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The Blueprint to $10,000/Month as a Beginner (2024)

Iman Gadzhi2024-01-09
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1M views|8 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses the blueprint for making $10,000 a month online as a beginner in 2024, emphasizing the importance of avoiding business models that require financial investment. It introduces the concept of 'drop servicing' as an ideal opportunity that allows beginners to have high transaction value, low upfront investment, and recurring monthly payments. The speaker also highlights the digital renaissance and the increased demand for online services due to the acceleration of business digitalization.The video discusses the Agency Navigator program, detailing the three cycles involved in running a successful marketing agency, including how to get paid, how to properly price services, finding leads, setting meetings, sales, drop servicing, service delivery, and using templates for agency setup. The program is claimed to have helped people achieve significant income and success, with examples provided, and ready-to-use templates and scripts are included.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The video outlines the blueprint for making $10,000 a month online as a beginner in 2024, emphasizing the importance of avoiding business models that require financial investment.
Beginners should avoid business models that require investment in marketing, stock, or product testing, as it can lead to financial loss.
Starting a business that necessitates investing money can result in burning through savings, getting into debt, or facing financial challenges with payment processors.
The speaker discusses the 'digital Renaissance' and the opportunities it presents for beginners to make money online without significant investment.
The speaker mentions the need to evaluate online opportunities based on their beginner-friendliness and potential for success.
Dropshipping, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, and Airbnb are acknowledged as effective but potentially challenging for beginners.
The ideal opportunity for beginners should have low upfront investment, high profit margins, and the potential for recurring payments.
The video discusses the challenges and opportunities of drop shipping, affiliate marketing, Airbnb arbitrage, and info products for beginners looking to make money online.
Drop shipping has high profit margins but requires a significant upfront investment in marketing.
Affiliate marketing involves substantial upfront work and has a one-off deal type.
Airbnb arbitrage has upfront costs and the profit margins depend on the property.
Info products require time and money for ads and testing, and the fulfillment is a challenging task.
The ideal opportunity for beginners should have low upfront investment, high profit margins, and the potential for recurring payments.
The speaker discusses a business model that involves renting a property and listing it on Airbnb to make a profit, but warns that it requires special licenses and upfront investment.
The transactional value depends on the property size and location.
Upfront investment includes the cost of rent for at least 3 months.
Fulfillment is a one-off sale as properties are not booked continuously.
The speaker introduces a business model called 'drop servicing' as an ideal opportunity for beginners to make money online with high transaction value, low upfront investment, and recurring monthly payments.
'Drop servicing' allows beginners to sell services online with minimal upfront investment.
The business model has high profit margins and clients are willing to pay a recurring monthly fee.
The demand for such services is higher than the number of people who can deliver them, creating a big opportunity for those who take advantage.
The video discusses a business model called drop servicing, where one can sell services online without having to fulfill them, and mentions the potential of the online market.
Drop servicing is the process of selling services online without actually fulfilling them.
The demand for online services has increased due to the digitalization of businesses.
Successful players in the online services market can make more money than famous footballers.
Agents in the online services market can manage multiple clients and earn from their collective success.
The speaker discusses the second cycle of their program, which focuses on outreach and sales in running a marketing agency.
Phase four is about finding leads and setting meetings with potential clients through strategies such as cold email, cold calling, Instagram outreach, and LinkedIn.
Phase five covers the important factor of sales and teaches how to close clients for $1,500 to $10,000 in marketing services.
Real-life examples and sales scripts are provided to support the training, with one student increasing their closes to over $40,000 for the month.
The potential income with the drop servicing agency is virtually uncapped, with a student closing the year at $2 million in sales.
The main driver for positive results in any program is the engaged student community.
A weekly live coaching call with industry experts is created to answer students' questions and provide advice.
Students who implement things the fastest are most likely to succeed, and there is a focus on taking action in the first 6 weeks.
The speaker offers a one-on-one coach and a six-week FastTrack program as a gift for joining the agency Navigator to help the viewers start their drop servicing agency.
The best results in the past were seen when students signed their first client within the first 6 weeks.
The offer includes full access to the agency Navigator program, website templates, funnels, ads, contracts, agreements, sales scripts, private community, and 15 weekly coaching calls.
The speaker emphasizes the need to take action in the first 6 weeks to build the habit of success.
The video offers three programs, including agency Navigator, Penta profit, and six-figure sales rep, to help with sales and outreach.
The total value of the package is $4,500, but it is available for $1,499 for a limited time.
The viewer can access the programs by clicking the link in the description.
The speaker suggests that the promotion may not be available for long and encourages the viewer to take action.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What is the blueprint to making $10,000 a month online as a beginner in 2024?

The blueprint focuses on finding opportunities that allow beginners to learn as they earn without needing to invest a lot of money or spend years acquiring skills. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding debt and choosing beginner-friendly and realistically attainable opportunities.

2. What are the key steps to making $10,000 a month online as a beginner?

The key steps include finding opportunities that allow beginners to make mistakes without financial risk, capitalizing on the digital renaissance, and choosing a business model with high transaction value and low upfront investment. The video also introduces the concept of 'drop servicing' as an ideal opportunity for beginners.

3. Why is it important for beginners to avoid business models that require significant investment?

Beginners should avoid business models that require significant investment to prevent financial loss and potential failure. It is important to choose business models that are beginner-friendly and do not create a high risk of debt.

4. What are the characteristics of an ideal beginner-friendly opportunity to make $10,000 a month online?

An ideal beginner-friendly opportunity should have high transaction value, low upfront investment, minimal upfront work, high profit margins, easy fulfillment, and the potential for recurring payments. The video suggests that such an opportunity exists in the form of a little-known legal loophole.

5. How did the digitalization of businesses create an opportunity to make money online?

The digitalization of businesses, accelerated by the events of 2020 to 2022, has led to a greater demand for online services. This has created an opportunity for individuals to make money online by offering their services to businesses that are transitioning to the digital space.

6. What is the key to success in the program according to the speaker?

The key to success in the program, according to the speaker, is the engaged student community and the implementation of the learning in the first six weeks.

7. What are the phases covered in the second cycle of the program?

The second cycle of the program covers two phases: finding leads and setting meetings (phase four), and sales (phase five), with a focus on closing clients for marketing services.

8. What does the program offer in terms of templates and scripts for agency setup?

The program provides ready-to-use templates for website, contracts, agreements, and the ultimate sales script, which the speaker claims to have refined for years and generated millions of dollars in revenue for their agency.

9. How does the program claim to help individuals succeed in the online opportunity?

The program claims that the majority of people who join start from step zero and have succeeded, with examples of individuals building successful agencies and generating substantial income.

10. What additional support does the program offer to ensure success?

The program offers a private mastermind community for networking, 15 weekly coaching calls with industry experts, and a six-week fast track with a personal success coach to help students get their agency up and running.