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Top 10 BEST Cities For New College Grads

Shane Hummus2021-12-10
Shane#Hummus#Shane Hummus#robinhood#college degrees#college majors#degrees#majors#best cities#college#best places to live#relocation#graduating#graduation#where to live#living your best life#where to move#should i move#Best cities for millennials#Top cities for career growth#Best cities for young professionals#best cities for college graduates#Cities to Start Your Career#where to live in US#best cities to live in#best places to#best places to live in the US
13K views|2 years ago
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The video explores challenges faced by young people and recent college grads in finding affordable living and job opportunities. It highlights cities like Indianapolis, St. Louis, Louisville, Omaha, San Antonio, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Nashville, Cincinnati, and Columbus as viable options with low unemployment rates and affordable rent. It emphasizes the importance of choosing cities friendly to young people based on cost of living and employment opportunities. The speaker encourages viewers to explore city life, like, subscribe, and engage with the content, and mentions upcoming videos and a musical interlude.

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Challenges faced by young people and recent college grads in finding affordable living and job opportunities.
Increasing cost of living and entry-level job requirements are major obstacles.
Cities like Indianapolis and St. Louis offer better prospects with lower unemployment rates for bachelor degree holders and affordable rent.
Indianapolis has a healthy young population, decent nightlife, and affordable rent.
St. Louis has a fantastic zoo and is a good option for young people.
Viable cities for young people with affordable rent and low unemployment rates.
Louisville has a population of around 617,000 and outlying communities.
Omaha has a low unemployment rate of 1.4% for bachelor degree holders.
San Antonio, with a population of 1.5 million, offers activities like visiting the Alamo and the Riverwalk.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has a 3.3% unemployment rate for bachelor degree holders.
Affordable Cities for Young Adults in the US
Pittsburgh offers low unemployment rates and a vibrant nightlife.
Nashville has a thriving music scene and low rent prices.
Cincinnati boasts the cheapest rent on the list.
Columbus has the lowest unemployment rate for bachelor degree holders.
Discussion on cost of living in big cities and appeal to young people.
Ideas and options for exploring city life are presented to viewers.
Viewers are encouraged to like, subscribe, and engage with the content.
Feedback and comments are invited for future videos.
Mention of upcoming content and a musical interlude to conclude the segment.