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Is a Human Resource Degree Worth It? (Human Resources Management)

Shane Hummus2021-01-25
Shane#Hummus#Shane Hummus#robinhood#college degrees#college majors#degrees#majors#pros and cons of a career in human resources#human resources#how to get into HR#what is HR#how much money does HR make#how to get started in human resources#day in the life of human resources#pros and cons of human resources#should i major in human resources#how to get in HR#should i work in HR#human resources business partner#HR tips#HR routine#HR daily routine#working in HR
172K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Human resource management involves caring for employees, with starting salaries around $45,000 and mid-career at $74,000. Career paths include HR manager, specialist, and others. HR degrees earn slightly above average over a lifetime. Job satisfaction and meaning are key factors in HR careers. There is a growing demand for HR managers and specialists. It is possible to enter HR with different degrees, but specialization is important. HR management is rated 6 out of 10 for job satisfaction and salary potential. It is advised to research and consider other majors for flexibility.

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Overview of Human Resource Management
Human resource management involves communication and conflict resolution skills to take care of a company's most important asset, its people.
Salary Expectations
Graduates can expect to start making around $45,000 a year and $74,000 mid-career in the field of human resource management.
Career Paths
Career paths in human resource management include HR manager, specialist, administrative services manager, compensation and benefits manager, and labor relations specialist.
Earning Potential and Job Satisfaction
Business-related degrees tend to earn more over a lifetime, with HR degrees slightly above average. HR is rated 7.5 out of 10 in terms of earning potential, and job satisfaction is influenced by both meaning and job satisfaction.
Human resource management careers have varying levels of job satisfaction and perceived impact on the world.
The meaning score for a human resources degree is around 54%, indicating average satisfaction and impact.
Specific roles like human resource manager see a slight increase in meaning score to 61%.
Job satisfaction for HR managers is rated at 73%, highlighting a generally positive experience.
Demand for human resource managers is growing at a rate of 6% over the next 10 years, with 10,000 new jobs expected.
Different degrees can lead to entry into human resource management, not just an HR management degree.
Potential saturation in the HR management field due to lack of specialization.
Business degrees offer better career opportunities and flexibility compared to HR management degrees.
HR management has a low skill score of 34 out of 100, indicating lower demand compared to fields like software engineering.
Businesses pay based on skills, reflecting the value they place on specific abilities.
Highlights of Human Resource Management
HR management is seen as an easier degree path compared to others, with more focus on socializing than studying.
Job satisfaction and salary potential for HR management is rated at 6 out of 10.
Stress in HR management can come from conflict resolution and decision-making duties.
Higher-level positions in HR require extensive experience and face high competition, so it is advisable to consider minoring or double majoring in HR for flexibility and backup career options.
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