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She Got A $50k+/yr Digital Marketing Job In 3 Months

Shane Hummus2022-11-26
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2K views|1 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Lillian shares her journey into digital marketing, starting with a course on remote jobs and transitioning to a virtual career in real estate. She recommends Seth's digital marketing course, highlighting its value and practical skills. The course covers essential skills, mindset training, and job interview preparation, leading to entry-level positions with lucrative salaries. Digital marketing is praised as a valuable career path for both creative and analytical individuals, offering opportunities for growth and income advancement. Other recommended courses include Graham Stefan's YouTube course and Consulting Accelerator by Sam Evans.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Lillian's journey into digital marketing.
She began by learning about Facebook ads in 2017 and then transitioned to PPC.
Lillian got into digital marketing through a social media marketing agency.
She discovered a course on remote jobs, including digital marketing, which led her to pursue a virtual career in real estate.
Lillian found the course on remote jobs to be legitimate and decided to pursue it as a career path.
Highlights of Seth's Highly Recommended Digital Marketing Course
Over 100 testimonials showcased real success stories, emphasizing the value of digital marketing for entrepreneurship.
The course covers essential skills, salary ranges, and mindset training, offering a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
Delves into deeper concepts, providing valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Praised for its content, structure, and practical skills learned, making it a worthwhile investment for those entering the digital marketing field.
Key Highlights of Digital Marketing Job Interview and Resume Building Course:
The course equips individuals with tools for job interviews and resume building in digital marketing to gain necessary experience.
The interview section focuses on common questions and prepares candidates for roles in PPC and SEO.
Completing the course typically takes about three months, followed by landing an entry-level job by reviewing materials and applying as advised by the instructor.
The instructor stresses the importance of allowing oneself time for job search success, which can range from three to nine months based on individual circumstances.
Entry-level positions in digital marketing do not require a college degree or prior experience.
Companies value individuals with a tailored resume over bulk applications.
Salaries for entry-level positions range from 45k to 55k, increasing to 70k after a year and potentially reaching 90k after two years.
The digital marketing industry offers opportunities to earn six figures without formal education or extensive experience.
Opportunities in Digital Marketing.
Entry-level salaries range from 45k to 55k, making it a lucrative career option for beginners.
Starting early in digital marketing is likened to a 'cheat code' for success.
Communication skills are essential for success in the field, with both extroverts and introverts finding ways to thrive.
Collaboration and communication with team members are crucial for success in digital marketing, emphasizing the importance of interpersonal skills.
Career paths in digital marketing include account manager and focusing on PPC accounts.
Analytical and creative individuals can excel in the industry by working with numbers and showcasing creativity.
Investing in Seth's digital marketing course is recommended for those serious about a career in the field.
Proof of success can be found on Seth's YouTube channel and LinkedIn testimonials.
Starting a career in digital marketing is seen as a valuable opportunity for learning and growth in a dynamic industry.
Importance of Digital Marketing in Today's Society.
Digital marketing offers opportunities for starting an agency or freelancing to supplement income.
The industry shows great potential for career growth and income advancement, appealing to individuals with different strengths and preferences.
Digital marketing is viewed positively by many, providing a fulfilling career path for both creative and analytical individuals.
Other career paths like tech sales may not be suitable for everyone due to the sales nature of the role.
Highlighted Courses in the Speaker's Mind
Graham Stefan's YouTube course was praised for being phenomenal and accurate, despite being slightly outdated.
Consulting Accelerator by Sam Evans, although no longer available, was also highly valued by the speaker.
The speaker expresses gratitude for Lillian sharing her story on the channel, believing it will inspire many viewers.