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Is an Anthropology Degree Worth It?

Shane Hummus2021-05-05
Shane#Hummus#Shane Hummus#robinhood#college degrees#college majors#degrees#majors#Careers for Anthropology majors#Anthropology Careers#Careers in Anthropology#Anthropology Jobs#Anthropology Job Opportunities#How to find an Anthropology Job#Life after college#Salary of Anthropology Major#Biological Anthropology#Archaeology#Linguistic Anthropology#Government Careers#Business#anthropology major#anthropology#how to choose a major#sociology#anthropology vs sociology
35K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Anthropology is a specialized field encompassing the study of human development through various disciplines. Job prospects for anthropologists include roles as researchers and museum curators, with starting salaries around $43,000. While social science degrees have an average lifetime income slightly higher than the overall average, further education is common, leading to additional debt. Job satisfaction for anthropologists is above average, but the field is competitive, with limited job opportunities. Soft skills acquired through social science degrees are valuable, though high-paying jobs may not be direct outcomes. Consider job availability, growth rates, and potential challenges before committing to a degree in anthropology or related fields. Additionally, pursuing a double major or additional classes can broaden job prospects.

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Overview of Anthropology as a Field of Study.
Anthropology encompasses the study of human biological, social, and cultural development, and incorporates various disciplines such as history, geology, religion, economics, politics, and society.
Career Opportunities in Anthropology.
Potential career paths in anthropology include roles as an anthropologist, museum curator, or researcher, with starting salaries averaging around $43,000 and mid-career pay at $70,000.
Education and Specialization in Anthropology.
Most positions in anthropology require at least a master's degree, which can lead to additional student loan debt, as few closely related careers exist compared to other fields like nursing or engineering.
Lifetime income for social science degrees, including anthropology, averages around 2.5 million, slightly above the overall average.
Many graduates pursue further education, leading to increased debt.
Unemployment rates are not considered in income data, affecting job prospects.
Anthropologists and archaeologists have a higher meaning score of 51% and above-average job satisfaction at 66%.
Social science degrees are the fourth most regretted due to being perceived as too general and impractical, despite subjective satisfaction levels.
Importance of research and asking key questions before pursuing a career.
Job availability and growth rates for anthropologists, archivists, and survey researchers.
Higher unemployment rates for social science graduates compared to business and engineering degrees.
Companies prioritize business and engineering majors over social science degrees.
Emphasis on careful consideration and research when choosing a career path.
Importance of soft skills acquired through social science degrees.
Soft skills include communication, argumentation, and critical thinking.
These skills may not directly lead to high-paying jobs but are valuable in various aspects of life.
Skills acquired through social science degrees can indirectly help in making money, such as through entrepreneurship.
Market value of different degrees compared, highlighting the value of fields like content creation and monetization through platforms like YouTube.
Challenges and outcomes of pursuing a degree in anthropology or related fields.
Fields like anthropology and archaeology require high levels of human input, creativity, critical thinking, and communication.
Job satisfaction can be high in these fields, but the job market is saturated with PhDs, leading to fierce competition and limited job prospects.
Majoring in anthropology may not offer a flexible career path and could pigeonhole individuals into limited job options.
It's important to carefully consider the potential challenges and outcomes before committing to a degree in anthropology or related fields.
Considerations for pursuing a degree in anthropology.
Anthropology PhDs often require more time due to field research.
Job opportunities specifically for anthropology degrees are limited.
It is recommended to double major, minor, or take extra classes to expand job prospects.
Pursuing a career as an archaeologist or professor may require a PhD and long-term commitment.
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