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USA & China Launch New Rockets, SpaceX launches All European Crew: Deep Space Updates - January 21st

Scott Manley2024-01-22
218K views|6 months ago
💫 Short Summary

Deep Space Update: Recent space launches include the Quo 1A carrying meteorology satellites, Falcon 9 launching Starlink satellites, and the debut of the Vulcan Centaur rocket carrying the Peregrine Lander for NASA. China also launched the Gravity 1 and Long March 2C rockets, while Japan launched the H2A carrying a reconnaissance satellite. Additionally, Axiom 3 carried a crew to the International Space Station, and Iran launched the Kim 100 carrying the Sara satellite. In this video, a YouTuber talks about attending the Astro Awards in Austin, Texas, where he played a secret DJ set. He also discusses India's Aditya spacecraft reaching its target location, NASA and the UAE collaborating on a lunar Gateway airlock, and the delay of NASA's Artemis 2 and 3 missions. The YouTuber also mentions Elon Musk's presentation at Starbase, where it was confirmed that the second stage failure on the Starship Flight 2 was caused by an oxygen dump. Elon Musk's updates on SpaceX's upcoming Starship launch, including plans to demonstrate engine burn and propellant transfer, as well as new options for Starlink, such as a small laptop-sized antenna. Impulse Space's Helios kickstage, a methane-fueled stage for transporting payloads from low Earth orbit to geostationary orbit, is also discussed, along with Momentus experiencing financial challenges and Japan's successful moon landing with its SMART-1 lander. In this video, Scott Manley provides updates on recent space missions, including the propellant leak and eventual return of the Paragrin spacecraft, issues with the Chandra X-ray Observatory's spectroscopy mission, the vertical landing of a Chinese rocket, and the temporary loss of communication with the Mars Ingenuity helicopter. He also mentions the sighting of asteroid 2024 BX1 over Europe. Additionally, upcoming launches by Rocket Lab and Northrop Grumman are highlighted.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Space Launches in January 2022
On January 5th, the Quo 1A rocket launched from China carrying the Tianmo 15 to 18 meteorology satellites into sun synchronous orbit.
On January 7th, Falcon 9 launched 3 Starlink satellites from Cape Canaveral Slick 40.
On January 8th, the Vulcan Centaur made its debut carrying the Peregrine Lander as its primary payload for NASA's commercial lunar payload services mission.
The Peregrine Lander was supposed to take NASA experiments, including the Iris and K Mena rovers, to the Moon.
The Vulcan Centaur is ULA's new rocket built in-house with a methalox first stage, hydrogen second stage, and the ability to use large solid boosters.
On January 11th, the Gravity 1 rocket made its debut as a new rocket out of China, featuring an odd-looking design with a large core booster and four strapped-on solid rocket motors.
The Gravity 1 rocket is the most capable solid launch vehicle, able to carry 6-12 tons into low Earth orbit.
It successfully carried the Yuna 18-20 meteorology satellites.
On January 12th, Japan's H2A rocket launched carrying the IG Opticle 8 reconnaissance satellite for military purposes in a sun synchronous orbit.
On January 14th, Falcon 9 launched from Vandenberg after experiencing delays due to bad weather.
On January 17th, the Long March 7 launched carrying the Tianu 7 to the Chinese space station, as well as the Nan Jing educational satellite for one of China's universities.
On January 18th, Falcon 9 carried the Axiom 3 mission to the International Space Station with a crew of astronauts from different European countries.
Space Launches in January 2022 (Continued)
The Long March 2C launched the Einstein probe, an x-ray telescope built by China in collaboration with the European Space Agency, on January 9th.
Another Quo 1A rocket launched on January 10th carrying the Tianqin 1 and 2 satellites for space environment sensing.
On January 20th, the Kim 100 rocket launched from Iran carrying the Sara satellite, a communications experimental satellite, into a 750 km orbit with a 65° inclination.
The Kim 100 is now the most powerful rocket Iran has, with all solid rocket motors and capabilities similar to a ballistic missile.
Everyday Astronauts attended the Astro Awards in Austin, Texas, where he played a secret DJ set without a mask.
He sequenced 15 tracks with space-themed footage.
The second to last track was Katy Perry's 'Firework' synchronized to rockets exploding.
He also played a variety of music, including goldfrapp, DJ Shadow, German techno, left field, and disco from Sarah Brightman.
Sarah Brightman trained to be a cosmonaut.
The event ended with High Contrast's 'Days Go By' and the club went wild.
Everyday Astronauts also attended the Astro Awards ceremony and had a spare day in Texas due to a flight cancellation.
He sat on a panel with Firefly, SpaceX, and relativity at the Astro Awards.
The massive polar vortex caused flight cancellations and he had a spare day in Texas.
