00:00what's happening guys it's shane here
00:01and today i have a very special video
00:03for you we are going to be talking about
00:05the best associate level majors and
00:08associate degrees and this is a highly
00:10requested topic uh these videos always
00:12do really well because a lot of people
00:14are interested in going to college but
00:17they don't necessarily want to go for
00:18four years especially since you can get
00:20an associate's degree at a community
00:22college and you don't necessarily have
00:23to pay those higher prices to go to a
00:26state university or a private university
00:28and also because bachelor degrees let's
00:30be honest a lot of the time do take more
00:32than four years so on this list i'm
00:34going to be going over all different
00:35types of degrees so pretty much no
00:36matter what you're interested in you'll
00:39likely see a degree that's somewhat
00:41related to that on this list and we're
00:42gonna jump right into that right after
00:46gently tap the like button
00:53likes on this video and also subscribe
00:56and hit the notification bell if you
00:57haven't done that already so that you
00:58never miss out on a video alright so
01:01number 10 on this list is going to be
01:03industrial design now this one is going
01:06to be for people who are interested in
01:07more artistic related degrees so
01:10basically industrial design is where
01:12you're going to be drawing up different
01:14designs for products that are going to
01:16go to mass market and these are going to
01:18be the types of products that have to be
01:20mass-produced so they do have to be
01:22relatively practical and simple so
01:24you're going to be seeing a lot of
01:25simple sleek and ergonomic designs that
01:27can be mass produced now with this one
01:29you can start off making about 47 000 a
01:32year and mid career pay is 81 000. it
01:35does have a 46 meaning score according
01:38to pay scale so that's not that great
01:40but yeah this one did make it on the
01:41list because the statistics are pretty
01:43good and i wanted to include one for
01:45people who are interested in art degrees
01:47number nine is going to be a business
01:50degree and that is going to be
01:51management information systems so if i
01:54was to explain management information
01:56systems in just a few words it's
01:58basically about 40 business 30 computer
02:02science and 30 percent i.t so it's a
02:04really good combination of business
02:06skill set mixed with technology skills
02:09and even at the associate level you see
02:11that this one is relatively good so for
02:13instance you're gonna start off making
02:15about forty seven thousand dollars a
02:16year and mid-career pay is eighty-one
02:19thousand this is also an extremely
02:21flexible degree there's so many
02:23different things that you can do because
02:25you're basically combining two of the
02:27most valuable and most important skills
02:29together think about it just about every
02:31company out there of course needs people
02:33who are good at business but they also
02:35need people who are good at technology
02:37and it's very rare to find somebody who
02:39is good at both now this one is
02:41technically a business degree um but i
02:43would also say that it's relatively easy
02:46compared to like say an engineering
02:48degree or a physics degree so that's a
02:50question i get all the time is you know
02:52engineering physics way too hard for me
02:54what's a good degree that is a little
02:56bit easier and this is definitely one of
02:58my top recommendations now if you look
03:00at the meeting score on payscale.com
03:04not that great but of course that
03:06depends on what career path you go down
03:08and a bunch of other things
03:10number eight on the list is going to be
03:12occupational health and safety and this
03:14is going to be a public health related
03:16degree that is going to teach you how to
03:18keep the workplace as safe as possible
03:20you know a lot of people don't know this
03:22but back in the 1800s in the united
03:24states children were working and
03:26oftentimes dying in factories the
03:28working conditions were extremely
03:30dangerous and of course things have
03:31gotten a lot better these days but this
03:34is just a career that makes sure things
03:36are as safe as possible so things like
03:38making sure that the air quality is
03:40clean and making sure that the building
03:41isn't going to collapse also this one
03:43has a 72 percent meaning score which is
03:46fantastic so that is an indicator that
03:49you are likely to be more happy in the
03:51long run if you choose this career path
03:53in this degree next one on the list
03:55number seven is going to be information
03:58technology management so you're
04:00basically going to be managing
04:01information that is stored on networks
04:04as well as computers so you will be
04:06somebody who consults with people if
04:07they have some type of issue or error
04:09with your computer you'll be installing
04:11different programs you'll be updating
04:13computers making sure you have the
04:14latest cutting edge technology you'll
04:16likely be researching and recommending
04:18different technology products to the
04:20company both hardware and software that
04:22fit their specific needs and with this
04:24one you'll start off making about forty
04:26five thousand dollars a year and 80 000
04:28in mid-career pay so yeah can be really
04:30good for the right person you want to be
04:32somebody who's really tech savvy you
04:33love computers you're just interested in
04:35that stuff in general number six on the
