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Jenkins-Day-6 || Building simple project using Java 17 version + Maven 3.8.7

1K views|1 years ago
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The video segments discuss the importance of Maven as a build tool for Java developers, highlighting the process of setting up dependencies, matching Java and Maven versions, and troubleshooting common issues. The segments also cover the significance of server configurations for Jenkins, project management, and the central repository for accessing necessary libraries. Additionally, they address setting up environment variables, compiling and packaging code, handling remote repositories, and building projects within Jenkins. The overall focus is on optimizing project efficiency, ensuring compatibility, and enhancing development processes through proper configuration and management.

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📊 Transcript
Importance of Maven in resolving dependency issues for Java developers.
Maven automatically downloads necessary libraries during project building, eliminating manual handling.
Selecting appropriate server configurations for Jenkins is crucial, with industry standards favoring high-performance servers with large RAM, storage, and multi-core CPUs.
Efficient project building is achieved through proper server configurations in Jenkins.
Utilizing Jenkins for project management in a company.
Emphasizing the need for a large server to handle multiple projects simultaneously.
Importance of selecting the appropriate server type like T2 dot medium for cost efficiency.
Demonstrating server setup, login procedures, project structures, and Maven for Java programs.
Focus on server configuration, project management, and optimizing server usage.
Maven as a crucial build tool for downloading project dependencies.
Maven central repository is the main site for Java developers to access necessary libraries.
Importance of dependencies and how to add them to the pom.xml file.
Google's Goa Library as a popular set of libraries.
Detailed explanation of accessing and adding dependencies from the Maven repository.
Setting up dependencies in a project involves installing Maven and Java.
The narrator demonstrates the steps to install Maven using commands and check the Maven version.
An error related to Java version prompts an upgrade to Java 17.
Running a Java alternative command is necessary to switch to Java 17.
Using the correct Java version is crucial for successful compilation of project dependencies.
Importance of matching Java and Maven versions for successful compilation.
Using Java 17 and Maven 3.3 together is crucial, as issues can arise with Java 17 and Maven 3.6.
Solution involves downloading the correct Maven version, like 3.8, and ensuring compatibility with the Java version.
Understanding system requirements is key, and downloading source code may be necessary for proper installation.
Installation of OpenJDK 16 and Apache Maven.
Compatibility issues with Java version 3.8.7 are encountered during installation, resolved by installing OpenJDK 16.
Errors in dependencies in the pom.xml file lead to compilation failures.
Spelling mistakes in the file are identified and corrected to ensure successful compilation.
Presenter demonstrates troubleshooting methods and emphasizes the importance of proper configuration for smooth compilation processes.
Troubleshooting error related to Maven compiler property tag placement.
Adjusting tag positioning resolved the issue with the Maven compiler.
Downloading dependencies for the project, such as Goa libraries and hibernate core relocation Library for database communication, was discussed.
Emphasis was placed on the importance of correct library usage and connection to databases during the troubleshooting process.
Adding Dependencies to a Project with Maven.
Centralized repositories like mvnrepository.com are crucial for easily downloading necessary libraries for projects by specifying dependencies in the pom.xml file.
The segment discusses the use of different build tools like Gradle and Kotlin to meet specific project requirements.
Emphasizes the convenience and efficiency of using external dependencies from centralized repositories for various development tools and projects.
Benefits of setting up remote repositories for Java developers.
Centralized approach prevents developers from connecting to external sources during project work.
Remote repository within organization's boundaries contains all project dependencies for internal access.
Clean room concept enforces project development within company's network, reducing risk of external connections.
Developers can securely access required dependencies and start project work without compromising security.
Overview of remote repositories, compiling code using Maven, and setting up environment variables in Linux.
Explanation of methods such as export commands, creating environment files, and adding shell scripts.
Emphasis on the importance of setting variables for system environments, with specific instructions for Ubuntu users.
Demonstration of exporting a variable name and value in the Linux environment.
Setting environment variables in Java through 'Etc profile dot d' file.
Demonstrates using export commands to set Maven path and adding it to existing variables.
Saving the file, logging out and in to reflect changes for Maven 3.8.7 and Java 17.
Emphasizes the importance of logging out and in after setting variables to ensure changes take effect on the server.
Explanation of Maven compilation and packaging process.
'mvn compile' compiles the code, 'mvn package' compiles, tests, and generates a package like JAR or WAR.
Running 'mvn package' command creates a Target directory with the package file.
Executing the application by running the JAR file with 'java -jar'.
Emphasizing the importance of following the sequence of compiling and packaging for successful build processes.
Compiling a Java project involves running unit test cases and building a package using Maven commands.
