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UX Evening at Google: Career Development

Google Design2021-03-23
19K views|3 years ago
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The video features discussions on UX career development, leadership, communication skills, relationship building, mentorship, self-reflection, and design principles. Various speakers share insights on career growth, learning, and adapting in the UX field, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement, adaptability, and building a diverse skill set. They highlight the value of effective communication, career transitions, portfolio building, and multi-hat experiences in various roles. The speakers encourage feedback, community engagement, and intentional paths for personal and professional growth, emphasizing the universal language of design and the significance of learning and evolving in the industry.

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Discussion on UX career development with insights and tips from three UX leaders.
Presenter Rob Yeomans, a director at Google and YouTube, shares practical advice for different phases of a UX career.
Yeomans discusses his background in research, design, and user experience, holding a PhD in cognitive psychology.
Yeomans has authored numerous articles on design and cognition, offering valuable insights for viewers.
Viewers are encouraged to follow Yeomans on social media for more UX tips and advice.
Career phases of the speaker: scientist/educator, entrepreneur, and current UX director at YouTube.
Emphasis on the importance of vision and values in leadership, particularly in aligning organizational values.
Role at YouTube involves building tools for creators and evolving leadership approach to focus on vision and values.
Positive impact of YouTube highlighted, along with the need to lead a complex organization effectively.
Importance of Letting Go of Skills as a Leader
Emphasizes the role of a director as a servant leader, focused on helping the team succeed and grow.
Individuals aspiring to lead organizations need to develop key skills such as empathy, communication, and adaptability.
References a study conducted with other researchers, highlighting the value of continuous learning and collaboration in leadership roles.
Importance of Communication Skills in Human Factors Programs.
Professionals stress the significance of strong communication skills for success in the UX industry.
Reading books such as 'Liftoff' is advised for progressing into design leadership roles.
Continuous learning and effective pitching of ideas are crucial for career development.
Communication, pitching skills, and continuous learning are essential for advancement in the field.
Importance of Relationships and Relationship Building in Career Growth.
Emphasis on mapping out important connections and being mindful of relationships.
Tip on managing up by understanding and meeting the expectations of superiors.
Encouragement to be proactive in seeking feedback and aligning goals with managers.
Ultimate goal of fostering career growth and advancement through relationship management.
Importance of learning from managers and managing up for career growth.
Managers recommending learning resources, such as a book on coaching by Phil Jackson, to enhance skills and knowledge.
Personal experience of benefiting from learning visual design from a colleague, Veronica, within the organization.
Encouragement to stay curious, explore different roles, and seek new learning opportunities for continuous career development.
Importance of seeking mentorship outside of your discipline for career progression.
Building relationships and seeking guidance from individuals in other areas helps develop skills for senior roles.
Recognizing similarities in challenges and solutions across different professions can provide a broader perspective for career growth.
Emphasizing the value of a diverse mentorship approach for success in various disciplines.
Importance of self-reflection in growing a career in UX.
Identifying what excites and motivates individuals in their work is crucial for career growth.
Understanding preferences, such as tasks enjoyed and disliked, can lead to fulfillment within an organization.
By reflecting on personal interests and dislikes, individuals can navigate their career paths more effectively.
Key questions can help individuals work towards becoming leaders in the field of UX.
Importance of seeking feedback to identify strengths and weaknesses, understanding different business setups and roles within organizations, and recognizing the skill sets needed for success.
The speaker shares their career journey, starting as an individual contributor before becoming a people's manager, highlighting challenges faced in career progression and the lack of clarity around leadership and management.
In their early career in a digital ad agency, brainstorming ideas, making pitches, and finding inspiration were crucial aspects of their job as a designer.
Discussion of favorite design publication, Creative Review, praising cover design and top design works.
Importance of strengthening craft skills, executing visual design, style guides, branding, and conceptualization.
Experience transitioning to in-house development team at Creative Tech, learning to work with tech constraints and appreciate developers.
Growth as a UX designer applying human factor design principles rooted in ergonomics, focusing on human behavior and user interaction.
Recommendation for designers to enhance human factors knowledge, referencing a book on the subject.
Key concepts in physical ergonomics and design for usability.
Physical ergonomics focuses on how the human body interacts with work demands.
