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Is the Google UX Design Certificate ACTUALLY Worth It?

Shane Hummus2023-03-01
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60K views|1 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The Google UX design certificate offers job-ready skills in less than six months for $39 a month, with high demand for careers like UX designer and UI designer. Entry-level salaries in UX design are around $92,000, with opportunities for growth. Feedback on the course is mixed, with some praising its value for beginners but noting its limitations in landing a job. Additional networking, practice, and portfolio development are recommended for success. While the certificate serves as a good starting point, additional work is required to stand out and secure a job in the industry.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Overview of Google UX Design Certificate.
The certificate offers job-ready skills in less than six months without needing a degree or experience.
Google introduced the professional certificates on Coursera to bridge the skills gap in high-demand careers.
The course is affordable at $39 a month with a seven-day free trial, making it a cost-effective alternative to traditional education.
Pricing may vary by country, and Google does not profit from these certificates.
Overview of Google UX design certificate program.
The program consists of seven courses focusing on user experience design and prototyping.
Courses are highly rated and can be completed in approximately six months at a self-paced online schedule.
Individuals have reported completing the program in shorter timeframes, such as 44 days, based on their background and experience.
Google certificate offers a quicker and more flexible option for gaining expertise in UX design compared to traditional boot camps or college degrees.
Highlights of UX Design Course
The course takes 2-3 months to complete and costs $39 a month, making it affordable compared to college or boot camps.
Governments are offering scholarships to further subsidize the cost.
Online education in UX design is cheaper but does not provide a certificate.
There is high demand for UX design careers, with over 150 employers hiring for positions like UX designer, UI designer, and UX researcher.
Lucrative opportunities in UX design careers.
Entry-level salaries in UX design are around $92,000, with opportunities for growth.
High-paying roles like UX architect and strategist offer salaries up to $132,000.
UX design is crucial for website success, impacting millions of users.
Various job titles available in UX design field like UX designer, UI designer, and product designer.
Mixed feedback on Google certification course for UX/UI design.
Some praise its value for beginners in building portfolios.
Others note limitations, may not be enough to land a job in the industry.
Additional networking, practice, and mentorship recommended for success.
Seen as a good starting point but not a comprehensive solution for career advancement in UX/UI design.
Completing a UX certificate does not guarantee a job.
Google UX course is a good starting point for beginners.
Success stories include individuals landing UX jobs after focusing on portfolio development.
Killer resume, beautiful portfolio, and interview preparation are crucial for success.
Collaboration, measurable KPIs, and reaching out to businesses are key factors for standing out in the field.
Rise of Alternative Education Options
Google career certificates and other alternative education programs are gaining recognition from employers as the value of traditional college degrees declines.
The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards alternative education as college degrees become more expensive with diminishing returns.
Alternative education offers the flexibility to switch certificates if a career path is not suitable, making it easier to explore different options.
Unlike traditional college, alternative education allows individuals to sample different careers to find the best fit.
Benefits of Taking Entry-Level Classes and Obtaining Certificates in College.
Entry-level classes help students to explore various career paths and skill sets before choosing a major.
Certificates offer a cost-effective means to sample different careers and build portfolios, particularly beneficial for art-related fields.
Career-related credentials and Google certifications can enhance job prospects, with LinkedIn being a popular platform for recruiters to find candidates.
Updating ongoing certificate progress on LinkedIn can attract recruiter attention, while having a strong portfolio is essential for success in job searches, with referrals and networking playing vital roles in securing art-related careers.
Benefits of pairing Google certification with other training and networking opportunities.
Google certification serves as a valuable starting point, but experience and a strong portfolio are essential for success.
Certification is praised for affordability and practicality, particularly for beginners.
While certification does not guarantee a job, it is highly recommended for its value and potential impact on career advancement.
Free trial available for those interested in exploring the program further.