than network effects.
Importance of Community Involvement in Product Development
Early incorporation of community feedback enhances emotional attachment and likelihood of product usage.
Products built with community involvement lead to increased engagement and value creation.
Rewarding community members for adding value is essential for maintaining engagement.
Designing community products requires a unique perspective taking into account various groups and social networks.
Engaging community members and collaboratively designing products are key for successful product development and sustained community participation.
Focus on addressing fundamental needs of the community before offering rewards or incentives.
Understand the needs of the community to create a value proposition that resonates with customers.
Build a direct line of communication between active community members and customer service representatives.
Provide a valuable product early on to satisfy community members rather than overthinking rewards and systems.
Strategies for Engaging Community Members.
Engage community members with articles, questions, and events like birthdays.
Consider layers within the community and direct message smaller subgroups with similar interests for more targeted conversations.
Start small and gradually expand to bring highly motivated individuals together.
Overcome challenges by creating a separate community focused on specific interests and connecting like-minded individuals.
Importance of Community Guidelines and Group Separation in Establishing Behavior Expectations.
Core community, subcommunity, and other groups help maintain order and clarity within a community.
Aligning business goals with the vision for the community is crucial for decision-making and success.
Encouraging members to articulate the value proposition can drive growth and progress.
Addressing any disconnect between business goals and community vision is essential for moving forward effectively.
Importance of tying metrics to business goals.
Challenges of attributing success, especially in marketing, and the focus on tangible results over vanity metrics.
Use of NPS as a metric for measuring community happiness and product satisfaction.
Emphasis on the CMX spaces framework for tracking metrics and reaching end goals.
Importance of metrics in community building.
Metrics like adoption, content generation, and satisfaction are crucial for understanding the mission and vision of the community.
Value of qualitative data in early stages of a company.
Using data intelligently, not just relying on quantitative data, is significant.
Communities can facilitate ongoing dialogue, build trust, and elicit genuine feedback to aid in decision-making processes.
Importance of qualitative data in community research.
Emphasis on identifying common themes and resonating data.
Need for a strategic approach to data analysis.
Utilizing data to understand customer engagement within a community.
Shifting focus from product purchases to integrating customers into the community for increased sales.
Criteria for selecting community leaders or mods includes aligning with company vision and goals, focusing on values and brand alignment, assessing motivations, and testing participants.
It's important to monitor and address bad actors within the community, even if previously vetted.
The process includes quantitative assessment, manual reviews, and ensuring individuals match company values.
Dealing with inappropriate behavior reported by community members is a challenge that requires proactive management.
Strategies for Handling Offensive Content in Online Communities
Addressing violations publicly and then privately with the person responsible is crucial for managing offensive content.
Immediate action should be taken for severe violations such as profanity.
Utilizing a team of moderators can assist in content moderation and removal.
Recommendations for community manager resources like CMX Hub and Community Round Table are provided, as well as mention of emerging trends in web 3.0.
Emphasis on rituals in community building.
Closing ritual 'go team' involved unmuting, putting hands in the middle, and saying 'go team'.
Participants encouraged to join in the ritual to end the call positively.
Gratitude expressed to Mark and Nathan for their participation.
Session concluded with a sense of unity and appreciation.