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Here's the thing about Forestry degrees...

Shane Hummus2021-02-03
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44K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

A forestry degree teaches conservation and management of forest ecosystems, leading to careers as a conservation scientist, forester, or firefighter with salaries ranging from $44,000 to $75,000. Job satisfaction in forestry is high, but job availability varies by location. Science degrees like forestry offer specialized skills that can be valuable in various fields, including technology. However, automation poses a threat to forestry jobs. The video emphasizes the importance of geographic information skills and suggests using systems for researching college degrees. Viewer engagement is encouraged for discussion and feedback.

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Overview of Forestry Degree
The degree focuses on teaching students how to conserve and manage forest ecosystems, covering various disciplines such as ecology, biology, economics, and social science.
Career Paths
Career paths include roles such as conservation scientist, forester, and firefighter.
Salary Expectations
Salary expectations for forestry degree holders range from $44,000 to $75,000 annually, with the potential to earn up to $62,000 as a conservation scientist or forester. Aim for $75,000 to $80,000 for optimal happiness.
Lifetime Earnings
Over a lifetime, a forestry degree can result in earnings around 2.4 million dollars, slightly above average compared to other science degrees.
Forestry careers have positive impact and high job satisfaction.
Demand for forestry careers is increasing, but job availability varies greatly by location.
Only around 3,600 forestry jobs are available, with limited opportunities in certain regions like Nevada.
Moving may be required to secure a job in forestry.
Forestry careers receive a satisfaction and demand outlook score of 7.5 out of 10.
Science degrees, like forestry, offer specialized skills but may not directly apply to all careers.
Despite lower earnings, science degrees provide valuable skills transferable to different fields.
Career opportunities in technology are plentiful for science degree holders.
Certain skills are more valued in the job market than others, with environmental field work ranking lower in demand.
Automation poses a threat to forestry-related jobs, with an 87% chance of being automated in the future.
Debate on automation in forestry careers.
Pros of forestry careers include job satisfaction and outdoor work.
Cons of forestry careers include low salary, automation, and limited demand.
Forestry careers receive a score of 6.25 out of 10, but individual preferences are important.
Due diligence is recommended to determine if a forestry degree is necessary for specific career paths, such as firefighting.
Importance of geographical information skills and using systems for research on college degrees.
Creator suggests checking out their college degree ranker for help and mentions exclusive content on their Patreon.
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