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How To Actually Get A Legit College Degree In 1 Year

Shane Hummus2022-07-22
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35K views|2 years ago
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The video outlines a seven-step process to earn a legitimate college degree in one year, focusing on competency-based universities like WGU. It discusses testing out of classes, transferring credits, and utilizing resources like CLEP exams and online courses from top universities. Strategies for quick graduation, including mapping out degrees and pre-studying courses, are highlighted. Enrolling in competency-based universities allows for flexible learning and quicker completion of coursework, potentially leading to graduation in six months or less. The video emphasizes thorough research and preparation for a successful academic journey.

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How to earn a legitimate college degree in one year through a seven-step process.
Evaluate your current situation by listing certifications, experience, and classes taken.
Testing out of classes based on certifications, job experience, and military service is possible.
Find a competency-based university that focuses on mastering skills rather than completing a set timeframe.
Competency-based universities offer a more flexible approach to education compared to traditional universities.
Competency-based universities prioritize student progress based on demonstrated knowledge rather than time spent in class.
Schools like WGU, TESU, SNHU, and others are known for accepting transfer credits and offering flexible learning models.
Before enrolling, students should contact counselors to explore credit transfer options and test out of classes.
Testing out of classes can save time and money for students, but it's crucial not to enroll prematurely.
By sending transcripts and resumes, students can receive reports on transferred credits and plan their academic path accordingly.
Testing out of college classes through CLEP exams and competency-based universities like WGU make it possible to complete required classes at a lower cost.
Credits can be transferred from third-party companies like study.com to accelerate graduation.
By utilizing advanced strategies and putting in effort, it is possible to graduate in a short amount of time.
Some extreme examples include completing a degree in two months, with many students graduating in six months or less even while studying part-time.
Strategies for graduating from WGU in two years or less.
Use a spreadsheet to map out degrees and classes.
Obtain certifications to test out of classes and improve resumes.
Pre-game classes by pre-studying remaining courses with resources like Khan Academy and freeCodeCamp.
Utilize paid resources like Udemy and Code with Mosh for specific subjects.
Access to free online classes from universities like Harvard and MIT is highlighted.
Strategies for studying various classes are shared on the WGU subreddit, providing valuable resources.
Enrolling in competency-based universities such as WGU allows for faster completion of coursework at a lower cost.
Graduating from WGU in six months can impress others and save money.
The option to share the video with friends for similar success is mentioned as well.