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Stephen Harper, 22nd Prime Minister of Canada

stanford gsb#vftt#stanford mba#stanford business#stanford graduate school of business#view from the top#stephen harper#canada#prime minister
120K views|6 years ago
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Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper discusses his political career, from forming the Reform Party to leading the Conservative Party and becoming Prime Minister. He emphasizes his conservative values, immigration policies, and successful trade deals. Harper reflects on his leadership style, decision-making, and love for Canada, advocating for nationalism in leadership. He addresses economic challenges, populism, and the importance of understanding voters' concerns. Harper highlights the need for practical solutions, emotional connections with voters, and professionalism in politics. Leadership success is attributed to luck, integrity, and a long-term vision for the country.

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Interview with Prime Minister Harper covering his favorite hockey teams, early interest in politics, transition from researcher to politician, and uniting right-leaning parties in Canada.
Harper discusses his upbringing around politics, studying economics, and becoming involved in public policy.
Explains his unique path to becoming Prime Minister through a third party and his approach to deficit reduction.
Conversation highlights Harper's entrepreneurial mindset in politics.
Success in uniting different parties under one banner.
Speaker's journey from disillusionment to political success.
The speaker left his government job and helped form the Reform Party in 1987.
He became the first policy chief of the Reform Party and was elected in 1993.
After the Reform Party stalled, he led a conservative political action committee.
He was approached to lead the opposition due to a civil war within the party, leading to a merger with another conservative party and electoral success.
Importance of being the last man standing in politics.
Advocate for incrementalism in policy-making and gathering data before moving forward.
Highlight of Canada's successful immigration policy aligning with labor market needs.
Lessons for US policymakers include prioritizing skilled immigration and garnering public backing for policy decisions.
Importance of Immigration Policy in Benefiting the Economy
Addressing labor force needs is crucial for the economy's success.
Negative impact of illegal immigration on support for legal immigration systems.
Canada's embrace of multiculturalism and integration policies, allowing immigrants to maintain identity while promoting unity.
Canada's multicultural and patriotic stance could be a model for other countries.
Balancing personal and family identities with a sense of belonging in a diverse society.
Canada's successful integration of various ethnic and religious groups is attributed to cultural diversification.
Canada takes a proactive approach to free trade agreements with comprehensive consultations and understanding of different sector interests.
Policymakers are urged to approach trade deals as serious commercial agreements rather than theoretical exercises.
Importance of Public Opinion in Trade Deals
The success of the Canada-US Agreement in 1987 and subsequent NAFTA is attributed to public opinion supporting trade deals.
Initial opposition to the trade deal was proven wrong as it led to economic growth and trade encouragement.
Understanding and addressing people's economic interests is crucial in negotiating trade agreements, rather than relying solely on philosophical arguments.
Winning hearts and minds is essential in trade deals, as shown by the Canadian public's support for major agreements.
Barack Obama's changing perception of Vladimir Putin.
Obama initially viewed Putin as a strong leader who restored order in Russia post-collapse.
Over time, Obama realized Putin was not a friend and became more blunt with him.
Obama advocated for Putin's removal from the G8 even before the Crimea invasion.
During a meeting, Obama directly told Putin to 'get out of Ukraine,' demonstrating his firm stance on the issue.
Discussion on Teddy Roosevelt's quote about Russians lying, shared during an exchange with Putin.
Other leaders distanced themselves from Putin to avoid negative perceptions after witnessing the exchange.
Emphasis on maintaining sanctions on Russia and minimizing contact with Putin due to belief that he does not want to be friends with the West.
Putin's strong leadership and resentment towards the fall of the Soviet Union are seen as reasons for his actions to undermine the West.
Putin's motivations and leadership style are reflected in his attempts to undermine the West.
Importance of Integrity in Politics
Emphasis on taking the high road and avoiding negative attacks on opponents.
Highlighting the need for combativeness in campaigns and delivering true criticisms.
Significance of being respected and having integrity in politics over being liked or loved.
Addressing the need to treat opponents with respect while still attacking them on legitimate weaknesses.
Challenges of Democratic Leadership.
Democratic leaders face opposition and criticism, unlike in business.
The parliamentary system separates head of state power from head of government power, emphasizing scrutiny.
Cults of personality are avoided by subjecting leaders to criticism.
Success in leadership is often attributed to luck and being in the right place at the right time.
Former Prime Minister's leadership style, goals, and conservative values.
He emphasizes his long-term vision for establishing a lasting institutional force.
Reflects on making difficult decisions in politics and acknowledges some choices he would have made differently.
Prioritizes what he believes is best for the country over personal preferences.
Media's portrayal of his passion for Canada is highlighted, often overlooked in press coverage.
Speaker's deep connection to Canada and views on nationalism.
The speaker highlights his ancestry in Canada dating back to the 18th century and praises the opportunities for social mobility in the country.
Despite not always enjoying the weather, the speaker expresses his love for Canada's history and geography.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of nationalism for leaders and questions the lack of patriotism in the modern liberal elite.
The speaker believes that loving one's country is essential for effective leadership.
Former Canadian Prime Minister advocates for a substantial stimulus program to combat economic collapse.
Resistance from some members of his caucus is addressed, emphasizing the need to restore economic balance.
Assurance is given that the long-term financial structure of Canada will not be compromised.
The term 'populism' is examined, particularly in how it is negatively portrayed by conservatives.
Conservatives are urged to understand the appeal of populism to voters and to consider the impact of policies on ordinary people.
Impact of market-oriented policies on people.
Criticism of large-scale importation of low-skilled workers and foreign investors leaving residential real estate unoccupied.
Importance of understanding social outcomes, good policy outcomes, and addressing concerns of working middle-class people.
Contrasting Canada with the US in terms of political polarization and steady income growth for middle and working-class citizens.
Emphasis on the need for political debate, different party views, and avoiding deeply rooted social cleavages.
Emotional aspect of leadership and conservatism's approach to connecting with voters.
While emotional appeal is important, conservatism also focuses on providing sensible solutions.
Conservative leaders aim to convince people with their expertise and effectiveness.
The need to improve emotional connections is acknowledged, but practical solutions are emphasized to address deep concerns.
The speech concludes with a thank you message to the audience.