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Shane Hummus2020-12-07
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31K views|3 years ago
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History, urban planning, philosophy, political science, international relations, agricultural economics, government, rhetoric, technical writing, marketing, economics, political economy, customs, and government degrees are discussed in terms of starting salaries, mid-career pay, job growth, and necessary skills. Soft skills like communication and critical thinking are important takeaways, with the emphasis on supplementing knowledge with quantitative skills for success in various fields. Double majoring and clear career goals are recommended for enhancing career prospects in competitive fields like philosophy and urban planning.

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Highlights of History Degrees in Liberal Arts:
History degrees are among the highest paying liberal arts degrees, with potential earnings of $45,000 in the first five years and $80,000 after 10 years.
Soft skills such as communication and critical thinking are emphasized as important skills gained from studying history.
The field may be competitive due to a high number of graduates.
Despite potential challenges, history remains a popular choice for individuals interested in the subject matter and skills acquired.
Higher mid-career pay in certain fields.
Urban and regional planning has starting pay at $47,000 and mid-career at $87,000.
Philosophy offers $8,000 starting and $89,000 mid-career pay, with philosophy teachers earning around $82,000 annually.
Success in philosophy may be attributed to the intelligence of those pursuing the field, leading to higher mid-career pay.
Consider career prospects and relocation for urban planning and philosophy careers.
Opportunities in Political Science and International Relations.
Political science starting salary is $47k and mid-career pay is $89k.
International relations starting salary is $49k and mid-career pay is $96k.
Both fields require analytical skills and knowledge of statistics.
Double majoring can enhance career prospects.
Overview of Career Paths and Salaries.
Agricultural economics involves food distribution, starting at $53,000 and reaching $99,000 mid-career.
Government studies the structure of government, with starting pay at $52,000 and mid-career at $103,000.
Rhetoric focuses on persuasion through communication, starting at $49,000 and reaching $104,000 mid-career.
Specific skills and knowledge required for each path, such as economics education for agricultural economics and political science for government.
Various career paths such as technical writing, marketing, economics, and political economy are explored.
Technical writers have an average salary of $72,000 per year with a job growth rate of 7%.
Economics degree holders can start with a salary of $58,000 and progress to $109,000 mid-career, with high growth opportunities.
Supplementing an economics degree with skills like business, math, statistics, and computer programming is recommended for better career prospects.
Political economy involves the study of production, trade, and law, with promising long-term career prospects despite initial job difficulty.
Importance of Economics and Government Degrees
Graduates with degrees in customs, economics, and government can start with an average salary of $58,000 and reach $125,000 mid-career.
Specializing in economics can lead to a master's level salary of $105,000 with high job growth.
Political science and economics combined offer diverse career opportunities.
Math and statistics skills are essential for success in these fields, emphasizing the importance of quantitative skills for aspiring economists and political scientists.