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Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship Testimonial - Ankita Pawar

Stanford Online2021-03-03
2K views|3 years ago
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Ankita, a tech startup product manager, discusses transitioning from engineering to product management and the benefits of an online certificate program from Stanford. Despite being pregnant and working full-time, she found the program empowering, emphasizing the importance of negotiation skills and boosting her confidence in job applications. Ankita encourages busy individuals, including parents, to commit to online education for skill enhancement and career prospects.

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Ankita's transition from engineering to product management and her experience with an online certificate program from Stanford.
Despite being pregnant and working full-time, Ankita found the program flexibility empowering.
The course helped Ankita realize the importance of negotiation skills and boosted her confidence in applying for jobs.
Ankita encourages busy individuals, including parents, to commit to online education and enroll in courses to enhance their skills and career prospects.