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TALK: What Keeps Me Up at Night (SPAN NYC 2015)

Google Design2015-11-06
google#designers#multi device reality#virtual reality#Ubiquitous Computing (Field Of Study)#Jon Wiley#Google Design#SPAN15#design#span2015#cardboard
2K views|8 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses the evolution and advancements in immersive design, focusing on Google Cardboard technology, virtual reality, and the challenges and opportunities in VR design. It explores the transition from traditional mobile design to VR, the importance of human-computer interaction, and the potential of augmented reality. The speaker emphasizes the need for proactive design to anticipate and address negative outcomes of technology advancements. The future of design lies in crafting believable narratives to guide innovation and create a better world through managing complexity and minimizing unintended consequences.

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📊 Transcript
John Wiley discusses his role in immersive design and advancements in virtual and augmented reality technology.
He explains the concept of what excites him, including attending Google I/O and presenting material design.
Wiley shares his experience announcing Google Cardboard and assembling it, noting initial confusion from the audience.
He highlights the evolving frontier of immersive design and the exciting projects he is working on.
Wiley emphasizes the advancements in immersive technology and the potential for future innovation in the field.
Highlights of Google Cardboard Technology
Google Cardboard technology is simple, using basic materials like cardboard and lenses to create a virtual reality experience with smartphones.
The technology provides an immersive 3D experience that exceeds expectations, leading to delight.
Cardboard leverages sensors in smartphones for orientation detection, allowing users to explore virtual environments by moving their heads.
The technology is innovative and accessible, serving as a gateway to virtual reality.
Transition from Design Job to Full-Time VR Work
The speaker left his comfortable design job to focus on VR full-time, discussing the evolution of virtual reality technology.
Accessibility of VR Technology
Mobile technology has made VR more accessible by providing components for a realistic VR experience.
Future of VR Devices
Predictions for a surge in VR devices available to consumers in the next year to 18 months, including options like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Sony Morpheus.
Discussion on the hype and noise surrounding VR technology.
Acknowledgment of the promising aspects of VR but also highlighting complexities and user experience challenges.
Excitement about the potential of VR for product experiences, especially in fields like astronomy.
Emphasis on the importance of VR being engaging and appealing to designers, bridging the gap between humans and computers.
Touching upon the evolution of computer language and the adaptability of humans in this context.
Computer interfaces have evolved from command line interfaces to graphical user interfaces to touch screens.
Touch screens on smartphones allow users to directly manipulate software, leading to increased computer usage.
Material design principles focus on creating interfaces that align with human physical expectations, like mass and momentum.
Authentic software interfaces require complexity, including motion graphics and considerations for performance such as frame rate and latency.
These elements combine to provide a fluid and continuous user experience on modern devices.
Transition to virtual reality design presents new challenges and complexities compared to traditional mobile design.
VR design requires closer integration between computers and humans, focusing on physical interactions and meeting user expectations.
Despite limited consumer adoption, there is growing interest and investment in VR design.
Google's Cardboard Design Lab provides a platform for exploring VR design concepts.
VR design is seen as a significant opportunity for enhancing human-computer interaction and empowering users with more powerful computing capabilities.
Importance of experiencing virtual reality firsthand.
The difference between three degrees of freedom and six degrees of freedom in VR devices is explained, emphasizing the role of proprioception.
Challenges of proprioception, vergence-accommodation conflict, and depth perception in virtual reality design are discussed.
It is essential to consider optics and eye functionality when designing VR experiences.
A simple demonstration of how the brain determines depth perception using stereo images is provided.
VR devices use virtual screens projected at a specific distance to reduce eye fatigue and sim sickness.
Sim sickness can occur in VR due to conflicting signals between visual and vestibular systems, potentially causing physical illness.
Designing VR experiences requires careful consideration to avoid discomfort or sickness.
Performance and frame dropping can also contribute to sim sickness in VR.
Challenges in Virtual Reality Environments
A bug led to a VR user's environment turning 180 degrees, causing panic and a fall.
Hand tracking in VR is difficult, similar to challenges in voice recognition technology.
VR interactions currently rely on controller devices, with haptic feedback for immersion.
Design considerations include seated interactions for VR applications.
Transitioning from 2D to 3D design in VR.
The speaker discusses the challenges of adjusting to the differences in visual appeal between 2D and 3D design.
Theater background influences design process.
Theater experience allows for individual control over the camera, shaping viewer's experience.
Importance of theatrical design principles in VR, such as staging, lighting, and architecture, for creating immersive virtual environments.
Considerations for designing VR interfaces.
VR interfaces should prioritize human comfort to prevent strain on neck muscles.
Gesamtkunstwerk concept involves combining different art forms for a harmonious experience.
Current VR design tools are limited, leading to the need to learn Unity for quick prototyping.
Future of VR design may require more specialized roles, such as 3D generalists, modelers, and lighting experts.
The future of design for virtual environments, augmented reality, and Internet of Things is rapidly evolving.
Mobile technology is increasing access to network supercomputers globally.
The Internet of Things and projects like the physical web are integrating technology into everyday objects.
Advancements in capture technologies for Virtual Reality aim to replicate reality and potentially allow for teleportation.
Fully capturing and broadcasting environments in real-time could lead to revolutionary immersive experiences.
The potential of augmented reality and its impact on technology and society.
Emphasizes the importance of proactive design to address negative outcomes of advancing technology.
Designers must stay ahead of future technology complexity to create a positive future.
Unintended consequences of technology complexity could lead to negative effects without proactive measures.
Understanding and anticipating technological trends is crucial for maximizing benefits and minimizing pitfalls.
Importance of focusing on designing systems, platforms, and tools through meta design.
Designers should invest in their own tools and approaches to create solutions that can withstand technological complexity.
Exploring new technologies outside of one's expertise is essential.
Enterprise and accessibility technology often lead innovation, emphasizing the need for designers to create better software and tools.
Goal is to tell a story about the world we want to live in by managing complexity and minimizing unintended consequences.
Importance of crafting believable and detailed stories to guide technology development.
Emphasize on narrative that is both true to technology's capabilities and aspirational.
Anticipate and prepare for complexity to create a better world.
Building tools and systems to amplify network effects.
Encouragement to work on these aspects for positive change in technology.