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Uniswap L2 volume ath, Ethereum after blobs and more - The Daily Gwei Refuel #756 - Ethereum Updates

The Daily Gwei2024-03-30
1K views|3 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video segments cover the anticipation of ETF approval for Ethereum, Bitwise's correlation analysis impacting ETF approval, EPBS implementation in the Ethereum network, the launch of dual Corum with Igan DA support, user demand and fee revenue for networks, Ethereum L2 ecosystem sustainability, increasing network capacity for transaction growth, shared sequencing and the AG layer for interoperability, liquidity importance in transactions, and the balance between decentralization and security in L2 implementation. Vitalik discusses Ethereum's transition post-blob era, focusing on the application layer's development. The segments emphasize market sentiment, ETF approval impact, network upgrades, and blockchain technology evolution.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Anticipation of ETF approval or denial for Ethereum causing market uncertainty.
Speculation on positive impact of ETF approval on Ethereum's price.
Market's cautious approach towards ETF approvals and potential for significant price movements.
Complex interplay between market sentiment, ETF decisions, and Ethereum's price dynamics.
Analysis on correlation between ETH spot and futures markets.
Results show a tight correlation similar to Bitcoin.
Impact on approval of ETH ETFs unlikely based on correlation.
Denial based on security classification could be worse.
ETF issuers continue to push for approval despite challenges.
Bitwise filed S1 for their ETF and 19 B4 forms, awaiting SEC approval.
Most ETF issuers have filed these forms except Hashdex.
ETH and BTC ETFs are nearly identical, both spot ETFs with the same custodians and correlation analysis.
Ethereum core dev updates discussed network stability issues with block relay.
Bloxroute blamed Lighthouse for relay issues, tied to their BDN delivery network.
The need for EPBS (Enshrined Proposed Builder Separation) in the Ethereum network to address MEV (Miner Extractable Value) and improve communication between entities.
Flash Bots is a for-profit entity working on MEV solutions, while Ethereum core developers focus on a neutral protocol.
Integrating EPBS into the network would assist developers in reasoning about changes and improving network efficiency.
Progress is being made on Verkle Trees, an upgrade to tackle scalability issues in Ethereum and enable features like history expiry and statelessness.
Launch of Dual Corum with support for Igan DA on the Sky test net is a key step towards the main net.
Dual Corum enhances robustness and decentralization by utilizing two Chums for securing a proof of stake Network.
Future plans include native tokens for ABS and rollups.
Ian DA is targeting a launch in April or May, potentially impacting the ABS landscape and staking placements.
Short to medium-term strategies involve token incentives for staking, while long-term considerations focus on natural yield from Protocols.
Discussion on user demand, fee revenue, token inflation, real yield, and sustainability in networks.
Growth of platforms like Arbitrum, Polygon POS, and Bas, focusing on their defi ecosystems and swap volumes.
Prediction of a layer two summer within 6 to 12 months based on Erp 4844 and Bas.
Emphasis on the significance of real users and narratives in platform adoption for success.
Discussion on sustainability of meme coins in the Ethereum L2 ecosystem.
Importance of strong ecosystem for long-term viability of meme coins like Arbirtum and Bas on platforms like Coinbase.
Emphasis on sustainable demand and revenue for meme coins, highlighting the significance of a robust ecosystem.
Mention of gas fees and scalability, with a graph showing how increasing capacity can lower costs while maintaining user experience.
Speaker stresses the need for continued growth and sustainability in L2 networks.
The importance of increasing network capacity for accommodating growing transaction demand on Ethereum.
Emphasizing aggregate fees over individual fees to improve accessibility to transactions at lower costs.
Envisioning a symbiotic relationship between human users and bots on the network, with bots serving users effectively.
Addressing challenges such as negative incentives for bots and potential disruptions like censorship to ensure smooth network operation.
Key components for enhancing interoperability and reducing fragmentation in the Ethereum network.
The AG layer by Polygon serves as a neutral layer for storing assets accessible to various chains.
Shared sequencing enables L2s to opt into sequences shared with L1 validators, facilitating seamless execution across different chains without bridging.
This approach streamlines trading processes and addresses liquidity challenges, leading to improved user experience and network efficiency.
Importance of liquidity and fragmentation of execution in transactions on platforms like Arbitrum and Optimism.
Shared sequences like Shar predicted to enable faster adoption within the next 12 months.
Potential benefits of layer 2 solutions highlighted by the speaker.
Anticipation of a shift in narrative towards centralization concerns once these technologies are live and functioning effectively.
Balancing decentralization and security in Layer 2 solutions.
Decentralization is important but must be balanced with security concerns and preventing concentration of power.
Multisig setups with identified participants are necessary for quick bug responses, despite risks of centralization.
Short to medium-term acceptance of multisigs recommended for security, particularly with untested ZK circuits.
Finding a balance between decentralization and security is crucial in the changing realm of blockchain technology.
Vitalik discusses Ethereum's transition into the post-blob era, focusing on the application layer.
He emphasizes the need for a focus on the application layer now that the infrastructure layer has been scaled with blobs.
Vitalik highlights the benefits of reduced fees, faster transactions, and improved user experience on Ethereum.
He encourages developers to build better apps and prioritize apps uniquely enabled by blockchain technology over infrastructure developments.
This shift aims to maximize the use of existing infrastructure and drive innovation in the blockchain application space.