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Is a Materials Engineering Degree Worth It?

Shane Hummus2021-04-14
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66K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Materials engineering involves developing materials for various products, with high earning potential and job satisfaction in the field of engineering. Demand for materials engineers and material scientists is high, leading to favorable job prospects. Engineering degrees offer flexibility, problem-solving skills, and financial benefits, making them valuable for entrepreneurship. Mechanical and chemical engineering degrees are recommended for job flexibility and recognition by hiring managers. Individual research and career goals should guide career choices in engineering to align with interests and ambitions.

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Overview of Materials Engineering
Materials engineering focuses on developing materials for products like aircraft, biomedical devices, and computer chips.
Graduates in this field compete with materials science and engineering majors for similar jobs, with slight differences in program focus.
Materials engineers have a salary potential of around $93,000 per year, while materials scientists earn about $78,000 annually.
Common career paths for materials engineers include aerospace engineer, architectural engineering manager, and chemical engineer, with competitive pay ranging from $70,000 to $80,000.
Engineering degrees offer high earning potential and job satisfaction levels.
Graduates make significantly more over a lifetime compared to other fields.
Job satisfaction in engineering is around 65%, indicating average to slightly above average levels.
Only 15% of engineering degree holders regret their choice, making it the third least regretted college degree.
Factors such as impact on the world and day-to-day job enjoyment influence overall satisfaction with a career choice.
Importance of demand in the job market.
Having a skill in high demand can lead to better pay, treatment, and opportunities.
Job availability and growth rates compared for materials engineers and material scientists.
Low unemployment rates associated with STEM degrees, particularly in engineering.
Pursuing a materials engineering degree could lead to favorable job prospects and career opportunities.
Benefits of Engineering Degrees in the Job Market
Mechanical engineering degrees offer flexibility and familiarity to hiring managers, providing a significant advantage in the job market.
Engineers earn significantly more over a lifetime compared to other degree holders, regardless of career path, due to practical problem-solving skills taught in engineering programs.
The consistent high earnings of engineers suggest a correlation with intelligence and success, setting engineering degrees apart from degrees like mathematics or physics.
Engineering degrees are known for their financial benefits and practical skill development, making them a lucrative and valuable choice for students.
Benefits of Engineering Degrees
Engineering degrees are flexible and valued for problem-solving skills, making them ideal for entrepreneurship.
Low risk of automation and outsourcing due to hands-on work nature.
Engineering programs have high dropout rates and demanding study requirements.
Despite challenges, engineering is tough but rewarding, offering lucrative careers and opportunities for innovation.
Benefits of pursuing a mechanical or chemical engineering degree for job flexibility in high-demand fields.
Mechanical engineers are widely recognized and preferred by employers, providing stability in career choices.
Decision between mechanical and chemical engineering depends on individual research and career goals.
Viewers advised to conduct thorough research and align career choices with personal interests and ambitions.
Subjectivity of career choices emphasized, highlighting the importance of due diligence in decision-making.