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Top 10 Associate Degrees

Shane Hummus2022-01-12
Shane#Hummus#Shane Hummus#robinhood#10 Top best paid Jobs with an Assiates Degree#best paid jobs#top best paid jobs#best paid jobs with an associates degree#college degrees#college majors#Top 10#jobs with an associates degree#highest paying associate degree#best associate degrees#highest paying 2 year degrees#best 2 year degree jobs#what associate degrees pay the most#associate degrees that pay well#2 year majors#top associate degrees#associate degree jobs
113K views|2 years ago
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The video explores associate-level majors and degrees for those interested in college without committing to a four-year program. It highlights careers in industrial design, management information systems, information technology management, diagnostic medical ultrasound, occupational health, project management, electrical/computer engineering, instrumentation technology, radiation therapy, and health information technology. These fields offer starting salaries ranging from $45,000 to $65,000, with mid-career pay reaching up to $106,000. Job satisfaction and technical expertise vary across the different career options. It emphasizes pursuing these fields out of genuine interest rather than solely for financial benefits.

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Best associate level majors and degrees for those interested in a two-year program.
Industrial design offers practical, mass-produced product design, starting pay at $47,000 and mid-career pay at $81,000.
Management information systems combines business, computer science, and IT skills, with starting pay at $47,000 and mid-career pay at $81,000.
Both degrees provide flexibility and valuable skills for a variety of career paths.
Overview of Information Technology Management and Other High-Paying Careers.
Information technology management involves tasks such as managing information on networks, consulting with users, installing programs, updating systems, and researching technology products.
Starting salary for information technology management is around $45,000, increasing to $80,000 mid-career.
Diagnostic medical ultrasound, or sonography, goes beyond fetal imaging to include vascular sonography that detects blockages in arteries and veins.
Occupational health and safety degrees focus on workplace safety, with a high job satisfaction rating of 72%.
Overview of high-paying career options in project management, electrical and computer engineering, instrumentation technology, and radiation therapy.
Project management entails managing budgets, timelines, and project completion.
Electrical and computer engineering involves working with hardware and software.
Instrumentation technology focuses on designing and maintaining instruments.
Radiation therapy is used to treat diseases like cancer using x-ray technology, with information on salary ranges and job satisfaction scores provided for each career option.
Health information technology offers a lucrative career path with starting salary at $65,000, reaching $95,000 mid-career.
Job satisfaction in the field is high, but it can be stressful due to the busy nature of healthcare.
Computer science and mathematics skills are valuable, with starting salaries at $45,000 and mid-career salaries at $106,000.
Pursue a career in health information technology or computer science only if genuinely interested, rather than solely for financial benefits.