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Author Talk: Design Justice by Sasha Costanza-Chock

The MIT Press2020-05-07
inclusive design#design justice#social justice#activism#lgbtq justice#gender justice#gender equity#social equity#racial equity#technology justice#technology equality#science technology society#sasha costanza-chock#mit#mit professors#mit press#mit press authors#tech authors
5K views|4 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video delves into the concept of Design Justice, emphasizing inclusivity, dismantling biases in design practices, and addressing systemic issues in security technology, particularly related to marginalized communities. It advocates for equitable distribution of design benefits, community-based practices, and intersectional understanding to create more just and inclusive design outcomes. The Design Justice Network promotes collaboration, community impact, and sustainable solutions, prioritizing the voices and experiences of marginalized groups in the design process. The video also highlights the importance of procedural justice, leveraging privilege for community partnerships, and using power effectively towards collective liberation.

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📊 Transcript
Importance of land acknowledgment and supporting Indigenous tribes, with a focus on challenges faced by the Mashpee tribe.
Advocacy for inclusivity and justice in design practices to address settler colonialism's violence.
'Design Justice' book structured around key questions on design narratives, inclusivity, and site privilege in design innovation.
Discussion on design pedagogies and future work directions, emphasizing the collaborative and transformative nature of Design Justice work.
Speaker's experience at conference on inclusivity and diversity and challenges faced.
Stressful experience at airport security as a nonbinary individual.
Details on discomfort and embarrassment caused by the scanner's design and operator's choices.
Reflection on biases in security technology and impact on individuals not aligning with societal norms.
Feeling marked as 'risky' by the system despite efforts to comply.
Challenges faced by queer and trans individuals at airport security.
Security systems reinforce cisnormativity and burden marginalized groups like trans people, Black individuals, and those with disabilities.
Biases in security technology, such as millimeter wave scanners, disproportionately impact certain communities.
Intersection of gender and race in airport security systems perpetuates discrimination.
Narrative highlights systemic issues in airport security and the need for more inclusive practices.
Critique of the security screening privilege and inadequate medical care in ICE detention centers.
Tragic death of Johana Medina León in ICE custody due to lack of proper medical attention.
Highlighting the historical violence against LGBTQ migrants and emphasizing the need for systemic change.
Argument against technical fixes to biased systems and call for deeper understanding of underlying structural issues.
Encouragement for designers, artists, technologists, and community organizers to address systemic problems with a thoughtful approach.
Discussion on dismantling discriminatory design in technology.
Reference to Massachusetts Crisis Standards of Care as an example of colorblind decision-making that perpetuates disparities.
Emphasis on carceral design, decolonizing design, and design justice in influencing benefits and burdens among groups.
Explanation of intersectionality as a framework for understanding overlapping systems of oppression, rooted in Black feminist thought.
Limitations of existing anti-discrimination laws in protecting Black women workers.
Lack of statistical evidence to support discrimination claims for Black women workers.
Importance of intersectional analysis in addressing discriminatory design and bias in algorithmic-decision-support systems.
Design justice calls for consideration of how universal design principles can erase marginalized groups.
Introduction of the concept of the matrix of domination by Patricia Hill Collins, highlighting interlocking systems of oppression based on race, class, and gender.
Impact of Technology Design on Domination and Resistance in Society.
Content moderation systems and community guidelines are influenced by institutions like Google and Apple, shaping online platforms.
Design decisions, such as requiring social media profiles for visa applications, can have different effects on individuals.
The US DHS's attempt to categorize visa applicants based on social media profiles faced backlash and was replaced with manual review.
Technology design can either reinforce existing power structures or be a tool for resistance and change.
The visa application process involves human-powered decision-making based on political and design ideologies.
Design justice emphasizes equitable distribution of design benefits and community-based practices.
The Design Justice Network organizes practitioners globally to sustain, heal, and empower communities.
Community impact is prioritized over designer intent, and accountability is valued in design processes.
Change is viewed as emergent and collaborative rather than a final outcome.
Design Justice principles prioritize community-led outcomes and inclusive design processes.
The approach values sharing knowledge and tools with communities, honoring traditional, Indigenous, and local knowledge.
Codesign is promoted as an inclusive approach in design processes, with a Codesign Studio being taught at MIT.
There is a recognition of the potential for codesign to be co-opted by professionalized design industries for extractive purposes.
Addressing Systems of Oppression in Design Processes.
Design processes can perpetuate stereotypes and exclude marginalized communities if not addressed.
Partnering with community-based organizations is essential for inclusivity and authentic representation in design.
Providing resources and support for community participation is more effective than superficial empathy exercises.
Centering the voices and experiences of marginalized communities leads to more equitable and just design outcomes.
Design Justice Network's focus on graphic novels and zines to address health equity with native youth organizers.
The network showcases stories of design justice work in architecture and graphic design through zines.
Justice is explored through social movement work, emphasizing distribution of benefits and burdens based on race, class, gender, and disability.
Understanding and addressing disparate impacts caused by environmental issues and social structures is a key aspect of justice.
Justice shapes individuals' life chances and capabilities in society.
Importance of Procedural Justice in Community Projects
Fairness in decision-making processes and distribution of benefits and burdens are crucial in community projects.
Leveraging privilege to provide resources and visibility to community partners is essential for their inclusion and recognition.
Gatekeepers play a significant role in creating bridges between systems and individuals, promoting community work and systems' inclusion.
Individuals must use their power and privilege effectively to collectively move towards liberation.
Discussion with Rigoberto la Guzman at Databite research Institute in New York.
Event details and links shared in the chat for further information.
Design Justice resources and community engagement emphasized.
AIGA Boston membership benefits for professional development and event participation highlighted.
Appreciation to MIT Press, AIGA Boston, and audience for participation and questions.