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How to STUDY AFTER SCHOOL When You're Tired

173K views|7 months ago
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The video discusses how students often feel drained and tired after school, making it difficult for them to have energy to study. The presenter suggests rearranging the schedule to do important work before school when the mind is most alert, rather than forcing oneself to study when exhausted in the afternoon. The key point is to overcome the mental constraint of feeling tired and find ways to tackle necessary tasks with determination. In the video, the speaker discusses why students should study after school and provides tips for maintaining discipline and energy levels. He emphasizes the importance of building discipline by studying even when not feeling motivated, challenges the notion of burnout, and questions the need to study after spending 8 hours in school. The speaker also offers tips for boosting energy after school, such as practicing nonsleep deep rest, engaging in physical activity, and utilizing weekends for studying. In the video, the speaker suggests using weekends as an opportunity to study, work on personal goals, or business, instead of wasting time just because everyone else is doing so. They emphasize the importance of maintaining high energy and being productive during weekends, similar to weekdays, in order to form productive habits.

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Many students feel drained and tired after school, making it difficult to study.
After a long day at school, students often feel tired and drained.
The afternoon crash is a normal part of the body's circadian rhythm, leading to low energy levels.
One way to overcome this is to rearrange your schedule and do the hard work before school when your brain is most alert.
Doing the hard work before school can improve your mental health throughout the day and lead to better performance in school.
Top students can benefit from doing their assignments and exam preparation before school, when their focus and motivation are higher.
Even though it may require waking up earlier, getting the important work done before school can make you feel more relaxed and relieved throughout the day.
By doing the hard work early, you free up time after school for other activities or tasks.
A sense of urgency and mental attitude can help overcome afternoon tiredness and motivate students to work on assignments.
Imagine a scenario where someone holds a gun to your head and tells you to do your homework - the sense of urgency would make you do it.
The ability to do homework is not just physical, it's also a mental constraint that can be overcome with the right mindset.
Building discipline is important for studying after school
Discipline is doing something even when you don't feel like it
Practicing discipline will make studying after school a habit
Most students who claim to be burnt out are actually just making excuses
Utilize school hours effectively to avoid the need to study after school
Consider your priorities during school hours
Use unproductive class time for personal projects or studying
Weekends should be used for studying, not just relaxing
Tips for boosting energy after school to study
Try nonsleep deep rest (NSDR) for a quick energy boost
Engage in physical exercise or go for a walk to increase energy levels
Avoid the mindset that weekends are only for relaxing, use them for studying as well
Weekends can be a good opportunity to have high energy and get work done.
Use weekends to study, work on your own goals, or work on your business.
Don't waste weekends just because everyone else is doing it.
Make it a habit to wake up and do the hard stuff as soon as you wake up, even on weekends.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. How can students overcome the lack of energy after school for studying?

Students can overcome the lack of energy after school by rearranging their schedule to do the hard work, such as assignments or exam preparation, before school when they are most alert and focused.

2. What is the first tip for students to overcome the problem of having no energy to study after school?

The first tip is to do the hard work, such as assignments or exam preparation, before school when students are most alert and focused, rather than trying to force themselves to study in the tired and low-motivation period after school.

3. How can students improve their ability to study after school despite feeling tired?

Students can improve their ability to study after school by mentally overcoming the lack of energy and finding ways to do the work, such as imagining a high-stakes situation that requires them to focus and complete their assignments.

4. Why is it important to study after school?

Studying after school is important to build discipline and reinforce learning, as well as to complete any unfinished school work.

5. How can students overcome the feeling of being mentally drained after school?

Students can overcome the feeling of being mentally drained by practicing discipline and using techniques such as nonsleep deep rest (NSDR) to get an instant energy boost.

6. What is the significance of prioritizing study and work during school hours?

Prioritizing study and work during school hours is important to avoid the need for extensive studying after school, and it also helps in utilizing time efficiently.

7. How can students develop a consistent study routine?

Developing a consistent study routine requires practice and discipline. Studying a little bit every day is more effective than cramming all the work on the weekends.

8. How can weekends be a good opportunity to be productive?

Weekends can be a good opportunity to be productive by dedicating time to study, work on personal goals, or a business, instead of wasting it.

9. What is the importance of creating habits for productivity?

Creating habits is important for productivity as the more something is made a habit, the easier it becomes to do it every single day.

10. How can one maintain high energy to get work done during the weekends?

One can maintain high energy to get work done during the weekends by waking up early and tackling the hard tasks first.