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12 GREAT Entry Level Jobs That DON’T Require A College Degree!

Shane Hummus2022-06-20
Shane#Hummus#Shane Hummus#robinhood#best jobs#best jobs no degree#best jobs no experience#high paying jobs#Best jobs no degree#high paying jobs no diploma#jobs that make alot of money without a degree#high paying jobs with high school diploma#high paying jobs with no school#high paying jobs with little school#highest paying jobs#Highest Paying Jobs Without A College Degree#Tech Sales#Customer Service Representative#Digital Marketing#Cybersecurity#UX/UI Design
16K views|2 years ago
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The video highlights 12 entry-level jobs without a college degree, such as waiter and tech sales positions. It discusses the high demand and potential earnings in these fields, including customer service, digital marketing, cyber security, web development, UX/UI design, data analysis, software development, quality assurance testing, and information technology. It emphasizes the importance of acquiring valuable skills and the abundance of job opportunities available in these industries, with salaries ranging from $49,000 to $98,000 annually. Additionally, it promotes tech sales interviews for those seeking high-earning opportunities in the tech industry.

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Entry-level jobs that don't require a college degree are discussed, with a focus on waiter and tech sales positions.
Waiter roles offer good pay with tips, averaging $62,000 annually, and have high demand with 28,000 entry-level job postings on LinkedIn.
Tech sales positions, including business development and sales development roles, involve B2B sales, lead generation, and interaction with other companies.
Tech sales is highlighted as a valuable skill set with a high number of job opportunities, such as 284,000 for business development and 103,000 for sales development on LinkedIn.
High demand for sales skills in job market.
Glassdoor reports average annual salary of $49,000 for customer service representatives.
Customer service jobs offer opportunities for growth into higher-paying roles like relationship managers.
Customer service jobs are remote and advantageous for native English speakers.
Digital marketing is a valuable skill set to acquire for career advancement and lucrative earnings.
Various options in digital marketing include pay-per-click, paid ads, SEO, and SEM, with entry-level jobs paying around $76,000 a year.
Specializing in digital marketing can lead to six-figure incomes.
Cyber security is a fast-growing industry with entry-level jobs offering salaries around $91,000, but it can be challenging to break into.
Web development, a simpler form of software development, offers entry-level jobs paying around $98,000 a year and is relatively easy to get into without prior experience, making it a solid career choice.
Each option in digital marketing, cyber security, and web development has unique advantages and opportunities for success.
Lucrative career options in UX/UI design, data analysis, and software development.
High demand for UX/UI developers, data analysts, and software developers with substantial salary expectations.
Emphasis on the need for strong programming skills and availability of resources for learning.
Various paths to enter these fields, including boot camps or traditional education.
Robust job market for software developers despite concerns about saturation.
Importance of quality assurance testers in ensuring software quality before release.
Uncaught bugs can cost companies up to $20,000 per day, highlighting the significance of their role.
108,000 entry-level job postings for software quality assurance testers in the last month.
Average annual earnings of around $93,000 for software quality assurance testers.
Information technology offers another lucrative career path with 134,000 job postings and potential earnings of $72,000 per year, depending on specialization.