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I Went Clubbing in Virtual Reality: Raves of VRChat

PBS Voices2022-04-06
pbs digital studios#pbs#subcultured#josef lorenzo#subcultured pbs#vrchat#metaverse#virtual reality#vr#rave#vr chat#the metaverse#vr party#vr rave#vr rave scene#shelter#rizumu#meta#vr clubbing#vr night club#vrchat rave#vr games#metaverse rave#clubbing in virtual reality#descriptive audio#vrc#we met in virtual reality#vrnews#jojo lorenzo#virtual clubbing#virtual reality clubbing#bonelab#vrchat djs#virtual reality clubs#vr nightclubs#vr music events
77K views|2 years ago
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The video explores the underground dance scene in virtual reality created through VRChat, offering a unique and immersive experience with clubs, events, and live performances. It showcases how VR provides a safe haven for self-expression, especially for transgender and non-binary individuals, and fosters a tight-knit community where users can be whoever they want to be. VRChat users have created diverse dance communities and virtual worlds, with the platform positively impacting users' lives by providing a sense of purpose, creativity, and connection. Despite concerns, VRChat is seen as enhancing real-life experiences and offering a unique form of expression and interaction.

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The underground dance scene in virtual reality created through VRChat provides a unique and immersive experience with clubs, events, and live performances.
VRChat fosters a tight-knit community where users can express themselves freely and be whoever they want to be.
Josef shares his journey exploring the VR dance scene with the help of VRChat creator Electro and artist Autuna, emphasizing the process of creating avatars and experiencing virtual clubbing.
Meeting DJ Ru, a hospice nurse, demonstrates the diverse and transformative nature of VR interactions.
VR offers a safe space for transgender and non-binary individuals to find acceptance and community.
The virtual club scene in VR allows for self-expression and exploration that may not be possible in real life.
The Metaverse concept, seen in platforms like VRChat, provides a diverse and inclusive space for individuals to connect and be themselves.
The ability to control one's presentation and image in VR can be empowering for those whose physical appearance doesn't align with their true identity.
Growth of VRChat Dance Communities
DanceDanceVR, Dirty Dancers, Elysium KMK, and Rizumu are popular dance communities in VRChat.
Rizumu, managed by Aliquem, offers free virtual parties with hosts, promoters, and DJs.
VR clubs experienced growth until the pandemic, leading to a rise in virtual entertainment spaces.
Attendance in VRChat increased from 18,000 to nearly 90,000 users, with new clubs like Shelter offering unique experiences.
The positive impact of VRChat on users' lives.
Users find purpose and community in building virtual worlds on VRChat.
VRChat serves as an outlet for creativity, connection, and support, helping users escape negative mindsets.
The platform allows users to develop real skills like learning and teaching music, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
VRChat is seen as a complementary addition that enhances individuals' lives by offering a unique form of expression and interaction.
Impact of the video game community on social interactions.
The video game community goes beyond just playing games, with strong bonds and sense of community formed.
The scene is considered the real metaverse, with creators leading the way in nightlife innovation.
Despite being virtual, the relationships and connections made in the gaming community are authentic and meaningful.
Technology has a significant impact on shaping social interactions within the gaming community.