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How To Choose Your Dream Career

Shane Hummus2023-05-24
Shane#Hummus#Shane Hummus#improvement pill#career path#how to choose a career#how to find your passion#career opportunities#career advice for young people#career advice for 30 year olds#career advice for 20 year olds#career advice for high school students#career advice you probably didnt get#career pathways#career paths after high school#how to find your passion and make it your job#how to find your passion career#how to find your passion and purpose in life
18K views|1 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video presents a 10-step regret minimization framework for selecting a dream career, focusing on in-demand and evergreen skills like marketing, sales, and operations. It advises against following passion or money blindly, emphasizing playing to one's strengths and pursuing high-demand skills with low entry barriers. Choosing work that feels like play, prioritizing giving value to others, and making reversible decisions are key points. The importance of avoiding unrealistic expectations influenced by family or pop culture is highlighted. Additionally, the video offers a live three-day challenge for further guidance in career selection.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The 10-step regret minimization framework for choosing a dream career is introduced.
Starting with the end in mind by selecting careers that teach in-demand and evergreen skills is emphasized.
Evergreen skills are highlighted as important due to the risk of automation with trending skills.
Marketing, sales, and operations are recommended as valuable regardless of economic shifts or AI advancements.
The choice of industry, career, college degree, and job applications are crucial in avoiding dead-end careers.
Choosing a career based on passion or money alone can lead to pitfalls.
It is important to consider practicality and play to one's strengths when choosing a career.
Critique on colleges for promoting useless majors that result in debt and lack of job opportunities.
Pursuing careers with unclear paths and not requiring a college degree can lead to better opportunities.
Importance of choosing work that feels like play and focuses on strengths.
Research indicates people grow to love what they are good at.
Criticism of following passion, advocating for helping others and receiving help in return.
Prioritizing giving value to others over seeking dopamine leads to a more meaningful life.
Suggestion to go where the opportunity is and choose a job that aligns with natural abilities over pursuing passion.
Importance of choosing a career in high-demand skills with low entry barriers.
More opportunities for growth, respect, and financial rewards come with such careers.
Consider the value a job provides beyond salary, including benefits, lifestyle, remote work options, skill development, and promotion opportunities.
Starting with a job before entrepreneurship helps in acquiring skills and funding business endeavors.
Consider finding a job with free time or good pay to support the business financially when starting a business.
Choose a job that aligns with personal values for better success.
Make reversible decisions and stay flexible, as recommended by Jeff Bezos.
Learn flexible skills such as marketing, sales, operations, or technology to navigate different industries effectively.
Avoid irreversible decisions like going to med or law school and explore various skills through online training opportunities.
Choosing a Career Wisely
Avoid choosing a career based on family or pop culture influence, do thorough research instead to avoid unrealistic expectations.
Pop culture tends to romanticize certain careers, leading to a gap between expectation and reality.
The speaker recommends attending a three-day live event for more in-depth information and advice, with the opportunity to ask questions.
Additionally, the speaker suggests checking out a video on remote jobs that are always hiring.