Designing for context of use, including differences between indoor and outdoor usage.
Consistency in design aids in skill transfer across different parts of a product or platform.
Efficiency in tech speed involves reducing friction and cognitive load for users.
Importance of clear communication in aiding customers with error recovery.
Transition to a new role at the bank involves collaborating with business owners and subject matter experts, with challenges in translating requirements to design.
Key skills emphasized include asking insightful questions, utilizing problem-solving techniques like design thinking, mapping stakeholders for project success, and communicating in the language of business for alignment and buy-ins.
Encouragement to focus on strengths and weaknesses for skill development.
Becoming a 't-ship designer' by identifying energy sources and drains.
Recognizing personal and organizational maturity levels when considering career paths.
Emphasizing the freedom to switch paths and try new tracks.
Encouragement to find value in the talk and thanking the audience for their time.
Randy's background in writing, design, and e-commerce highlights the importance of diverse backgrounds in UX and design careers.
Traditional training is not always necessary for success in UX and design careers, according to Randy.
Randy emphasizes the evolving world of work may not require formal education in design, stressing the value of experience.
Insights shared by Randy include the importance of leveraging experience and staying relevant in the field of UX practice.
Importance of Design as a Fundamental Skill.
Design principles such as UX thinking, typography, and visual communication are essential for effective communication.
Design is a universal language that can be applied in various contexts, from creating articles to sending emails.
Mastering foundational design skills is crucial for success and should not be limited to certain individuals.
Importance of continuous learning and improvement in design.
Design is a language used to express solutions, not the solution itself.
Rapid evolution of the industry requires professionals to constantly adapt and learn new concepts.
Having various design skills is beneficial but not defining.
The key meta skill for UX professionals is the ability to learn effectively and understanding one's preferred learning method is essential for personal and professional growth.
Importance of understanding your learning style in UX design.
Story of taking a chance on a team member without obvious UX experience who excelled and became a director.
Key takeaway is to keep an open mind, always be learning, and be prepared to learn everything to excel in design.
Emphasizes the importance of building on design language for better expression of ideas and solutions with proficiency over time.
Emphasis on Building a Community and Encouraging Questions.
Acknowledgment of Technical Issues and Plans for Video Repair.
Highlighting Communication Skills and Career Development, including learning design vocabulary and understanding multiple meanings of words in professional settings.
Discussion on the Importance of Effective Communication within Organizations and suggestions for developing career skills at different stages.
Encouraging Audience Engagement and Questioning, promoting career reflection and growth.
Improving communication skills through recording interviews, identifying biases, and cultivating storytelling abilities is essential for effective communication.
Constraints in real-world scenarios can lead to better design and differ from academic environments.
Transitioning from school to industry involves considering specialized or general backgrounds, with a focus on UX.
The importance of communication in UX and industry work is emphasized, including incentives, rewards, and differences in work environments.
Contrasting educational versus industry experiences in UX field.
Adapting to new environments is crucial in UX careers, with varied structures and outcomes.
Diverse life experiences play a significant role in shaping one's career in UX.
UX is messy and cross-disciplinary, involving skills like entrepreneurship, pitching, crafting, and research.
The speaker values the different perspectives and skills encompassed within the UX field.
Importance of career transitions and obtaining a PhD for applying knowledge.
Emphasizing relevant experiences in job interviews based on the audience.
Selective storytelling for a compelling narrative during interviews.
Strategic presentation of qualifications and experiences is crucial.
Tips for Building a Career in Portfolio Development.
Consider working for free or doing short-term internships to gain experience.
Freelancing can help develop negotiation and problem-solving skills.
Networking and meeting people can open up unexpected opportunities.
Working at both big and small companies offers advantages for career growth and development.
Importance of multi-hat experience in different roles.
Emphasizes understanding and appreciating others' responsibilities in various environments.
Encourages continuous learning and growth in UX career.
Gratitude towards team for organizing event.
Welcoming feedback and ideas for future improvements.
Conclusion of the segment with a call for feedback and suggestions for future topics.
Emphasis on setting intentional paths for self-care and growth in the new year.
Thanking the audience and Google team for their participation and support.
Expressing gratitude for the event and hoping it was beneficial for attendees.
Concluding with thanks and a mention of UX evening cyclical.