04:37list is going to be a health related
04:39degree and that's going to be diagnostic
04:41medical ultrasound this is also known as
04:44medical sonography now what everybody
04:46thinks of when you say ultrasound or
04:48sonography is being able to see a baby
04:51when they're still inside of the mother
04:52and that is one of the things you learn
04:54if you become a sonographer but there's
04:56actually a lot of other types of
04:58sonography so for instance vascular
05:00sonography is used to identify different
05:02blockages or clots within the arteries
05:04and veins and with this one you can
05:06expect to make around 55 000 a year
05:08starting out and 81 000 in mid-career
05:11pay it also has a whopping 88
05:14meaning score and this is something you
05:16see in a lot of health-related degrees
05:18health-related careers where people
05:21really do think that they're making an
05:22impact in the world and that does tend
05:24to suggest that it's going to affect
05:26your happiness in the long run so you're
05:28going to be more satisfied more happy
05:30with your career in the long run most
05:32likely you still want to do your
05:33research on it make sure it's something
05:35you're interested in and you're the
05:36right type of person for the job number
05:38five on the list is going to be project
05:41management and this is going to be
05:42another business related associate
05:45degree so project management is
05:47basically where somebody has a plan in
05:50order to use a company's resources to
05:53figure out how to move a project forward
05:55on time so the three big things you're
05:57dealing with here are going to be budget
05:59time and then the completion of the
06:01project itself this is going to involve
06:03working with different departments
06:04different people as well as different
06:06personalities and with this one you can
06:07expect to make around 50 000 a year
06:10starting out and 85 000 in mid-career
06:12pay and the meeting score for this one
06:14is a little bit better than some of the
06:15other business ones it's about 52
06:18number four on the list is going to be
06:20electrical and computer engineering so
06:23this one is pretty self-explanatory
06:25you're going to be working with
06:26computers probably designing them and
06:28you'll be specifically focusing on the
06:30hardware side of things probably about
06:33but also a little bit on the software as
06:35well with this one you can expect to
06:36make about 47 000 a year starting out
06:39and 87 000 in mid career pay it also has
06:42a 58 meaning score so pretty good next
06:46one on the list number three is going to
06:48be instrumentation technology so this is
06:50another technology related degree and
06:53this is one where you're basically going
06:55to be working on designing maintaining
06:57installing and inspecting different
06:59types of instruments that you would find
07:01in a company and many companies of
07:03course rely on instruments in order to
07:05get the daily tasks done so one really
07:08obvious example of this would be
07:09somebody who checks the instruments that
07:11you use in flights and as you can
07:13imagine there is a lot of different
07:14instruments on an airplane and you want
07:16them to be as accurate as possible so
07:18with this one you'd start off making
07:19about 51 000 a year and mid career pay
07:22is 90 000. it also has a 59 meaning
07:26score which is relatively good next one
07:29on the list number two is going to be
07:31radiation therapy and this is basically
07:33going to be the treatment of diseases
07:35the most common one of course being
07:37cancer using x-ray technology so in
07:40radiation therapy you'll be doing a lot
07:42of different things you will of course
07:43be interacting with the patients you'll
07:45be assisting the doctor like checking
07:47the charts you'll also be handling a lot
07:49of the scheduling and anytime a machine
07:52has an issue you will be troubleshooting
07:54that issue now with this one you'll
07:55start off making about 65 000 a year and
07:5995 000 in mid-career pay absolutely
08:02bonkers that is incredible for what is
08:04basically an associate level degree and
08:06on top of that this one has a ridiculous
08:0892 meaning score which you see a lot
08:11when it comes to health related degrees
08:13so yeah it can be great for the right
08:14person uh can be a very stressful job
08:16health tends to be very busy uh pretty
08:19stressful you see people on their worst
08:21days but for the right type of
08:23personality this can be a fantastic
08:25choice and number one on the list no
08:27surprise here at all probably the most
08:29valuable skill set you can learn whether
08:31it's teaching yourself or getting a
08:34computer science and mathematics i've
08:36talked about this one extensively on
08:39it's almost like a meme at this point
08:40it's number one in many different
08:43so yeah forty five thousand dollars a
08:45year starting off 106 000 in mid-career
08:48pay does have a 49 meaning score so make
08:51sure you're interested in computer
08:53science and mathematics before going
08:55into this don't go into it if you hate
08:56it i think that kind of goes with
08:58everything on this channel make sure
08:59you're actually interested in it
09:01don't go into something just for the
09:03money but yeah hope you enjoyed the
09:05video check my other ones out right here
09:06i made them just for you go ahead gently
09:08tap that like button hit the subscribe
09:10button ring the notification bell and
09:12comment down below any thoughts comments
09:13criticisms etc and i will see you next