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The History Of Agile and Lean

HPT Agile2020-03-28
History#Agile#Scrum#PSM#CSM#Lean#TPS#Toyota Production System#Scrum Training#Agile Training#Lean Training#HPT Agile
39K views|4 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Lean manufacturing began with Henry Ford's assembly line in 1913, evolving into the Toyota Production System focused on waste reduction. Agile development concepts like Scrum emerged in the 1950s, leading to the Agile movement in the 90s with methodologies like XP. The Agile Manifesto in 2001 propelled Agile into efficient product development, expanding beyond software to various industries. Challenges in implementation include fitting with current business models, addressed by new frameworks like SAFe. Agile and lean principles are applicable to complex emergent changes, inviting further discussion and application in today's landscape.

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Evolution of Lean Manufacturing
Henry Ford's assembly line in 1913 revolutionized car production processes by reducing time and cost.
Toyota introduced the Toyota Production System (TPS) in 1948, focusing on waste reduction and efficiency.
TPS emphasized the interaction between technology and workers, leading to the development of lean manufacturing principles.
Lean principles expanded beyond manufacturing, with applications in product development, construction, and government.
Overview of the Agile movement and its evolution in the 90s with methodologies like XP and Scrum leading to the Agile Manifesto in 2001.
Challenges in implementing Agile include integration with existing business models and structures.
Emergence of new frameworks like SAFe, Nexus, and DAD to address enterprise-level Agile needs.
Introduction of Liberating Agile focusing on team empowerment and decision-making in contrast to traditional hierarchical structures.
Evolution of business models to adopt Agile practices, as seen in books like 'Reinventing Organizations', and expansion of Agile principles beyond software development to encompass Lean principles.
Transition from traditional software development to agile methods.
Agile methods offer benefits beyond their original purpose.
Agile and lean principles are applicable to various groups navigating complex emergent changes.
Overview of agile and lean concepts provided in the video.
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