Running 'mvn package' internally compiles, tests, and packages the code, generating jar, war, or er files in the target directory.
'mvn clean' command removes the target directory and compiled files.
Maven goals or build phases can be achieved by running a sequence of commands.
Higher versions of Maven can be downloaded from the Maven site for access to more features.
Manual installation of Maven 3.2 when it is not available in the package repository.
Developers should download the Maven 3.2 archive from the official site and set it up manually.
This approach is commonly used when specific versions are not provided by the distribution.
The process involves downloading the Maven 3.2 archive, extracting it, and setting up the environment.
Developers may need to install Maven 3.2 through the source code to work with the desired version.
Importance of Matching Java and Maven Versions for Successful Code Compilation
Matching the Java and Maven versions used by developers is crucial to prevent build failures.
Mimicking the developer's environment is key to ensuring successful code compilation.
Mismatched versions can lead to project build issues and software incompatibilities.
Following the developer's version recommendations is essential for a smooth build process and project compatibility.
Steps for downloading, compiling, and packaging the Spring Pet Clinic open-source project.
Access the GitHub repository, clone the project, and use Maven to compile the code.
Dependencies are downloaded based on the pom.xml file, including Java 17 and Spring Framework components.
Successful build results in the creation of class files in the Target directory.
Emphasis on setting up and compiling the project for further development and testing.
Running tests on a Java Spring project.
The process includes compiling, running unit tests, and checking the test results in the Surefire reports directory.
Steps demonstrated include cloning the project, compiling with 'mvn compile', and running tests with 'mvn test'.
Importance of checking the test results in the Surefire reports directory is emphasized for successful unit tests.
The segment offers a detailed guide on validating and analyzing test results in a Java Spring project.
Overview of Maven commands, with a focus on 'mvn package'.
Running 'mvn package' compiles and packages code, creating a jar or war file in the target directory.
Running the jar file using 'Java -jar' command to execute the application.
Emphasis on the importance of having the palm.xml file in the correct directory for Maven commands to work effectively.
Setting up a Spring Pet Clinic application.
The process includes running the application on a dummy server, downloading dependencies from the Maven repository, and storing them in the user's home directory under the .m2 folder.
Emphasis is placed on the importance of organizing and keeping Maven repositories easily accessible for different users.
Each user has their own repository structure to efficiently manage dependencies.
The segment offers a detailed guide on handling dependencies in a Spring application development environment.
Setting up Maven and Java on a Jenkins server.
Creating a maven.sh script to set up paths and variables using profile.d.
Importance of these steps for the project's dependencies.
Demonstrating copying and pasting commands for setting up the environment on the server.
Setting up a project in Jenkins for building a Spring Pet Clinic project using Java 17 and Maven 3.8.7.
Creation of a new project in Jenkins, specifying project details, selecting a Git repository, and setting up build configurations.
Configuration of build steps, execution of Maven commands, and saving the project.
Future sessions will delve into advanced topics such as build environments and triggers.
Emphasis on simplicity in building the Spring Pet Clinic project within Jenkins.
Troubleshooting cloning a Git repository and finding environment variables in Jenkins.
Speaker explains steps to locate missing variables and offers solutions.
Emphasis on system configuration settings and security measures in Jenkins for interviews.
Managing credentials and the crucial role of system configuration in Jenkins operations.
Highlights on Configuring Global Security Settings and Maven Package Issues.
The segment covers important considerations for global security settings and permissions during interviews.
Specific questions related to security settings and permissions may be asked in interviews.
Steps to troubleshoot and fix Maven package issues in a project by adjusting configurations are provided.
Correctly setting up Maven configurations is emphasized for ensuring project functionality.
Building and Running a Project with Maven in Jenkins.
The video demonstrates creating a new project by copying content from an existing one.
Following specific steps and configurations in Jenkins is crucial for successful project creation.
Proper setup and organization within the Jenkins workspace are essential for effective project management.
Setting up Maven target in Jenkins.
The Maven target option is available in Jenkins due to installation of selected plugins during Jenkins installation process.
Speaker demonstrates setting Maven version and configuring top-level goal before saving and applying changes.
Process involves building project using Maven, with successful outcome shown in demo project.
Importance of correctly setting up Maven path and configuration in Jenkins for successful project builds.
Importance of understanding basic concepts for grasping further Jenkins topics easily.
Encouragement for clarity in learning to feel comfortable with upcoming classes.
Session continuation the next day at 10 pm with a plan for future classes outlined.
Viewers advised to connect for further learning opportunities and watch recordings if needed.
Speaker expresses willingness to continue teaching and ensures support for those facing difficulties in understanding.