Firefly took him on a tour of their manufacturing facilities and he saw the Miranda engine test stand.
In the space industry, India's Aditya spacecraft reached its target location, NASA and the UAE announced a collaboration for a lunar Gateway airlock, and NASA's Artemis 2 and 3 missions are delayed.
India's Aditya spacecraft reached the L1 point between the Earth and the Sun to study the sun.
The UAE will develop and deliver the crew and science airlock for the lunar Gateway in collaboration with NASA.
NASA's Artemis 2 and 3 missions are delayed due to technical issues with heat shield, life support problem, and power during launch abort.
Artemis 2 is now no earlier than September 2025 and Artemis 3 is no earlier than September 2026.
Elon Musk gave a presentation at Starbase and confirmed that the second stage failure on Starship Flight 2 was caused by an oxygen dump.
The oxygen dump led to combustion where it wasn't supposed to happen.
The spacecraft had too much mass due to no payload, so they dumped excess propellant, leading to the oxygen dump.
Rumors suggest that Artemis 3 might switch to a non-landing mission, but no decision has been made yet.
SpaceX is planning the third Starship launch in February.
The launch is expected to happen on February 14th.
They want to demonstrate engine burn while in orbit.
They also plan to test the transfer of propellant between tanks inside the spacecraft.
There will be a test of the Pez dispenser for launching Starlinks.
SpaceX is considering purchasing land near Starbase to expand and add a second launch tower.
They may donate land to the Texas government to become protected wetlands.
Concerns about SpaceX acquiring more land and potentially restricting beach access.
Stardust will provide SOS connectivity through iridium satellites for Android phones without additional hardware.
They are updating the satellites' software to enable this feature.
Google and AT&T have invested $155 million in space mobile for direct-to-device capabilities.
Impulse Space unveiled the Helios stage, a methane-fueled third stage for taking payloads from low Earth orbit to geostationary orbit.
It could potentially make it cheaper to send payloads to geostationary orbit.
SpaceX already has the ground service equipment for refueling the stage.
The stage may be used by other launch vehicles as well.
Momentus, the company flying the Vigoride spacecraft, is facing financial challenges.
They are running out of cash and may skip the next transporter mission.
Expecting space development agency contracts to help with cash flow.
After going public, their current market cap is less than $10 million.
The Japanese Lander, slim, successfully landed on the moon, but has technical issues with its solar panels.
Japan is the fifth country to successfully land on the moon.
The lander fell over and its solar panels are not generating power.
The spacecraft Beresheet, launched on Vulcan, experienced a propellant leak and ended up coming back to Earth and burning up.
The spacecraft managed to stabilize and power up its various payloads despite the propellant leak
Some data was still delivered to Earth, but the spacecraft did not make it to the moon
The orbit was changed enough by the propellant leak that the spacecraft ended up burning up upon reentry
The Chandra X-ray telescope mission (ASTRO-H) is facing issues with opening the shutter on one of its telescopes, affecting the quality of data it can gather.
The instrument called Resolve is supposed to do high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy, but its thin burum shutter is not opening
If the shutter can't be opened, they will experience more scattering and lose more low-energy x-rays
The other instrument, the Wide Field Instrument, is working fine
China successfully flew and soft-landed its reusable rocket, following the lead of SpaceX and to a lesser extent Blue Origin.
The stainless steel rocket, J3, is designed to be 100% reusable
Many Chinese companies are following the trend of reusable rockets set by SpaceX and, to a lesser extent, Blue Origin
Western companies that ridiculed the idea of reusable rockets are not following up in the same way as the Chinese companies
Mars Ingenuity faced a scare during its latest flight as it lost contact, but communication was established via the Zigg B Communications protocol, attributing the issue to terrain occlusion.
Perseverance rover was able to establish communication with Ingenuity
Terrain occlusion was causing the communication issue
Ingenuity is expected to be able to fly again with better connectivity
Asteroid 2024 BX1 was discovered a few hours before it was going to hit the Earth, and people in Europe were able to capture images of it disintegrating as it entered the atmosphere.
The asteroid was discovered just a few hours before it was expected to hit the Earth
People in Europe were able to capture imagery of the asteroid disintegrating as it entered the atmosphere
The discovery highlights our ability to find asteroids and notify people, showcasing the progress in asteroid detection and mitigation
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What were the key satellite launches featured in the deep space update?

