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Is an Education Degree Worth It?

Shane Hummus2021-04-30
Shane#Hummus#Shane Hummus#robinhood#college degrees#college majors#degrees#majors#becoming a teacher#pros and cons of teaching#is education degree worth it#become a teacher#education degree#career#things you should know#school teacher#teacher#want to be a teacher#salary of a teacher#What can you do with an education degree#education#degree#What can you do with#teaching degree#academic degree#early childhood education#education major#elementary school teacher
45K views|3 years ago
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The video explores the value of an education degree, discussing career paths, earning potential, job satisfaction, and demand. Despite lower salaries compared to other fields, education degrees offer decent job prospects with low unemployment rates. However, limited career options and job satisfaction contribute to education being a regretted major for some. The importance of skills over degrees in the job market is highlighted, with teaching skills considered valuable and unlikely to be automated. The field of education is shifting towards online options, offering certifications, courses, and tutoring opportunities. Viewer support through likes, shares, and subscriptions is encouraged.

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Overview of education degree worth.
Education degrees lead to careers in teaching, counseling, and administration.
Salary of education degree holders starts at $41,000 and can reach $64,000 mid-career.
The highest-paying role in education, like a principal, earns around $96,000, requiring a master's degree and five years of experience.
Alternative career paths outside of education, such as human resource manager, can offer higher salaries, like $116,000 annually.
Impact of Educational Degrees on Career and Earnings.
Educational degrees typically result in an average yearly pay of $72,000, totaling $1.8 million over a lifetime, which is relatively low compared to other professions.
Teachers play a crucial role in society but are often underpaid, with only a 71% job satisfaction rate.
Despite the importance of education, it ranks as the third most regretted major due to financial constraints, limited job opportunities, and job satisfaction issues.
Many individuals regret pursuing an education degree due to concerns about financial stability and career growth.
Factors influencing job satisfaction and meaning include location, company, and industry.
Demand for skills plays a significant role in determining pay and treatment in a career.
Higher demand for skills leads to better compensation and treatment for individuals.
Government or education careers may not follow the same compensation trends due to regulations.
Specific job growth statistics are provided for roles such as principal, special education teacher, and HR manager.
Job opportunities for education degrees are plentiful with around 58,000 positions available and growing at a rate of seven percent.
Despite concerns about limited job availability, education-related degrees have low unemployment rates and strong job prospects.
Searching for education degrees on job sites yields around 30,000 job listings, indicating decent demand in the field.
Big businesses show less interest in hiring individuals with education degrees compared to other fields like engineering and business.
Overall, the demand for education degrees presents conflicting evidence, but they still offer good career prospects.
Variation in Career Earnings Based on Degree
Management degrees earn slightly less than average at around 2.3 million.
Zip Recruiter skills index emphasizes the importance of skills over degrees in the job market.
Teaching skills are valuable and have only a 1% chance of automation.
Human resource manager roles have a low chance of automation at 0.6%.
Certain degrees offer flexibility for a range of career paths without extensive planning.
Considerations for choosing an education degree.
Education degrees can limit career options to teaching-related fields with little flexibility.
Changing paths later can be challenging due to the specialized nature of the degree.
The speaker rates the education degree a 6.625 out of 10, suggesting it may be suitable with thorough research.
Double majoring or minoring in education could enhance career prospects and provide a unique skill set for sharing knowledge.
Shift towards online and decentralized education options.
Options include certifications, online courses, tutors, and free YouTube videos.
Speaker promotes checking out Patreon for additional resources like the college degree ranker.
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