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Criticism when you've had a bad childhood

the school of life#alain de botton#self#improvement#big questions#love#wellness#mindfullness#psychology#schooloflife#mental health#how to#growing up#criticism#bad childhood#PL-TSOL#当你有一个不好的童年时的批评#Crítica quando você teve uma infância ruim#Critique quand vous avez eu une mauvaise enfance#Kritik wenn Sie eine schlechte Kindheit hatten#Crítica cuando has tenido una mala infancia#आलोचना जब आपको बुरे बचपन पड़ा है
1M views|6 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The impact of criticism is heavily influenced by our childhood experiences and the love and care we received. People with bad childhoods often struggle with the effects of criticism, seeking validation and approval in an attempt to compensate for early emotional neglect. Understanding the link between past and present criticism can help individuals develop a more resilient and self-compassionate mindset. Through self-reflection and the acknowledgment of past wounds, it is possible to change the way criticism is perceived and to foster a greater sense of self-worth.

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The impact of criticism depends on the type of childhood we had, particularly in terms of love and care.
A bad childhood is defined here as a lack of love and care from early caregivers.
The way our caregivers viewed us becomes the way we view ourselves.
Being loved by another is essential for us to develop a sense of self-worth.
People with bad childhoods may seek fame and success as a way to compensate for the love and validation they didn't receive.
Individuals with emotionally deprived backgrounds often question their worth and existence.
The approval of millions will never be enough to convince someone of their goodness if they lacked love and validation in their early years.
Seeking outsized approval and success is a common behavior for those who experienced emotional neglect in childhood.
The way we react to criticism is linked to our past experiences, particularly our childhood.
Some people can separate current criticism from past emotional injuries, while others may struggle and see the criticism as a confirmation of their past negative experiences.
Understanding our childhood experiences can help us defend against the effects of criticism.
We can learn to forgive ourselves and change the meaning of past negative experiences by exploring our histories.
Criticism from the past, particularly from early caregivers, has a significant impact on how we perceive and react to criticism in the present.
Being able to separate current criticism from the emotional verdict of the past is a crucial defense mechanism.
Forgiveness and self-compassion are essential in overcoming the effects of past criticism.
We can change the meaning of past negative experiences by exploring our histories and seeking support from understanding others.