The deep space update featured key satellite launches including the Tianmo 15 to 18 meteorology satellites, Starlink satellites, Perseverance Lander carrying NASA's payloads, Einstein probe for space environment sensing, and the Sara satellite for communications experimentation.

2. Which countries or space agencies were involved in the satellite launches mentioned in the video?

The satellite launches mentioned in the video involved China, the United States (Falcon 9), NASA, European Space Agency (Einstein probe), and Iran (Sara satellite) in collaboration with the European Space Agency.

3. What were the notable achievements or advancements in space exploration discussed in the video?

The notable achievements in space exploration discussed in the video included the debut of the Vulcan Centaur rocket, the launch of Perseverance Lander for NASA's commercial lunar payload services mission, and the advancements in satellite technology for meteorology, space environment sensing, and communications experimentation.

4. How did the deep space update showcase collaboration and competition in the space industry?

The deep space update showcased collaboration through international participation in satellite launches and space exploration missions, while also highlighting competition with the debut of new rockets and the advancements in satellite technology among different countries and space agencies.

5. What were the implications of the satellite launches and space exploration missions discussed in the video?

The satellite launches and space exploration missions discussed in the video have implications for enhancing meteorology capabilities, understanding space environments, enabling communications experimentation, and advancing lunar exploration, showcasing the continuous progress and innovation in the space industry.

6. What was the purpose of the Aditya spacecraft's mission?

The Aditya spacecraft's mission is to study the sun and the heliosphere from the L1 point between the Earth and the Sun.

7. What collaboration was announced between NASA and the UAE?

NASA and the UAE announced a collaboration for the development and delivery of a crew and science airlock for the lunar Gateway, allowing for experiments to be placed on the outside and enabling extravehicular activities.

8. Why have the Artemis 2 and 3 missions been delayed?

The Artemis 2 and 3 missions have been delayed due to technical issues including heat shield damage, life support problems with the Orion spacecraft, and concerns about power during launch abort.

9. What was the cause of the second stage failure on Starship Flight 2?

The second stage failure on Starship Flight 2 was caused by an oxygen dump, leading to combustion where it wasn't supposed to happen.

10. What are the upcoming plans for SpaceX's Starship launch?

SpaceX is planning the third Starship launch, aiming for February, with a focus on demonstrating engine burn while in orbit and testing propellant transfer as part of a NASA Tipping Point Grant.

11. What new options for Starlink were discussed in the presentation?

The presentation mentioned new options for Starlink, including a small laptop-sized antenna for limited connectivity, expanding Starbase with additional launch towers, and the proposal to test the Pez dispenser for launching Starlink satellites.

12. What is the Stardust project announced by SpaceX?

SpaceX announced the Stardust project, which aims to enable SOS connectivity through Iridium satellites on Android phones without the need for additional hardware, potentially providing emergency services and direct cell phone capabilities.

13. What is the Helios stage developed by Tom Mueller's company, Impulse Space?

Impulse Space, Tom Mueller's company, has developed the Helios stage, a methane-fueled third stage that can be used to take payloads from low Earth orbit to geostationary orbit, potentially offering a cheaper alternative for satellite deployment.

14. Why has Momentus, the orbital transportation company, decided to skip the next flight?

Momentus has cited financial constraints as the reason for skipping the next flight, indicating that they are running out of cash and may be looking to launch fewer payloads to stay afloat.

15. What was the outcome of Japan's mission to land the Smart Lander on the moon?

Japan successfully landed the Smart Lander on the moon, making it the fifth country to do so, but the lander subsequently fell over and is currently experiencing power generation issues with its solar panels.