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Associate Degree Tier List (2 Year Degrees Ranked)

Shane Hummus2021-07-05
Shane#Hummus#Shane Hummus#robinhood#college degrees#college majors#degrees#majors#best paid Jobs with an associate Degree#best paid jobs in america#top best paid jobs#jobs with an associates degree#highest paying associate degree#best associate degrees#highest paying 2 year degrees#best 2 year degree jobs#what associate degrees pay the most#associate degrees that pay well#2 year majors#top associate degrees#best jobs no degree#associate degree jobs
86K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses the value of associate degrees in various fields, highlighting the differences from bachelor's degrees and higher levels. It covers the benefits of art, biological science, business, education, engineering, health, language, liberal arts, mathematics, and technology degrees at the associate level. It emphasizes the return on investment, job opportunities, and practical skills associated with each field. Overall, the video promotes the idea that associate degrees can lead to successful careers and opportunities for advancement in different industries.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The value of associate degrees compared to bachelor's degrees and higher levels.
The benefits of the creator's new college guide course in making college decisions and finding post-graduation job opportunities.
Emphasizing the importance of getting a good return on investment from college degrees.
A caution against pursuing art degrees at the associate level unless the individual is exceptionally talented, like a world-class musician.
Encouragement for support of the creator's mission and engagement with the video content.
Overview of biological science degrees and career opportunities.
Associate level jobs such as technicians are available, but may be low-paying and repetitive.
Return on investment at the associate level is better than at the bachelor's level.
Higher-level positions like scientists often require a master's or doctorate.
Investment and return are better at the associate level compared to the bachelor's level, with advanced degrees necessary for top positions.
Contrasting Business and Communication Degrees.
Business degrees, particularly at the associate level, provide flexibility and advancement opportunities, with hard work being crucial for success as exemplified by a friend who started with an associate degree and now works at a Fortune 50 company making six figures.
Communication degrees are often criticized for being too general and lacking practical skills, with communication being seen as a soft skill that requires practice to develop.
Specializing in a specific type of communication can lead to success in related fields, despite the general criticism of communication degrees.
The value of different degree types is discussed, with a focus on education, engineering, and health degrees.
Associate education degrees are criticized for low pay and limited opportunities.
Associate engineering degrees are praised for their practical problem-solving skills, leading to technician jobs with decent pay but few opportunities.
Health degrees are highlighted for offering great value and opportunities at every level, from associate to doctorate.
Health degrees are noted for their unique nature, making them difficult to compare to other types of degrees.
Various types of degrees, including health-related, language, liberal arts, and mathematics, offer diverse job opportunities and potential earnings over $50,000 annually.
Health-related degrees offer opportunities from technician roles to niche specialties with 6 months to 3 years of study required.
Language degrees are beneficial for translators through self-learning and specialized training and are often pursued alongside other majors.
Liberal arts degrees focus on soft skills like critical thinking and argument formation, indirectly contributing to salary potential.
Mathematics-related degrees at the associate level are briefly mentioned, highlighting the practical applications of different types of degrees.
Benefits of technology-related degrees.
Technology degrees offer numerous opportunities, even at the associate level, with technician roles available.
These roles involve diagnosing equipment, performing repairs, and educating users.
Technology degrees provide more job prospects and practical skills compared to fields like psychology or social sciences.
The demand for individuals with technological expertise is high, making it a favorable choice for those interested in a hands-on, problem-solving career path.
Growing opportunities in the technician job market due to technology integration.
More individuals are learning to code at the associate level instead of obtaining bachelor's degrees.
Options available include coding, information technology management, and database administration.
Entry into these careers possible through certifications or alternative methods within one to three years.
Field offers multiple prospects for career advancement and professional development.