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Is a General studies degree worth it?

Shane Hummus2021-04-05
Hummus#Shane#Shane Hummus#college degrees#college majors#degrees#majors#robinhood
23K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

General studies degrees offer flexibility but lack specialized skills, leading to lower average salaries and job prospects. Paralegal and public relations roles are common for graduates, with limited growth opportunities. The importance of specializing in a specific field for career success is emphasized, with suggestions to supplement a general studies degree with practical experience or education. Overall, while a general studies degree can serve as a starting point for exploring interests, it may not lead to high earning potential without further specialization. Viewers are encouraged to engage with the content and support the channel.

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Benefits of a general studies degree.
Provides flexibility and develops communication, analysis, and problem-solving skills.
Ideal for those unsure of their career path, serving as a sampler to explore interests.
Career paths for general studies graduates are broad and not clearly defined.
Research shows many end up as paralegals or public relations specialists, with starting salaries around $41,000 and mid-career pay at $63,000, lower than other specialized degrees.
Job satisfaction depends on various factors such as location, coworkers, boss, and company.
The average salary for a liberal arts degree is lower than the overall average for all types of degrees.
General studies degrees are considered too general and impractical, leading to difficulty finding a job without further studies.
Social science degrees are among the most regretted due to their general nature.
Overall, job satisfaction is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person.
Job Growth and Demand for Different Degrees in the U.S.
There are 337,000 paralegals in the U.S. with a projected growth of 10% in the next decade, creating 35,000 new jobs.
Public relations specialists have 274,000 jobs with a 7% growth rate.
General studies degrees have fewer job opportunities compared to computer science.
Liberal arts and humanities degrees are in less demand, with only 10-20% of companies hiring graduates, earning around 2.1 million over a lifetime.
Importance of Specializing in a Specific Field for Career Success.
General studies are criticized for not providing specialized skills needed in today's job market.
A suggestion is made to self-learn through free online resources instead.
Soft skills gained from a general studies degree are acknowledged, but may not lead to immediate job opportunities.
The flexibility of a general degree is highlighted as an advantage for future career changes.
The speaker discourages pursuing a general studies degree due to its lack of specialized skills and limited market value.
Recommendations include double majoring in a more practical field, taking extra classes, or pursuing internships and networking opportunities.
The speaker suggests focusing on learning skills, gaining work experience, and exploring jobs that value a college degree regardless of major, such as government positions.
Overall, the general studies degree is seen as potentially risky for job prospects unless supplemented with additional practical experience or education.
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